Global and China Elevator Industry Report, 2016-2020
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In 2015, the global elevator sales volume dropped for the first time within 20 years to 803,000, down 3% year on year. This was mainly due to the decline in the housing demand in China. In 2016, the sluggish Chinese market may further drag down the global elevator sales volume to 783,000.
At present, China has become the world's largest elevator market in terms of production and consumption. Major global brands have established sole proprietorships or joint ventures in China which acts as the world's elevator factory and manufacturing center.
In 2015-2016, Chinese elevator market characterizes the followings:
1, The new elevator sales volume slumped, but it had little effect on several large elevator companies
In 2015, the real estate downturn and frequent elevator accidents led to the decline in China’s elevator sales volume for the first time in recent years, from 500,000 in 2014 to 480,000, down 4% year on year. In 2016, the sales volume will continue to drop.
Sharp fall in new elevator sales exerted greater impact on SMEs (Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises) instead of several large elevator companies which saw higher sales volume by holding abundant capital, stable customers and stronger competitiveness. In 2015, Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry Co., Ltd., Canny Elevator Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Guangri Stock Co., Ltd. achieved the respective sales volume of 61,898 units, 19,530 units and 11,016 units, up 4.5%, 10.6% and 2.0% separately.
Market Share of China Elevator Industry, 2015 (by Company)

Source: ResearchInChina
2, The maintenance market turned to be a new profit growth engine, so that major companies intensified layout
Based on the elevator stock market, the elevator maintenancebusiness is featured with high margin and huge market space. By the end of 2015, China had owned a total of 4 million elevators. Assuming the unit maintenance is RMB8,000 / year, Chinese elevator maintenance market size will be RMB32 billion.
Although the maintenance revenue contributes little, most of Chinese enterprises have realized that the maintenance market becomes a new profit growth engine for the elevator industry; in this case, they have stepped up the layout of a nationwide marketing network to seize the market.
By the end of 2015, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd had established more than 80 branches and over 360 maintenance service outlets in the country; in 2015, it garnered RMB4.088 billion from installation, maintenance and other services, accounting for 23.2% of the company’s total revenue. Meanwhile, Canny Elevator Co., Ltd. set up 79 branches and service centers, of which 23 ones obtainedClass-A installation and maintenance qualifications; the annual revenue of installation and maintenance reached RMB306 million, accounting for 9.4% of total revenue.
Elevator exports increased steadily thanks to the main exporters -- Jiangsu and Zhejiang
In 2015, China exported 74,101 passenger elevators, escalators and moving walkways, increasing by 5,191 units from a year ago; the export value jumped 8% year on year to USD2.1202 billion.
Zhejiang and Jiangsu are the main provinces exporting passenger elevators and escalators in China. In 2015, Jiangsu ranked first in the country with the export volume of 25,999, equivalent to 48.5% of total exports. 6,911 escalators were exported, accounting for 33.6%.
The new elevator market is expected to rebound in recent years; themaintenance market based on the stock market will grow stably
In 2016, the elevator demand is expected to fall again amid the slowdown of Chinese real estate sector, and the sales volume is estimated at about 470,000. In 2017-2020, the sales volume may rebound under the impetus of urbanization, aging population, fast-growing urban rail transit, gradual enforcement of elevator installation policies as well as an increasing number of old elevators to be replaced. By 2020, the sales volume is expected to reach 650,000, the elevator ownership 5.9 million, and the maintenance market size RMB47.2 billion.
Global and China Elevator Industry Report, 2016-2020 highlights the followings:
Overview of global elevator industry, including new elevator market, maintenance market and competitive landscape;
Overview of China elevator industry, embracing new elevator market, maintenance market, development trend and competitive landscape between major companies;
Demand of China elevator industry, covering demand structure and main influencing factors;
Operation, elevator business, output, sales volume, major projects and major customers of 10 domestic elevator companies; operation, elevator business and development in China of seven foreign elevator companies.
1 Overview of Elevator Industry
1.1 Overview
1.2 Policy Environment
2 Development of Global Elevator Industry
2.1 New Elevator Market
2.1.1 Elevator Sales Volume Dropped for the First Time within 20 Years
2.1.2 New Elevator Sales by Region
2.2 Maintenance Market
2.2.1 Elevator Ownership
2.2.2 Maintenance Market Becomes a Major Growth Engine
2.3 Competitive Landscape
2.4 Development Mode
2.4.1 Two Modes
2.4.2 Business Development in Asia Pacific
2.4.3 Global Expansion
3 Development of China Elevator Industry
3.1 Product Structure
3.2 New Elevator Market
3.2.1 Status Quo
3.2.2 Sales Volume
3.2.3 Sales Volume of Major Enterprises
3.3 Maintenance Market
3.3.1 Status Quo
3.3.2 Elevator Ownership
3.3.3 Maintenance Market Size
3.3.4 Maintenance Business Comparison between Major Enterprises
3.3.5 Layout of Domestic Elevator Manufacturers in Maintenance Market
3.4 Import and Export
3.4.1 Import Tends to Decline
3.4.2 Export Grows Steadily
3.4.3 Import and Export Unit Price
3.5 Competitive Landscape
3.5.1 Layout of Foreign Brands in China
3.5.2 Financing of Local Enterprises
3.5.3 Operating Result Comparison between Major Enterprises
4 Demand of China Elevator Industry
4.1 Downstream Demand Structure
4.2 Demand Composition
4.3 Influencing Factors
4.3.1 Real Estate Sector
4.3.2 Urbanization
4.3.3 Aging Population
4.3.4 Urban Rail Transit
4.3.5 Renewal and Upgrading of Old Elevators
5 Key Elevator Companies in China
5.1 Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry Co., Ltd.
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Revenue Structure
5.1.4 Gross Margin
5.1.5 Major Customers
5.1.6 Elevator Business
5.1.7 Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd
5.1.8 Major Orders of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd
5.1.9 Mitsubishi Electric Shanghai Electric Elevator Co., Ltd.
5.1.10 Elevator Output and Sales Volume
5.1.11 R&D Investment
5.1.12 Development Forecast
5.2 Guangzhou Guangri Stock Co., Ltd.
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Revenue Structure
5.2.4 Gross Margin
5.2.5 Major Customers
5.2.6 Elevator Business
5.2.7 Guangri Elevator
5.2.8 Typical Projects
5.2.9 Elevator Output and Sales Volume
5.2.10 R&D Investment
5.2.11 Development Forecast
5.3 Canny Elevator Co., Ltd.
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Revenue Structure
5.3.4 Gross Margin
5.3.5 Major Customers
5.3.6 Elevator Output and Sales Volume
5.3.7 Typical Projects
5.3.8 R&D Investment
5.3.9 Development Forecast
5.4 SJEC Corporation
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Revenue Structure
5.4.4 Gross Margin
5.4.5 Elevator Output and Sales Volume
5.4.6 Foreign Typical Projects
5.4.7 R&D Investment
5.4.8 Establishment of "Internet + Elevator Service System Center"
5.4.9 Orders
5.4.10 Development Forecast
5.5 Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group Co., Ltd.
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Revenue Structure
5.5.4 Gross Margin
5.5.5 Major Customers
5.5.6 Elevator Output and Sales Volume
5.5.7 Foreign Typical Projects
5.5.8 R&D Investment
5.5.9 Development Forecast
5.6 Shenlong Elevator Co., Ltd.
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Revenue Structure
5.6.4 Gross Margin
5.6.5 Elevator Capacity, Output and Sales Volume
5.6.6 Major Customers
5.6.7 Foreign Typical Projects
5.6.8 R&D Investment
5.6.9 Development Forecast
5.7 Dongnan Elevator Co., Ltd.
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Revenue Structure
5.7.4 Gross Margin
5.7.5 Major Customers
5.7.6 Special Elevator Typical Projects
5.7.7 R&D Investment
5.7.8 Development Forecast
5.8 Shandong Bunse Elevator Co., Ltd.
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 Revenue Structure
5.8.4 Gross Margin
5.8.5 Major Customers
5.8.6 Typical Projects
5.8.7 R&D Investment
5.8.8 Development Forecast
5.9 Hunan Sinda Elevator Co., Ltd.
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.9.3 Revenue Structure
5.9.4 Gross Margin
5.9.5 Major Customers
5.9.6 Typical Projects
5.9.7 R&D Investment
5.9.8 Development Forecast
5.10 Rhine Elevator
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Operation
5.10.3 Revenue Structure
5.10.4 Gross Margin
5.10.5 Major Customers
5.10.6 R&D Investment
5.10.7 Development Forecast
6 Key Foreign Elevator Companies
6.1 Otis
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Orders
6.1.4 Development in China
6.1.5 Xizi Otis
6.1.6 Main Elevator Orders of Xizi Otis
6.2 Hitachi
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Elevator Business
6.2.4 Development in China
6.2.5 Orders in China
6.3 Schindler
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Orders
6.3.4 Development in China
6.3.5 Orders in China
6.4 ThyssenKrupp
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Elevator Business
6.4.4 Development in China
6.4.5 Orders in China
6.5 Toshiba
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Elevator Business
6.5.4 Development in China
6.5.5 Orders in China
6.6 Fujitec
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 New Mid-term Management Plan
6.6.4 Orders
6.6.5 Development in China
6.6.6 Orders in China
6.7 Kone
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Revenue Structure
6.7.4 Development in China
6.7.5 Orders in China
Classification of Elevator Products
Main Components of Elevator
Laws and Regulations on Chinese Elevator Industry
Policies on Chinese Elevator Industry
Global Elevator Sales Volume, 2010-2020E
Global Elevator Sales Volume (by Region), 2010-2016E
Global Elevator Sales Volume (by Region), 2014-2015
Structure of Global Elevator Sales Volume (by Country), 2015
Share of Global Newly-Installed Elevator Orders (by Region), 2005-2015
Elevator Ownership per 1000 People and Utilization Rate in Major Countries, 2010-2030E
Global Elevator Ownership, 2013-2020E
Share of Global Elevator Ownership (by Region), 2015
KONE’s Maintenance Revenue as a Percentage of Total Revenue, 2005-2015
Global Elevator Market Share, 2015
KONE’s Revenue in China as a Percentage of Total Revenue, 2015
KONE’s M&A Cases and Their Influences
Schindler’s M&A Cases
Structure of Elevator Product
Market Share of High/Medium Speed Elevator Product in China, 2005-2015
China’s Elevator Sales Volume, 2012-2020E
Sales Volume of Major Chinese Elevator Enterprises, 2015
Structure of China’s Elevator Sales Volume (by Enterprise), 2015
Elevator Sales of Major Chinese Elevator Enterprises, 2015
New Elevator Market Share in China (by Enterprise), 2015
Elevator Maintenance Market Share in China, 2015
Elevator Ownership in China, 2015-2020E
Elevator Maintenance Market Size in China, 2015-2020E
Major Chinese Elevator Enterprises’Installation & Maintenance Revenue as a Percentage of Total Revenue
China’s Passenger Elevator/Escalator/Moving Walk Import Volume and Value, 2010-2015
Top 10 Countries by Passenger Elevator Import Volume in China, 2015
Top 10 Countries by Escalator/Moving Walk Import Volume in China, 2015
China’s Passenger Elevator/Escalator/Moving Walk Export Volume and Value, 2010-2015
Top 10 Chinese Provinces by Passenger Elevator Export Volume, 2015
Top 10 Chinese Provinces by Escalator/Moving Walk Export Volume, 2015
Top 10 Countries by Passenger Elevator Export Volume in China, 2015
Top 10 Countries by Escalator/Moving Walk Export Volume in China, 2015
China’s Passenger Elevator Import and Export Price, 2010-2015
China’s Escalator/Moving Walk Import and Export Price, 2010-2015
Market Share of Elevator Industry in China (by Enterprise), 2015
Comparison between Chinese and International Enterprises in High Speed Elevator Layout
Layout of Major Foreign Elevator Brands in China
Developments of Foreign Elevator Enterprises in China, 2011-2015
Comparison of Revenue from Major Chinese Elevator Enterprises, 2013-2016
Comparison of Net Income from Major Chinese Elevator Enterprises, 2013-2016
Elevator Downstream Demand Structure in China
Elevator Demand Market Components
Factors Influencing Elevator Demand Market Segments
Composition of Elevator Demand in China, 2015
Completed Investment in China’s Real Estate Development, 2010-2015
Growth of Commercial Residential Building Sales Area and Sales in China, 2014-2015
Density of Elevator Configuration in China, 2000-2015
Urbanization Rate in China, 2010-2015
Characteristics of Demand for Elevators under the New-type Urbanization
Proportion of Population Aged 60 or Above in China, 2010-2015
Urban Rail Transit in China
Total Operating Mileage of Urban Rail Transit in China, 2012-2015
Number of Elevators to Be Updated in China, 2010-2024E
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry, 2013-2016
Revenue Breakdown of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry (by Product), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry (by Product), 2014-2015
Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2014-2015
Operating Performance of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2014-2015
Installation & Maintenance Revenue of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2014-2015
Milestones in Development of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator
Main Orders of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator
Operating Performance of Mitsubishi Electric Shanghai Electric Elevator, 2014-2015
Elevator Output and Sales Volume of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry, 2014-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry, 2014-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry, 2015-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2013-2016
Revenue Breakdown of Guangzhou Guangri Stock (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Guangzhou Guangri Stock (by Region), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Guangzhou Guangri Stock (by Product), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Guangzhou Guangri Stock (by Region), 2014-2015
Guangzhou Guangri Stock’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2014-2015
Main Production Bases of Guangzhou Guangri Stock
Financial Indexes of Guangzhou Guangri Elevator Industry, 2014-2015
Typical Projects of Guangzhou Guangri Elevator Industry
Production and Sales of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2013-2015
Guangzhou Guangri Stock’s Layout in Industry 4.0 Intelligence Platform
Revenue and Net Income of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2015-2020E
Production Base Layout of Canny Elevator
Global Layout of Canny Elevator
Revenue and Net Income of Canny Elevator, 2013-2016
Revenue Breakdown of Canny Elevator (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of Canny Elevator (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Canny Elevator (by Region), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of Canny Elevator (by Region), 2014-2015
Main Overseas Projects of Canny Elevator
Gross Margin of Canny Elevator, 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Canny Elevator (by Product), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Canny Elevator (by Region), 2014-2015
Canny Elevator’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2014-2015
Major Customers of Canny Elevator
Output and Sales Volume of Canny Elevator, 2014-2015
Typical Projects of Canny Elevator
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Canny Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Canny Elevator, 2015-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of SJEC Corporation, 2013-2016
Revenue Breakdown of SJEC Corporation (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of SJEC Corporation (by Product), 2015
Revenue Breakdown of SJEC Corporation (by Region), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of SJEC Corporation (by Region), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of SJEC Corporation (by Product), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of SJEC Corporation (by Region), 2014-2015
Production and Sales of SJEC Corporation (by Product), 2013-2015
Typical Overseas Projects of SJEC Corporation
R&D Costs of SJEC Corporation, 2014-2015
Amount of Valid Orders Being Executed by SJEC Corporation, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of SJEC Corporation, 2015-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group, 2013-2016
Revenue Breakdown of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group (by Product), 2014-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group (by Region), 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group (by Region), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group, 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group (by Product), 2014-2015
Gross Margin of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group (by Region), 2014-2015
Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2014-2015
Production and Sales of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group, 2014-2015
Typical Overseas Projects of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group
R&D Costs of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group, 2015-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of Shenlong Elevator, 2012-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Shenlong Elevator (by Product), 2012-2014
Revenue Breakdown of Shenlong Elevator (by Region), 2012-2014
Revenue Structure of Shenlong Elevator (by Product), 2012-2014
Gross Profit of Shenlong Elevator (by Product), 2012-2014
Gross Margin of Shenlong Elevator (by Product), 2012-2014
Output of Shenlong Elevator, 2012-2014
Sales Volume of Shenlong Elevator (by Product), 2012-2014
Unit Product Price of Shenlong Elevator, 2012-2014
Top 5 Export Customers of Shenlong Elevator, 2012-2014
Top 5 Accessories Sales Customers of Shenlong Elevator, 2012-2014
Typical Overseas Projects of Shenlong Elevator
R&D Costs of Shenlong Elevator, 2012-2014
Use of Shenlong Elevator’s IPO Raised Funds, 2015
Revenue and Net Income of Shenlong Elevator, 2015-2020E
Application Cases of Dongnan Elevator’s Special Elevator Products
Revenue and Net Income of Dongnan Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Dongnan Elevator (by Product), 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Dongnan Elevator (by Product), 2013-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Dongnan Elevator (by Region), 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Dongnan Elevator (by Region), 2013-2015
Gross Margin of Dongnan Elevator, 2013-2015
Gross Margin of Dongnan Elevator (by Product), 2013-2015
Dongnan Elevator’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2013-2015
Typical Projects for Special Elevators of Dongnan Elevator
R&D Costs of Dongnan Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Dongnan Elevator, 2015-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of Shandong Bunse Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Shandong Bunse Elevator (by Business), 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Shandong Bunse Elevator (by Business), 2013-2015
Gross Margin of Shandong Bunse Elevator, 2013-2015
Top 5 Customers of Shandong Bunse Elevator, 2014-2015
Typical Projects of Shandong Bunse Elevator
R&D Costs of Shandong Bunse Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Shandong Bunse Elevator, 2015-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of Hunan Sinda Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Hunan Sinda Elevator (by Business), 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Hunan Sinda Elevator (by Business), 2013-2015
Gross Margin of Hunan Sinda Elevator, 2013-2015
Hunan Sinda Elevator’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2014-2015
Typical Projects of Hunan Sinda Elevator
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Hunan Sinda Elevator, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Hunan Sinda Elevator, 2015-2020E
Main Technologies of Rhine Lift
Main Elevator Products of Rhine Lift
Revenue and Net Income of Rhine Lift,2013-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Rhine Lift (by Business), 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Rhine Lift (by Business), 2013-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Rhine Lift (by Region), 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Rhine Lift (by Region), 2013-2015
Gross Margin of Rhine Lift, 2013-2015
Top 5 Customers of Rhine Lift, 2013-2015
R&D Costs of Rhine Lift,2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Rhine Lift, 2015-2020E
Main Financial Indexes ofOtis, 2012-2016
Major Orders for Otis Worldwide
Expansion Process of Otis in China
Major Elevator Orders for Otis in China, 2009-2016
Main Financial Indexes ofXizi Otis, 2015
Major Elevator Orders for Xizi Otis, 2011-2015
Main Financial Indexes ofHitachi, FY2014-FY2015
Revenue Structure of Hitachi (by Division), FY2014-FY2015
Revenue Breakdown of Hitachi (by Region), FY2014-FY2015
Revenue and Operating Income of Hitachi’s Social Infrastructure & Industrial Systems, FY2015
Global Layout of Hitachi Elevators
Development History of Hitachi Elevators
Main Elevator Projects of Hitachi, FY2015
Profile of Hitachi Elevator (China)
Major Elevator Manufacturing Bases of Hitachi in China
Revenue and Net Income of Hitachi Elevator (China), 2011-2015
Main Elevator Orders of Hitachi in China, 2011-2016
Development History of Schindler
Main Financial Indexes of Schindler, 2014-2016
Amount of Schindler’sUndelivered Orders, 2011-2015
Structure of Schindler’s Revenue and Undelivered Orders (by Region), 2005-2015
Development Course of Schindler China
Main Orders of Schindler in China, 2015-2016
Order Amount and Sales of ThyssenKrupp, FY2014-FY2016
Order Amount of ThyssenKrupp (by Business), FY2014-FY2016
Sales of ThyssenKrupp (by Business), FY2014-FY2016
Order Amount and Sales of ThyssenKrupp Elevators, FY2014-FY2016
Development Course of ThyssenKrupp in China
Production Bases of ThyssenKrupp Elevator in China
Main Elevator Orders of ThyssenKrupp in China
Main Financial Indexes of Toshiba, FY2015-FY2016
Revenue and Operating Income Structure of Toshiba (by Business), FY2014-FY2015
Development History of Toshiba Elevators
Sales and Operating Income of Toshiba Community Solutions, FY2014-FY2015
Main Elevator Projects of Toshiba
Main Escalator Projects of Toshiba
Global Layout of Fujitec
Main Financial Indexes of Fujitec, FY2014-FY2015
Revenue Structure of Fujitec (by Region), FY2014-FY2015
Revenue Breakdown of Fujitec (by Region), FY2016E
Medium-term Business Plan for Fujitec
Orders of Fujitec, 2014-2015
Orders of Fujitec (by Region), FY2013-FY2015
Main Elevator Projects of Fujitec
Layout of Fujitec in China
Elevator Manufacturing Bases of Fujitec in China
Main Elevator Projects of Fujitec in China
Global Business Distribution of KONE
Main Financial Indexes of KONE, 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of KONE (by Region), 2005-2015
Revenue Structure of KONE (by Business), 2005-2015
Dominant Companies of KONE in China
Development History of KONE in China
Main Orders of KONE in China, 2016
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