Global and China Industrial Laser Industry Report, 2017-2021
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Industrial laser as the laser light generation and output device is the foundation of laser and its application technology. In 2016, global industrial laser market was worth USD3.16 billion, up 10.2% year on year, of which, the Chinese market reported RMB3.68 billion (approximately USD560 million), increasing by 11.7% year on year and accounting for roughly 17.7% globally. With the continuous development of industrial laser technology, China will see a steadily rising proportion of the global market, expected to exceed 20% in 2021.
The highlights in the industrial laser market in 2016 are listed as follows:
First, the continuation of M&A and reorganization boom in 2015. As the industrial laser market competition becomes fiercer, domestic and foreign companies have improved market competitiveness through the means such as M&A and reorganization. In the Chinese market, Chutian Laser was incorporated with Unity Laser in March 2016 for further increasing market share; Han’s Laser bought a Canadian special optical fiber company named CorActive High-Tech Inc. in November 2016 to expand upstream raw material industries of fiber laser. In the international market, Coherent reported a further rise in high-end product market share through the acquisition of Rofin in October 2016.
Second, the rapid development of laser display market. In 2016, global micro-processing market grew at a pace of more than 50% and the proportion of demand grew to 35% or so, mainly owing to the further increased proportion of demand for excimer laser in laser micro-processing market with the rising of laser TV and mini laser projector.
Third, China’s continuous breakthroughs in fiber laser technology barriers. The successful development of 10000W laser fiber in 2013 reduced imported products’ price from RMB5 million per unit to RMB3 million or more per unit. In 2016, 12000W fiber laser and 20000W fiber laser came out in succession, which brought another slump in the import price of related products.
Fourth, extreme ultraviolet laser development boosted by EUV. Currently, EUV technology is advancing towards mass production and application, resulting in constant improvement in the productivity and availability of extreme ultraviolet laser equipment. Therefore, more semiconductor companies have begun to order EUV extreme ultraviolet lasers.
As concerns market structure, global industrial laser market is currently dominated by TRUMPF and IPG, which claimed a combined market share of more than 50% in 2016; Coherent saw market share grow to about 10% upon the acquisition of Rofin. In China, Han’s Laser leads the industrial laser market, gaining over 45% market share in China but less than 5% globally in 2016.
By segment, the development of laser is mainly focused on semiconductor laser, fiber laser and disc laser. In the future, ultrafast laser will also be a rapidly growing segment of the market, with global market size expected to soar from USD450 million in 2015 to around USD1.5 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 22.2% - higher than the average growth rate of industrial laser industry.

The report mainly covers the following:
Definition, classification, technical status and industrial chain of industrial laser;
Market size, market structure, application status and competitive landscape of global industrial laser industry;
Development environment, development status, market size, market structure, competitive landscape, import & export, market price and trends of China industrial laser industry;
Overview, market size, application status and competitive landscape of industrial laser market segments e.g. CO2 laser, solid-state laser, fiber laser;
Laser processing equipment market size, corporate pattern, segments, etc.
Operation, industrial laser business, etc. of 10 foreign and 13 Chinese industrial laser manufacturers.
1 Overview of Industrial Laser Industry
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Classification
1.3 Technical Status
1.4 Industrial Chain
2 Status Quo of Global Industrial Laser Industry
2.1 Laser Industry
2.1.1 Market Size
2.1.2 Industrial Pattern
2.2 Market Size and Structure
2.2.1 Market Size
2.2.2 Market Structure
2.3 Application Status
2.3.1 Material Processing
2.3.2 Laser Micro-processing
2.3.3 Marking Machine
2.4 Competitive Landscape
2.5 Trends
3 Status Quo of China Industrial Laser Industry
3.1 Development Environment
3.1.1 Policy Environment
3.1.2 Industrial Environment
3.2 Development Status
3.3 Market Size
3.4 Market Structure
3.5 Import and Export
3.5.1 Export
3.5.2 Import
3.6 Competitive Landscape
3.7 Market Price
3.8 Trends
4 Industrial Laser Market Segments
4.1 CO2 Laser
4.1.1 Overview
4.1.2 Market Size
4.1.3 Application Status
4.1.4 Competitive Landscape
4.2 Solid-state Laser
4.2.1 Overview
4.2.2 Market Size
4.2.3 Application Structure
4.2.4 Competitive Landscape
4.3 Fiber Laser
4.3.1 Overview
4.3.2 Market Size
4.3.3 Market Structure
4.3.4 Market Price
4.3.5 Competitive Landscape
4.4 Others
4.4.1 Semiconductor Laser
4.4.2 Picosecond Laser
5 Upstream Industries
5.1 Gain Medium
5.1.1 Carbon Dioxide
5.1.2 Optical Fiber
5.1.3 Crystal Material
5.2 Pumping Source
6 Laser Processing Equipment Market
6.1 Market Size
6.2 Key Enterprises
6.2.1 Global
6.2.2 China
6.3 Market Segments
6.3.1 Laser Cutting Equipment
6.3.2 Laser Welding Equipment
6.3.3 Laser Marking Equipment
6.3.4 Laser Engraving Equipment
6.4 Application Fields
7 Main Foreign Industrial Laser Manufacturers
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Industrial Laser Business
7.1.4 Layout in China
7.2 Coherent
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Industrial Laser Business
7.2.4 Layout in China
7.2.5 Newly Acquired Company -- Rofin-Sinar
7.3 IPG
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Industrial Laser Business
7.3.4 Layout in China
7.4 Prima
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Industrial Laser Business
7.5 Others
7.5.1 GSI
7.5.2 Nufern
7.5.3 NKT Photonics
7.5.4 IMRA
7.5.5 Bystronic
7.5.6 Access Laser
8 Major Chinese Industrial Laser Manufacturers
8.1 Han’s Laser
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 Industrial Laser Business
8.1.4 Development Strategy
8.2 Huagong Tech
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 Industrial Laser Business
8.2.4 Development Strategy
8.3 Daheng New Epoch Technology
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Operation
8.3.3 Industrial Laser Business
8.4 Suzhou Tianhong Laser
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Operation
8.4.3 Main Customers and Suppliers
8.4.4 Industrial Laser Business
8.4.5 Development Strategy
8.5 Wuhan Golden Laser
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Operation
8.5.3 Industrial Laser Business
8.5.4 Development Strategy
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Operation
8.6.3 Industrial Laser Business
8.7 Maxphotonics
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 Industrial Laser Business
8.7.3 Development Strategy
8.8 Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 Industrial Laser Business
8.8.3 Development Strategy
8.9 Wuhan Co-Walking Laser Tech.
8.9.1 Profile
8.9.2 Operation
8.9.3 Industrial Laser Business
8.10 Others
8.10.1 ZKZM
8.10.2 Beijing GK Laser Technology
8.10.3 Xi’an Sino-Meiman Laser Tech.
8.10.4 SkyEra Laser Technologies
Working Principle of Laser
Structure of Laser
Types and Applications of Laser
Performance Comparison of Main Lasers
Applicable Processing Technologies of Major Industrial Lasers
Classification of Industrial Laser
Industrial Laser Processing Industry Chain
Application Structure of Global Laser System, 2016
Global Laser System Market Size, 2011-2021E
Market Size and YoY Growth of Global Laser Materials Processing and Lithography, 2011-2021E
Global Laser Industry Pattern, 2016
Germany’s Laser Market Size, 2014-2021E
Global Industrial Laser Market Size and YoY Growth by Sales, 2013-2021E
Sales Structure of Global Industrial Laser by Product, 2013-2021E
Sales Structure of Global Industrial Laser by Power, 2016/2021E
Applications of Global Industrial Laser, 2016
Sales and YoY Growth of Global Material-processing Laser, 2013-2021E
Sales Structure of Global Material-processing Laser by Application, 2013-2021E
Sales Structure of Global Material-processing Laser by Product, 2013-2021E
Sales and YoY Growth of Global Micromachining-used Laser, 2013-2021E
Sales Structure of Global Micromachining-used Laser by Application, 2015-2021E
Sales and YoY Growth of Global Marking Machine-used Laser, 2013-2021E
Sales Structure of Global Marking Machine-used Laser by Product, 2013-2021E
Competitive Landscape of Global Industrial Laser Market, 2016
M&A Cases in Global Laser Industry, 2015-2017
Policies on Laser Industry in China
China’s Laser Market Size, 2011-2021E
China Laser Industry Structure, 2016
Regional Distribution of Laser Companies in China, 2016
Laser Output Value Structure in China by Region, 2015
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Industrial Laser in China, 2013-2021E
Sales Volume and YoY Growth of Industrial Laser in China, 2013-2021E
Application of Industrial Laser in China, 2016
Sales Volume Structure of Industrial Laser in China by Product, 2016/2021E
China’s Laser Trade Deficit, 2009-2016
China’s Laser Tariff, 2016
China’s Laser Export Volume and Value, 2009-2016
China’s Laser Export Volume Structure by Region, 2016
China’s Laser Equipment Export Structure, 2015
China’s Laser Import Volume and Value, 2009-2016
China’s Laser Import Volume Structure by Region, 2016
Competitive Pattern of Industrial Laser Market in China, 2016
Price Trend of Main Industrial Lasers in China, 2013-2021E
Prices of Main Industrial Lasers in China, 2016
Application and Development Trend of Main Industrial Lasers Worldwide
Development Course of CO2 Laser
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Global Industrial CO2 Laser, 2013-2021E
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Industrial CO2 Laser in China, 2011-2021E
Sales Volume and YoY Growth of Industrial CO2 Laser in China, 2011-2021E
Application of CO2 Laser
Value Chain of CO2 Laser
Structure of Solid State Laser
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Global Industrial Solid State Laser, 2013-2021E
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Industrial Solid State Laser in China, 2014-2021E
Sales Volume and YoY Growth of Industrial Solid State Laser in China, 2011-2021E
Application Structure of Solid State Laser, 2015
Demand Structure of Solid State Laser, 2015
Value Chain of Diode Pump Solid State Laser
Structure of Fiber Laser
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Global Industrial Fiber Laser, 2013-2021E
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Industrial Fiber Laser in China, 2013-2021E
Sales Volume and YoY Growth of Industrial Fiber Laser in China, 2014-2021E
Sales Volume Structure of Global Industrial Fiber Laser by Region, 2015
Sales Volume Structure of Industrial Fiber Laser in China by Product, 2015
Sales Volume Structure of Industrial Fiber Laser in China by Application, 2013-2017
Price of Imported IPG Fiber Lasers, 2012/2016
Price Comparison between Imported Fiber Laser and Homemade Fiber Laser, 2016
Value Chain of Fiber Laser
Competitive Pattern of Global Fiber Laser Market, 2015
Global Semiconductor Laser Market Size, 2012-2021E
Value Chain of Direct Diode Laser
Processing Performance Comparison among Nanosecond, Picosecond and Femtosecond Lasers
Comparison between Picosecond Laser and Fiber Laser
Competitive Pattern of Picosecond Laser Cutting Equipment Market in Fingerprint Recognition Field, 2016
Components of Laser
Global CO2 Output, 2011-2021E
Global CO2 Consumption Structure by Region, 2016
Operating Rate of CO2 Facilities in China, 2016
CO2 Price Trend in China, 2015-2016
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Optical Fiber and Cable Industry in China, 2009-2021E
Capacity of Major Optical Fiber and Cable Manufacturers Worldwide, 2016
Development Course of Global Laser Crystals
Global Laser Crystal Market Size, 2010-2021E
Global Laser Crystal Market Size Structure by Region, 2015
Major YAG Laser Crystals Manufacturers Worldwide
Main Laser Pumping Methods
Laser Costs as a Percentage of Laser Equipment Costs Worldwide, 2008-2017
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Global Laser Processing Equipment, 2015-2021E
Sales Revenue and YoY Growth of Laser Processing Equipment in China, 2013-2021E
Major Comprehensive Laser Equipment Companies Worldwide
Competitive Pattern of Global Laser Equipment Market, 2016
Major Laser Equipment Companies in China
Competitive Pattern of Laser Equipment Market in China, 2016
Major Small and Medium Power Laser Equipment Companies Worldwide
Application Characteristics of Laser Equipment in Various Industries
China’s Laser Processing Equipment Market Structure, 2016/2021E
Merits of Laser Cutting Equipment
Characteristics of Different Laser Cutting Equipment
Cutting Quality Comparison between Fiber Laser and CO2 Laser
China’s Laser Cutting Equipment Market Size, 2013-2021E
Market Share of Large Power Cutting Equipment in China, 2015
Market Share of Small and Medium Power Cutting Equipment in China, 2015
Working Principle pf Laser Welding
China’s Laser Welding Equipment Market Size, 2013-2021E
China’s Laser Welding Equipment Market Structure, 2015
Application of Laser Welding in Power Battery Field
China’s Laser Marking Equipment Market Size, 2013-2021E
Comparison between Laser Marking and Traditional Encoding
Comparison between Laser Marking and Heat Transfer Printing
China’s Laser Engraving Equipment Market Size, 2013-2021E
Global Presence of Trumpf
Trumpf’s Headcount, FY2011-FY2016
Trumpf’s Revenue and Growth Rate, FY2009-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Trumpf by Product, FY2015-FY2016
Revenue Breakdown of Trumpf by Region, FY2015-FY2016
Main Industrial Lasers of Trumpf
Major Customers of SPI
Presence of Trumpf in China
Global Presence of Coherent
Revenue and Gross Margin of Coherent, FY2010-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Coherent by Product, FY2012-FY2015
Revenue Structure of Coherent by Region, FY2012-FY2016
Key Laser Production Bases of Coherent
Key Lasers and Applications of Coherent
Global Presence of Rofin-Sinar
Development Course of Rofin-Sinar
Revenue and Gross Margin of Rofin-Sinar, FY2010-FY2016
Major Customers of Rofin-Sinar
Revenue Structure of Rofin-Sinar by Product, FY2012-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Rofin-Sinar by Region, 2012-2016
Key Lasers of Rofin-Sinar
Laser Production Bases of Rofin-Sinar
Application Structure of Rofin-Sinar’s Lasers, FY2012-FY2015
Rofin-Sinar’s Total Profits in China and Proportion, FY2012-FY2015
Revenue and Gross Margin of IPG, 2010-2016
Revenue Structure of IPG by Region, 2012-2015
IPG’s Sales Revenue from High-power Lasers and Proportion, 2011-2016
Product Lines of IPG
Application Structure of IPG’s Lasers, 2013-2015
Core Competitiveness of IPG’s Optical Fiber Lasers
IPG’s Revenue in China and Proportion, 2011-2016
Equity Structure of Prima, 2015
Business Segments of Prima
Revenue and Gross Margin of Prima, 2010-2016
Revenue Structure of Prima, 2015
Revenue Structure of Prima by Region, 2013-2015
Major Customers of Prima Power
Global Presence of GSI
Laser Product Lines of GSI
Key Product Lines of Nufern
Key Lasers of NKT Phoyonics
Application of Fianium’s Main Lasers
Operation of Bystronic, 2014
Key Industrial Lasers of Access Laser
Equity Structure of Han’s Laser, 2016
Global Presence of Han’s Laser
Revenue and Gross Margin of Han’s Laser, 2007-2016
Revenue Structure of Han’s Laser by Product, 2013-2016
Revenue Structure of Han’s Laser by Region, 2013-2016
Structure of Han’s Laser’s Revenue from Lasers of Different Power, 2006-2017
Superiority of Han’s Laser in Industrial Laser Industry Chain
Investments of Han’s Laser in Major Projects, 2016
Equity Structure of Huagong Tech, 2016
Global Presence of Huagong Tech
Revenue and Gross Margin of Huagong Tech, 2007-2016
Revenue Structure of Huagong Tech by Product, 2012-2015
Overseas Business Revenue and Gross Margin of Huagong Tech, 2007-2016
Business Layout of Huagong Tech
Equity Structure of Daheng New Epoch Technology, 2016
Revenue and Gross Margin of Daheng New Epoch Technology, 2010-2016
Revenue Structure of Daheng New Epoch Technology by Product, 2013-2016
Revenue Structure of Daheng New Epoch Technology by Region, 2010-2016
Laser Equipment Marketing Network of Daheng New Epoch Technology
Laser Supporting of Daheng New Epoch Technology
Equity Structure of Suzhou Tianhong Laser, 2016
Revenue and Gross Margin of Suzhou Tianhong Laser, 2012-2016
Revenue Structure of Suzhou Tianhong Laser by Product, 2013-2015
Major Customers of Suzhou Tianhong Laser, 2014-2015
Major Suppliers of Suzhou Tianhong Laser, 2014-2015
Equity Structure of Wuhan Golden Laser, 2016
Global Presence of Wuhan Golden Laser
Revenue and Gross Margin of Wuhan Golden Laser, 2007-2016
Revenue Structure of Wuhan Golden Laser by Product, 2013-2016
Revenue Structure of Wuhan Golden Laser by Region, 2013-2015
Application of Key Lasers of Wuhan Golden Laser
Equity Structure of Siasun, 2016
Revenue and Gross Margin of Siasun, 2007-2016
Revenue Structure of Siasun by Product, 2012-2016
Revenue Structure of Siasun by Region, 2014-2016
Laser Business Pattern of Siasun
Equity Structure of Maxphotonics, 2016
Key Industrial Lasers and Application of Maxphotonics
Equity Structure of Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies, 2016
Key Lasers of Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies
Laser R&D History of Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies
Quantity of Issued Patents of Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies, 1997-2016
Equity Structure of Wuhan Co-Walking Laser Tech, 2016
Laser Sales Volume of Wuhan Co-Walking Laser Tech, 2007-2017
Key Parameters of ZKZM’s Lasers
Major Customers of Xi’an Sino-Meiman Laser Tech
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