Lenovo Coupons Featured In New Web Page Launch At CouponBuzz.com


Today CouponBuzz.com launched a new web page dedicated to Lenovo Coupons, sales, special offers and coupon codes. This new section of their site follows a recent effort by CouponBuzz.com to highlight stores that most frequently offer high-value coupons and special deals to online shoppers.

Lenovo offers a wide range of innovative and exciting computing products, including desktops, notebooks, workstations, servers, software and accessories. Lenovo is the offspring of the 2005 merger of two giant computer and technology companies. Legend Holdings was originally founded in 1984 in a guard house in mainland China with only 25,000 RMB. Its exponential growth led to incorporation in Hong Kong in 1988. In 2004 Legend Holdings changed its name to Lenovo, just prior to its 2005 acquisition of the Personal Computer Division of IBM, the US computing giant that invented the PC industry in 1981.

Since the 2005 merger, Lenovo has rapidly grown to become a major player in the world market, claiming to be one of the fastest growing of the four major PC companies in the world over the past two years. Their family of tablet computers, the Thinkpad and Ideapad lines, target commercial and individual consumers worldwide. As they explain on their website, part of the reason for their success is a business built on “product innovation, a highly efficient global supply chain and strong strategic execution.” Part of that strategic execution includes paying careful attention to online marketing trends and strategies.

“At CouponBuzz.com we are always tracking which of our merchants attract the most internet traffic,” explained Justin Bowen, head of marketing at CouponBuzz.com. “In addition, we pay attention to which companies consistently offer the best online deals to their consumers.Lenovo coupons are always available, and always offer significant savings. When we get research results like that, we try and respond ourselves in a way that will raise the online profile of the merchant, in this case, launching a dedicated webpage just for Lenovo coupons.”

CouponBuzz.com’s new section featuring every current special offer from Lenovo is located at http://couponbuzz.com/lenovo-coupons.html. Coupon codes, links to instant savings and many more deals are ranked by a Buzz Guide based on their over-all value, pushing the best deals to the top of the page for ultimate accessibility.

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