Global and China Marine Diesel Engine Industry Report, 2018
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The depressed world shipbuilding industry has dragged down marine diesel engine industry since 2011, and the global output of marine diesel engine showed the CAGR of -17.4% between 2012 and 2016. As global shipping market began to rally over the past two years, the production of marine diesel engine revved up, reaching roughly 33.5 million horsepower in 2017 with a year-on-year increase of 7.0%.
The world-renowned marine diesel engine manufacturers are mainly from South Korea, China and Japan. China produced 10.009 million kW (a third of the global total) marine diesel engines in 2017, up 2.2% on an annual basis, and showing production recovery in the country after a decline for five consecutive years.
By product in China, output of low-speed marine diesel engines was around 5.791 million kW in 2017, occupying 57.9% of the country’s total marine diesel engine production; that of high-speed marine diesel engines remained at roughly 799,000 kW, with market share falling to 8.0% in 2017 from 26.7% in 2012 as it gets used less.
As concerns rivalry, Chinese marine diesel engine market is almost monopolized by affiliates of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited (CSSC) and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC). In the low-speed market, Hudong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. and Dalian Marine Diesel Co., Ltd. take a combined share of virtually 80%; in the medium-speed market, Weichai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., CSSC Marine Power Co., Ltd. and Hudong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. collectively accounted for over 70%.

Currently, the global low-speed marine diesel engines are absolutely dominated by MAN, Wartsila, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; in medium-speed engine market, Wartsila, MAN, and Caterpillar held a combined market share of 86% (in 2017); high-speed engine brands include MTU, Deutz, MWM, SACM, Pielstick, Ruston, and Paxman. In China, marine diesel engines are mainly produced through patent licensing by MAN, Wartsila and MTU.
In the future, the marine diesel engine industry tends to be green and environmentally friendly:
First, Green and environment-friendly diesel engines: To reduce pollutants to the air and meet increasingly stringent emission standards, companies at home and abroad are vigorously developing marine diesel engines in line with Tier III standards.
Second, dual-fuel marine diesel engines: Amid the oil crisis and the deteriorating environmental pollution, the shipbuilding industry needs to find alternative energy sources for engines. Since 2017,Wartsila, Anqing CSSC Marine Diesel Co., Ltd. and other companies have developed dual-fuel low-speed marine diesel engines; MAN has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hyundai Heavy Industries Engine & Machinery Division (HHI-EMD) on the development and production of MAN B&W ME-LGIP dual-fuel engines in 2018.
The report highlights the followings:
Marine diesel engine (definition, classification, characteristics, etc.);
Global marine diesel engine market (scale, competition, etc.);
China marine diesel engine industry (Industrial environment, policies, supply and demand, import and export, competitive landscape, existing problems, development trends, etc.);
Chinese marine diesel engine market segments (low-speed diesel engine, medium-speed diesel engine, and high-speed diesel engine) (market situation, competitive pattern, etc.);
7 global and 17 Chinese marine diesel engine companies (operation, marine diesel engine business, etc.)
1 Overview of Marine Diesel Engine
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification & Features
1.2.1 Classification
1.2.2 Features
2 Development of Global Marine Diesel Engine
2.1 Market Size
2.2 Competitive Landscape
2.2.1 by Country
2.2.2 by Enterprise
3 Development Environment of Marine Diesel Engine in China
3.1 Industrial Environment
3.2 Policy Environment
3.2.1 Industrial Planning
3.2.2 Trade Policy
4 Marine Diesel Engine Market in China
4.1 Supply & Demand
4.1.1 Supply
4.1.2 Demand
4.2 Import & Export
4.2.1 Import
4.2.2 Export
4.3 Competitive Landscape
4.3.1 Regional Competition
4.3.2 Corporate Competition
4.4 Problems Existed
4.5 Development Trend
5 Chinese Marine Diesel Engine Market Segments
5.1 Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine
5.1.1 Status Quo
5.1.2 Key Players
5.2 Medium-Speed Marine Diesel Engine
5.2.1 Status Quo
5.2.2 Key Players
5.3 High-Speed Marine Diesel Engine
5.3.1 Status Quo
5.3.2 Key Players
6 Key Global Marine Diesel Engine Companies
6.1 MAN Group
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Marine Diesel Engine Business
6.1.4 Development in China
6.2 Wartsila
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Marine Diesel Engine Business
6.2.4 Development in China
6.3 Caterpillar
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Development in China
6.4 Hyundai Heavy Industries
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Development in China
6.5 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Development in China
6.6 Doosan Engine
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Development in China
6.7 MTU
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Development in China
7 Key Marine Diesel Engine Enterprises in China
7.1 Hudong Heavy Machinery
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Major Subsidiary -- CSSC-MES Diesel Co., Ltd.
7.1.4 Major Subsidiary -- China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co. Ltd.
7.1.5 R&D Capability
7.2 Dalian Marine Diesel
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 R&D Capability
7.3 Yichang Marine Diesel Engine
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 R&D Capability
7.3.4 Development Strategy
7.4 Weichai Heavy Machinery
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Project Progress
7.5 Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 R&D Capability
7.5.4 Development Strategy
7.6 CSSC Marine Power
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Subsidiary -- Anqing CSSC Marine Diesel Co., Ltd.
7.6.4 Development Strategy
7.7 ZICHAI Power
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 R&D Capability
7.8 Henan Diesel Engine Industry
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.8.3 R&D Capability
7.9 Others
7.9.1 Jiangsu Antai Power Machinery Co., Ltd.
7.9.2 Shanghai Xinzhong Power Machine Co., Ltd.
7.9.3 Hefei RongAn Power Machinery Co., Ltd.
7.9.4 ZGPT Diesel Heavy Industry Co. Ltd.
7.9.5 Ningbo C.S.I. Power & Machinery Group Co., Ltd.
7.9.6 ZhongJi Hitachi Zosen Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.
7.9.7 Yuchai Marine Power Co., Ltd.
7.9.8 Sichuan CRRC Yuchai Engine Co., Ltd.
7.9.9 China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Diesel Engine Co., Ltd (CSE)
Classification of Marine Diesel Engines
Global Marine Diesel Engine Market Size, 2005-2018
Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Market Size, 2005-2018
Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Market Share (by Country), 2017
Japan’s Marine Diesel Engine Output and Revenue, 2009-2017
Japan’s Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Output and Output Value, 2009-2017
Japan’s Marine Diesel Engine Output Structure (by Power), 2016-2017
Japan’s Marine Diesel Engine Output Structure (by Region), 2017
Market Share of Major Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Brands, 2017
Manufacturers of Marine Diesel Engines Authorized by MAN, Wartsila and MTU in China
Market Share of Major Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Brands (by Power), 2007-2017
Market Share of Major Global Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Brands (by Power), 2007-2017
Three Indicators of Global Shipbuilding, 2010-2018
Three Indicators of China’s Shipbuilding, 2010-2018
Memorandum of Understanding Signed between China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, MAN and Wartsila, 2011
NOx Emission Standards for Marine Diesel Engines
Development of Marine Diesel Engines Complying with Tier Standards in China, 2010-2017
Policies on Marine Diesel Engine in China, 2007-2018
China’s Output of Marine Diesel Engines, 2009-2018
Shipbuilding Completions in China, 2010-2018
Import Volume and Value of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2008-2016
TOP 10 Import Sources of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2014-2015
TOP 10 Importers (Provinces/Municipalities) of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2014-2015
Export Volume and Value of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2008-2016
TOP 10 Exporters (Provinces/Municipalities) of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2014-2015
Top 10 Export Destinations of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2015
Key Production Areas and Representative Companies of Marine Diesel Engines in China
Output and Capacity of Major Marine Diesel Engine Companies in China, 2017
Competitive Landscape of China Marine Diesel Engine Market, 2017
Marine Gas Engines Launched by Major Manufacturers
Marine Medium-speed Dual-fuel Engines Launched by World-renowned Manufacturers
China’s Output of Low-speed Marine Diesel Engines, 2011-2018
Output and Market Share of Major Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Companies in China, 2014-2016
Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Their Technical Copartners in China
China's Output of Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engines, 2011-2018
Competitive Landscape of China’s Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Market, 2017
Output of Major Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Companies in China, 2009-2017
Chinese Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Technical Copartners
High-speed Marine Diesel Engine Output in China, 2011-2018
Major High-speed Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Products in China
MAN's Order Value, 2007-2017
MAN's Revenue and Net Income, 2007-2017
MAN's Revenue Structure (by Business), 2013-2017
MAN's Revenue Breakdown by Region, 2014-2017
Major Operating Indicators of MAN MDT, 2013-2017
Wartsila's Order Book and Net Sales, 2007-2018
Wartsila's Order Book and Net Sales (by Business), 2009-2018
Wartsila's Net Sales (by Region), 2009-2017
Wartsila's Marine Diesel Engines and Applications
Wartsila's Dual-fuel Medium-speed Engine Models and Power
Loading Capacity of Wartsila – Hyundai 50DF Engine, 2006-2015
Wartsila's Joint Ventures and Sole Proprietorships in China, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of QMD, 2013-2017
Caterpillar's Revenue and Growth Rate, 2008-2017
Caterpillar's Revenue (by Business), 2011-2017
Caterpillar's Power System Revenue (by Region), 2010-2017
Caterpillar’s Presence in China
Global Network of Hyundai Heavy Industries
Revenue and Net Income of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2010-2017
Revenue of Engine and Machinery Division of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2007-2017
Output of 2-stroke Marine Engine of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2001-2017
Output of 4-stroke Marine Engine of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2001-2017
Major Economic Indicators of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, FY2010-FY2018
Revenue of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (by Business), FY 016-FY2018
Major Technical Copartners of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Marine Diesel Engine
Presence of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in China
Competitive Edges of Doosan Engine
Production Bases and Capacity of Doosan Engine
Revenue and Net Income of Doosan Engine, 2011-2017
Organizations of Doosan Engine in China, 2017
Emission Level of MTU 4000 Series
Diesel Engine Output of Hudong Heavy Machinery, 2007-2017
Revenue and Net Income of Hudong Heavy Machinery, 2009-2017
Revenue and Net Income of of CSSC-MES Diesel, 2015-2017
Marine Diesel Engine Output of CSSC-MES Diesel, 2009-2017
Marine Diesel Engine Output of Dalian Marine Diesel, 2010-2017
Revenue and Total Profit of Dalian Marine Diesel, 2009-2017
Major Operating Indicators of Yichang Marine Diesel Engine, 2007-2017
Marine Diesel Engines of Weichai Heavy Machinery
Revenue and Net Income of Weichai Heavy Machinery, 2009-2018
Revenue and Gross Margin of Weichai Heavy Machinery (by Business), 2013-2017
Key Marine Diesel Engines of Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry
Major Operating Indicators of Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry, 2007-2017
Revenue and Total Profit of CSSC Marine Power, 2010-2017
Marine Diesel Engine Output of CSSC Marine Power, 2009-2017
Marine Diesel Engines of Henan Diesel Engine Industry
Major Economic Indicators of Henan Diesel Engine Industry, 2012-2017
Diesel Engine Delivery of RongAn Power Machinery, 2010-2017
Main Marine Diesel Engines of CSR Yuchai Engine
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