Rumor: MIIT Preparing Response to Broadband Antitrust Probe


China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has convened a panel of experts and expects to have an official response in the next 1-2 weeks regarding the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) antitrust investigation of China Telecom (NYSE: CHA; 0728.HK) and China Unicom (NYSE: CHU; 0762.HK; 600050.SH), according to a source within MIIT. The panel has been deliberating for several days, and is currently forbidden to speak publicly on the matter.

The MIIT-run newspaper People's Posts and Telecommunications News (PPTN) responded on November 11 to a recent CCTV report alleging China Telecom and China Unicom had monopoly control of China's broadband prices, saying that the report was "one-sided" and "inconsistent with the facts."

When asked whether State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) and China Tietong (Railcom) had complained to the NDRC, the aforementioned source declined to comment.



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