SAIC GM focus on three segments, aiming at boosting both sales and margins

SAIC General Motors has been intensively launching new models including Malibu, new generation of La Crosse and Cadillac XT5.
GM believed that the structure, rather than the number of models, matters to contribute the carmakers’ 2 million yearly sales, which means the proportion between larger models such as SUV and MPV and smaller models.
According to China’s Passenger Car Association, SAIC GM has sold 413,600 units in the first quarter of 2016, down by 1.6%. ShiHong, vice general manager of SAIC GM, believed the carmaker hasn’t done a very good job in middle and higher end segment and A0 segment. To be more specific, GM only sold 11,300 Malibus,one of the company’s middle and higher end model, in the first quarter of 2016, down by 62.5%. And the sales of its A0 sedan Sail only totaled 23,600 units, down by 63.72%.
SAIC GM said company surely wants to cover more segments, but definitely not all segments. The company plans to dominate the middle and higher end segment in China’s auto market again by launching several new models including Malibu XL and new La Crosse. SAIC GM will also launch several SUVs and MPVs this year to increase the proportion of larger models.
SAIC GM will also focus on achieving price premium, so as to release the pressure on inventory and sales.


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