China Electronic Transformer and Inductor Industry Report, 2012
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Electronic transformer and inductor are two major electromagnetic elements. And the major function of the former is to convert AC power into AC voltage and current, while the major function of the latter is to covert electric energy into magnetic energy and then to store the magnetic energy. The two have common places when it comes to the product structure, being largely applied in fields like computer, UPS, automotive electronics, consumer electronics, new energy and network communication.
In the world, major enterprises specializing in the production of magnetic elements like electronic transformer and inductor include Japan-based TDK, Taiyo Yuden, Murata, America-based Pulse, Germany-based EPCOS, Israel-based Payton and Taiwan-based Delta Electronics, all of which take a leading position in mid-and high-end electronic transformer and inductor market.
With increasing demand and the transfer of production bases of global manufacturers, Chinese mainland has become one of the major electronic transformer and inductor producers in the world, with the respective output of electronic transformers and inductors in 2011 grossing 12.784 billion units and 53.783 billion units. The estimation shows that the output and sales volume of electronic transformers in mainland China will grow by around 10% on average during 2012-2015, while that of the inductors, the demand for which is driven by the demand for smartphone, will grow by around 12% on average in the upcoming years.
Leading domestic manufacturers include Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding), Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics, Shenzhen Click technology, Shenzhen Microgate Technology, Datronix Holdings Limited, etc.
Major Electronic Transformer and Inductor Manufactures in China

Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics is China’s largest inductor manufacturer, specializing in the production of chip electronic components, with the proportion of chip inductor accounting for around 90%. The inductors made by the company are largely applied in smartphones, which contribute roughly 50% revenue.? Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics is a major high-frequency inductor supplier of domestic mobile phone producers including Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei and Coolpad.
As an electronic transformer producer, Shenzhen Click Technology has strong competitive production capability. With more than one hundred magnetic element production lines and dozens of power supply products manufacturing and production lines, the company has realized the capacity of more than 150 million magnetic devices and 8 million power supply products. Switching mode power supply transformer, the hit product of the company, accounts for more than 30% of the company’s total sales, while inductor accounts for over 20%.
The Report highlights: 
Related policies and technologies of China’s electronic transformer and inductor industry;

Output & sales volume, market structure, import & export, market competition, development outlook of electronic transformer and inductor in China;

Supply and price fluctuation in upstream raw material market; development and prospect of downstream demand market;

Prediction of output & sales volume of electronic transformers and inductors and development outlook of downstream market based on current status of market development;

Major products, financial status, product development, strategic adjustment, business performance of leading foreign and domestic manufacturers.
1. Product Overview
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Industry Policy
1.4 Technology Status
1.4.1 Electronic Transformer
1.4.2 Inductor
2. Electronic Transformer Market
2.1 Output and Sales Volume
2.2 Market Structure
2.3 Import and Export
2.4 Competition
2.5 Profit Level
2.6 Development Prospect
3. Inductor Market
3.1 Output and Sales Volume
3.2 Market Structure
3.3 Import and Export
3.4 Competition
4. Industry Chain
4.1 Upstream Raw Material
4.1.1 Magnetic Material
4.1.2 Enameled Wire
4.1.3 Silver Paste
4.2 Downstream Demand
4.2.1 Computer Market
4.2.2 UPS Market
4.2.3 Automotive Electronics Market
4.2.4 Mobile Phone Market
5. Foreign and Taiwan-funded Enterprises
5.1 TDK
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Production Base in China
5.1.4 TDK-EPC
5.2 Murata
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Operation in China
5.3 Delta
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Subsidiary in Mainland China
5.4 Taiyo Yuden
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Sales Companies and Production Bases in China
5.5 Tamura
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Operation in China
5.6 Sumida
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 New Product Plan
5.6.4 Development in China
5.7 TOKO
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Operation in China
5.8 Payton
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 Planar Transformer
6. China's Domestic Enterprises
6.1 Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd.
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Revenue and Gross Margin
6.1.3 Revenue and Gross Margin of Main Products
6.2 Shenzhen Click technology Co., Ltd.
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Capacity and Output
6.2.4 Sales of Major Products
6.3 Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics Co., Ltd.
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Revenue and Gross Margin
6.3.3 Inductor Business
6.3.4 Performance Prediction
6.4 Datronix Holdings Limited
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Acquisition of Transformer Assets
6.5 Shenzhen Microgate Technology Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Revenue
6.5.3 Production Capacity
6.5.4 Sales Model
6.5.5 Performance Prediction
6.6 DongGuan DaZhong Electronic Co., Ltd.
6.7 Shenzhen Jingquanhua Electronics Co., Ltd.
6.8 Shenzhen Highlight Electronic Co., Ltd.
6.9 Shenzhen Meikai Electronics Stock Co., Ltd.
6.10 Shenzhen FuZhenhua Electronics Co., Ltd.
Classification of Electronic Transformer
Classification and Development Tendency of Inductor
Features of Chip Inductor
Output and Sales Volume of Electronic Transformer in China, 2008-2015E
Sales Volume of Various Electronic Transformers in China, 2008-2011
Sales Volume Structure of Electronic Transformers in China, 2008-2011
Import & Export of Electronic Transformer in China, 2008-2012
China’s Top 10 Electronic Transformer Import Sources, 2011
China’s Top 10 Electronic Transformer Export Destinations, 2011
Major Electronic Transformer Producers Worldwide
Major Electronic Transformer Producers of China
Average Gross Margin of Above-Scale Electronic Transformer and Inductor Producers in China, 2003-2012
Gross Margin of Major Magnetic Element Enterprises Worldwide, 2009-2011
Inductor Output and Sales Volume in China, 2008-2015E
Sales Volume of Various Inductors in China, 2008-2011
Sales Volume Structure of Inductors in China, 2008-2011
Import and Export of Indcutor of China, 2008-2012
China’s Top 10 Indcutor Import Sources, 2011
China’s Top 10 Indcutor Export Destinations, 2011
Global Top 10 Chip Inductor Producers by Capacity, 2010
Electronic Transformer and Inductor Industry Chain
Leading Magnetic Materials Producers Worldwide
Prices of Made-in-China Enamelled Wire (QZ0.1-3.0MM), 2007-2012
Cost Structure of Multilayer Chip Inductors (MLCI)
Spot Price of Silver in London, 2006-2012
Demand for Electronic Transformers
Demand for Inductors
Computuer Output in China, 2005-2015
Auto Output in China, 2005-2015
Automotive Electronics Market Size in China, 2005-2015
Global Mobile Phone Shipment, 2006-2015
Net Sales and Gross Margin of TDK, FY2002-FY2012
Net Sales of TDK by Region, FY2002-FY2012
Net Sales Structure of TDK by Business Division, FY2002-FY2012
China-Based Production Bases of TDK
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Xiamen TDK, 2004-2009
Net Sales and Operating Income of Murata, FY2008-FY2012
Net Sales of Murata by Product, FY2009-FY2012
Net Sales of Murata by Application, FY2008-FY2012
Net Sales of Murata by Region, FY2008-FY2012
Subsidiaies of Murata in Mainland China
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Shenzhen Murata, 2007-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Wuxi Murata, 2004-2008
Revenue and Gross Margin of Delta Electronics, 2007-2012
Revenue Structure of Delta Electronics by Region, 2011
Sales Structure of Delta Electronics by Business Division, 2011-2012
Subsidaries of Delta Electronics in Chinese Mainland
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Delta (Dongguan), 2004-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Delta (Tianjin), 2004-2008
Net Sales and Operating Income of Taiyo Yuden, FY2007-FY2011
Total Assets and Net Assets of Taiyo Yuden, FY2007-FY2011
Sales and Operating Income of Taiyo Yuden, FY2012
Net Sales and Operating Income of Taiyo Yuden, FY2013-2015E
Net Sales of Taiyo Yuden by Product, FY2012-FY2015E
Sales Outlets of Taiyo Yuden in China
Production Bases of Taiyo Yuden in China
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Taiyo Yuden Dongguan, 2004-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Taiyo Yuden (Guangdong), 2004-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Taiyo Yuden (Tianjin), 2004-2009
Net Sales and Operating Income of Tamura, FY2007-FY2012
Net Sales Structure of Tamura by Product, FY2011-FY2012
Net Sales Structure of Tamura by Region, FY2011-FY2012
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Hefei ECU-Tamura Electric, 2004-2011
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Tamura (Huizhou), 2004-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Tamura (Shenzhen), 2004-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Tamura Seiko Electronics (Changshu), 2004-2009
Sales and Operating Income of Sumida, 2007-2011
Sales and Gross Margin of Sumida, 2012
Sales Target of Sumida, 2012-2017
Sales Structure of Sumida by Business Division, 2011
Sales Structure of Sumida by Region, 2011
Branches of Sumida in Chinese Mainland
Sales of Sumida in China, 2007-2011
Net Sales and Operating Income of TOKO, FY2006-FY2012
Net Sales of TOKO by Product, FY2011-FY2012
Net Sales of TOKO by Application, FY2011-FY2012
Net Sales of TOKO by Region, FY2011-FY2012
Sales Companies of TOKO in Chinese Mainland
Production Bases of TOKO in Chinese Mainland
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of SHANTOU SEZ HUA JIAN ELECTRONICS, 2004-2009
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of TOKO (Zhuhai), 2004-2008
Revenue and Gross Margin of Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding), 2007-2012
Overseas Revenue of Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding), 2007-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding), 2012-2014E
Revenue and Gross Margin of Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) by Product, 2010-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen Click Technology, 2005-2011
Sales of Shenzhen Click Technology by Region, 2009-2012
Capacity of Shenzhen Click Technology by Product, 2009-2012
Number of Production Staff and Their Working Hours of Shenzhen Click Technology, 2009-2012
Output and Sales Volume of Primary Products of Shenzhen Click Technology, 2009-2012
Sales of Major Products of Shenzhen Click Technology, 2009-2012
Application of Major Products of Shenzhen Click Technology, 2009-2012
Selling Prices of Major Products of Shenzhen Click Technology, 2009-2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics, 2007-2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of Chip Electronic Component Business of Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics, 2007-2012
Export Value of Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics, 2007-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen Sunlord Electronics, 2012-2014E
Revenue and Gross Margin of Datronix Holdings Limited, 2007-2011
Net Assets of Datronix Holdings Limited, 2007-2011
Revenue Structure of Datronix Holdings Limited by Business Division, 2010-2011
Revenue Structure of Datronix Holdings Limited by Region, 2010-2011
Revenue of Shenzhen Microgate Technology by Product, 2009-2011
Revenue of Shenzhen Microgate Technology by Region, 2009-2011
Capacity, Output and Sales Volume of Shenzhen Microgate Technology, 2009-2011
Fundraising and Investment Projects of Shenzhen Microgate Technology
Sales of Shenzhen Microgate Technology by Sales Model, 2009-2011
Top 5 Clients of Shenzhen Microgate Technology, 2009-2011
Top 5 Direct-Selling Clients of Shenzhen Microgate Technology, 2009-2011
Top 5 Distributors of Shenzhen Microgate Technology, 2009-2011
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen Microgate Technology, 2012-2014
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of DongGuan DaZhong Electronic, 2004-2011
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Shenzhen Jingquanhua Electronics, 2008-2011
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Shenzhen Highlight Electronic, 2004-2011
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Shenzhen Meikai Electronics Stock, 2004-2011
Revenue, Operating Cost, Export Delivery Value and Workforce of Shenzhen FuZhenhua Electronics, 2004-2011
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