China Industrial Robot Industry Report, 2011
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Undergoing the worst of financial crisis, the global robot industry again embraces a period of rapid growth. In 2010, the sales volume of industrial robots exceeded 115,000 units worldwide, almost twice of that in 2009, and the automotive, metal product and electric power industries are the major drivers for the demand.
China, South Korea and ASEAN countries and regions are the most dynamic and witness the robot sales volume nearly quadruple. The top 5 countries by sales volume of industrial robots in 2010 were South Korea, Japan, U.S., China and Germany.
On a global basis, with the growing mature robot application technologies and the increasing demand for automatic operation from all walks of life, the proportion of the demand for industrial robots from such traditional sectors as automobile and auto parts is on the decline, while that from industries including electrical and electronics and food & beverage is on the rise. And the demand structure of industrial robots tends to be decentralized.
Such trend is also seen in Chinese market. In the past, since the manufacturing cost of robots was fairly high, the demand for industrial robots was mainly from automotive industry which set strict requirement on processing. However, with the rising labor costs and the improved requirement on product quality, the installation rate of industrial robots in electronics, rubber, food & beverage and medicine presents an upward trend in recent years.
Currently, China mainly imports industrial robots from Japan. In 2004, the imported industrial robots from Japan accounted for half of the total imported ones in China, and the imported European brands like ABB, KUKA and COMAU made up for the other half.
Inventory of Industrial Robots in China, 2005-2011

The per capita wage in manufacturing industry experiences a continuously rising rise, and the figure has kept a growth rate of over 10% every year since 2000. Under the pressure of rising wages, Guo Taiming, the president of Foxconn announced in 2011 that the company would add one million robots to replace the low-level manual labor in the coming three years.
The disappearance of demographic dividend in China makes the machine an alternative to manual labor, so the industrial robot market in China will enjoy bright prospects.
1. Overview of Industrial Robot
2. Global Industrial Robot Industry
3. China Industrial Robot Industry
3.1 Evolution
3.2 Technology
3.3 Market Analysis
3.4 Prospect
3.5 Policy
4. Industrial Robot Companies in China
4.1 Siasun Robot & Automation Co.,Ltd.
4.1.1 Profile
4.1.2 Products & Marketing
4.1.3 Planning
4.2 Dalian Zhiyun Automation Co., Ltd.
4.2.1 Profile
4.2.2 Products
4.2.3 Operation
4.3 Jiangsu Miracle Logistics System Engineering Co., Ltd.
4.3.1 Profile
4.3.2 Operation
4.4 Mesnac Co., Ltd.
4.4.1 Profile
4.4.2 Operation
4.5 Alfa Auto. Machinery Co., Ltd.
4.6 JEE Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
4.7 Ningbo Weil-Lih Robot Technology Co., Ltd.
4.8 Juntengfa Automatic Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.
4.9 GSK CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.
5. International Industrial Robot Companies
5.1 ABB
5.2 KUKA
5.3 Hyundai Heavy Industries
5.6 Staubli
Global Demand Breakdown of Industrial Robots by Industry, 2004-2010
Global Market Share of Industrial Robots by Country, 2004-2009
Density of Industrial Robots in China, 2003-2009
Robots Density of Mainly Countries
Market Capacity of Industrial Robots in China, 2004-2008
Market Structure of Industrial Robots in China, 2008
Inventory of Industrial Robots in China, Japan, USA and Germany, 2009
Inventory of Industrial Robots in China, 2005-2011
Average Annual Salary of China Manufacturing Industry, 1978-2010
Demand Breakdown of Industrial Robots in China by Industry, 2009
Installation Rate of Industrial Robots in Automobile Manufacturing in Major Countries
Market Capacity and Demand of Industrial Robots in China, 2011
Policies on Automation Equipment Industry in China
Market Share of Siasun Robot by Product, 2010
Main Applications and Typical Customers of Siasun Robot
Industrial Robot Series of Siasun Robot
Operating Revenue and Growth Rate of Siasun Robot, 2008- H1 2011
Net Income and Growth Rate of Siasun Robot, 2008- H1 2011
Operating Revenue of Siasun Robot by Product, 2006- H1 2011
Operating Revenue of Siasun Robot by Region, H1 2011
Gross Margin of Industrial Robots Business of Siasun Robot, 2006-2010
Patent Number of Siasun Robot, 2003-2011
Revenue of Industrial Robots Business of Siasun Robot, 2009-2013
Investment Plans of Siasun Robot, 2010-2014
Subsidiaries of Zhiyun
Main Products of Zhiyun
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Zhiyun, 2007- Q3 2011
Operating Revenue of Zhiyun by Product, 2008- H1 2011
Operating Revenue of Zhiyun by Region, 2008- H1 2011
Some R&D Projects of Zhiyun, H1 2011
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Miracle, 2007- Q3 2011
Operating Revenue of Miracle by Product, 2008- H1 2011
Mainly Bidding Projects of Miracle, 2009-2011
Investment Plans of Miracle, 2011
Robot Products of Qingdao Kinger
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Mesnac, 2008- Q3 2011
Cumulative Operating Revenue of Mesnac by Product, 2010- H1 2011
Robotic Arm Products of Alfa
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of Alfa, 2007-2011
Application Projects of JEE’s Industrial Robots
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of JEE,2007-2011
Molding Robotic Arms of Weil-Lih
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of Weil-Lih, 2008-2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of Juntengfa, 2007-2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of GSK, 2007-2011
Orders Breakdown of ABB by Division, Q1-Q3 2011
Operating Revenue Breakdown of Discrete Automation and Motion Division of ABB by Region, 2008- Q3 2011
Orders and Revenue of Discrete Automation and Motion Division of ABB, 2009- Q3 2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of ABB(Shanghai), 2007-2011E
Operating Revenue and Net Income of KUKA, 2006- Q3 2011
Orders of KUKA by Division, 2006- Q3 2011
Operating Revenue of KUKA by Division, 2006- Q3 2011
Net Income of KUKA (China), 2007-2010
Operating Revenue and Orders of Engine & Machinery Division of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2008-2011
Operating Revenue Breakdown of Engine & Machinery Division of Hyundai Heavy Industries by Product, 2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of Hyundai(Beijing) Construction Machinery, 2007-2011
Net Sales and Net Income of YASKAWA, FY2007-FY2012
Overseas Sales of YASKAWA, FY2008-FY2011
Revenue of YASKAWA by Business, FY2007-FY2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of YASKAWA Shougang Robot, 2007-2011
Net Sales and Net Income of FANUC, FY2009- Q3FY2011
Operating Revenue of FANUC by Division, FY2010- Q3FY2011
Operating Revenue of FANUC by Region, Q1-Q3 FY2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of FANUC (Shanghai) Robot, 2007-2011
Operating Revenue and Operating Income of Staubli (Hangzhou) Mechatronic, 2007-2011
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