Samsung to upgrade China 7.5G LCD panel plant to 8.5G line, say sources

Date:2011-10-13     Source:yangliangyuhanyue  Text Size:

Samsung Electronics reportedly has submitted an application to Korea's Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) for upgrading its planned 7.5G LCD panel production line in Suzhou, China to an 8.5G line due to brisk sales of 48-inch TV panels in China, according to industry sources.

If approved, all of the five next-generation LCD panel plants to be built by China-based BOE Technology, China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT) as well as Korea-based Samsung and LG Display and Taiwan-based AU Optronics (AUO) will have the capability to produce panels meeting 8G and beyond specifications, the sources noted.

CSOT is set to start mass production at its 8.5G plant this week, becoming the second maker to operate a line of that generation in China, following BOE, indicated the sources.

However, LG Display has not yet kicked off construction of its 8.5G plant in China, and although Samsung did begin construction of its 7.5G line, the upgrade to 8.5G will delay commercial operation of the plant probably to the first half of 2013.

AUO may also delay commercial production of its 8.5G line in China to 2013, according to earlier reports.

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