642,454 Cars Were Recalled in the Chinese Market in April

A total of 642,454 cars were recalled in China in April 303,306 of which are of foreign brands including Porsche, BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover and Infiniti.
The number of recalled cars in April is even larger than that, exactly 263,809, in the first three months in 2016. From statistics of China Southern Metropolis Daily we can tell that foreign automakers make more recall than Chinese automakers. Porsche recalled 108,910 vehicles of Cayenne range. Volkswagen recalled 103,569 vehicles of Touareg range.
However, recall of cars does not result from quality problem. Foreign automakers made recalls aiming to anticipate defects, which mirrors that they pay high attention to quality and safety. That is why customers have preference for products of foreign brands when buying high-end vehicles according to Cui Dongshu, the Secretary-general of China Passenger Cars Association.
Compared with joint ventures and foreign automakers, Chinese automakers are more cautious about making recall. Cui pointed out that Chinese automakers should learn from foreign automakers when it comes to making recall for providing customers with product of high quality and safety.


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