Global and China Servo System Industry Report, 2016-2020
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Servo system, a key integral of industrial automation, can be divided into stepper servo system, DC motor servo system, and AC motor servo system. More than 70% of servo systems used now are AC motor servo systems.
Global servo system market size was USD10.46 billion in 2015, a year-on-year growth rate of 5.0%, and is expected to expand to USD11.13 billion in 2016. Europe, the world’s major servo system market, boasts a market size of roughly USD3.03 billion, but will see a drop in market share due to rapidly-growing Chinese/Japanese markets.

The Chinese servo system market was valued at RMB7.36 billion in 2015, accounting for about 11.1% of the world’s total and up 9.1% from a year ago. As CNC machine tool, electronic equipment, wind power equipment, and robotics, the downstream applications of servo system, are sectors under state policy support, the market is projected to grow steadily at a pace of around 10% during 2016-2020.
China started late on servo system with technology lagging far behind that in foreign countries like low machining precision and relatively short service life of bearings in servo motor. As a result, China now produces mainly mid-and low-end servo systems and virtually relies on imports for high-end products.
The Chinese servo system market is dominated by foreign brands. In 2015, seven out of top10 brands in the Chinese market were foreign ones and the remaining three were Taiwan-based TECO Electric & Machinery and Delta and Chinese mainland Shenzhen Inovance Technology. The top three were occupied by Japanese companies with each seizing a market share of over 10%.
Panasonic: the largest servo system brand in terms of market share in China (14.4% in 2015). In Nov 2015, it launched new A6 servo motor which can be used in industry sectors and consumer market.
Yaskawa: servo system production bases in Shanghai and Shenyang. It developed a servo motor with GaN power component and built-in amplifier in Nov 2015 and will start producing the product before 2017; rolled out a new product- New AC drive “Zero series” in Apr 2016.
Siemens: traditional advantages in high-end servo system market; products chiefly used in CNC machine tool field. It launched new 200-volt converters and motors with lower shaft heights and lower moments of inertia in Nov 2015, further improving its basic servo drive system lineup.
Shenzhen Inovance Technology: the largest servo system manufacturer on the Chinese mainland and the only domestic servo system manufacturer mastering servo encoder technology; products mainly used in mobile phone product line, lithium battery, LED, and manipulator fields. The company made revenue of RMB420 million from servo system business.
Shenzhen INVT Electric: revenue of RMB86.70 million from servo system business in 2015, a year-on-year rise of 24.6%; The company officially launched DA200 high-precision general AC servo system primarily for high-speed and high-precision industries, such as warp knitting machine, die cutting machine, CNC engraving and milling machine, robotics, high-speed chamfering machine, and LED beam-splitting machine.
Global and China Servo System Industry Report, 2016-2020 highlights the followings:
Global servo system industry (development history/trends, market size/structure, competitive landscape, etc.);
China’s servo system industry (status quo, market size/structure, competitive landscape, distribution, etc.);
Servo drive, servo motor, servo encoder, and motion controller markets (development, market size, major manufacturers);
Main downstream sectors (machine tool, electronic equipment, robotics, wind power equipment, packaging equipment, textile machinery, etc.) of servo system (application, market status, etc.);
22 global servo system manufacturers (operation, servo system business, development in China, etc.)
1 Overview of Servo System
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Industrial Chain
1.4 Industry Barriers
1.4.1 Technical
1.4.2 Customer Service
1.4.3 Capital
2 Global Servo System Market
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Development History
2.1.2 Development Trends
2.2 Market Size
2.3 Market Structure
2.4 Competitive Landscape
3 Chinese Servo System Market
3.1 Industry Status
3.1.1 Development Environment
3.1.2 Distribution Mode
3.1.3 Technological Level
3.2 Market Size
3.3 Market Structure
3.4 Competitive Landscape
4 Servo Drive Market
4.1 Market Overview
4.2 Market Size
4.3 Major Manufacturers
4.3.1 Beijing HollySys Electric Motor Co., Ltd.
4.3.2 Zhuhai Motion Control Motor Co., Ltd.
4.3.3 Kinco Automation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
4.3.4 Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd.
4.3.5 Kollmorgen
5 Servo Motor Market
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Status Quo
5.2.1 Global
5.2.2 China
5.3 Major Manufacturers
5.3.1 Yaskawa
5.3.2 Mitsubishi
5.3.3 Shenzhen INVT Electric Co., Ltd.
5.3.4 Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd. (HNC)
6 Servo Encoder Market
6.1 Market Overview
6.2 Market Status
6.3 Major Manufacturers
7 Motion Controller Market
7.1 Market Overview
7.2 Market Status
7.3 Major Manufacturers
8 Main Application Markets of Servo System
8.1 Machine Tool
8.1.1 Application of Servo System in Machine Tool
8.1.2 Market Size
8.1.3 Market Structure
8.2 Electronic Equipment
8.2.1 Application of Servo System in Electronic Equipment
8.2.2 Market Size
8.3 Robotics
8.3.1 Application of Servo System in Robotics
8.3.2 Market Size
8.3.3 Market Structure
8.4 Wind Power Equipment
8.4.1 Application of Servo System in Wind Power Equipment
8.4.2 Market Size
8.5 Other
8.5.1 Packaging Machinery
8.5.2 Textile Machinery
8.5.3 Food Machinery
8.5.4 Medical Equipment
9 Key Servo System Manufacturers
9.1 Panasonic
9.1.1 Profile
9.1.2 Operation
9.1.3 Revenue Structure
9.1.4 Servo System Business
9.1.5 Business in China
9.2 Yaskawa Electric
9.2.1 Profile
9.2.2 Operation
9.2.3 Servo System Business
9.2.4 Business in China
9.3 Mitsubishi Electric
9.3.1 Profile
9.3.2 Operation
9.3.3 Servo System Business
9.3.4 Business in China
9.4 Siemens
9.4.1 Profile
9.4.2 Operation
9.4.3 Servo System Business
9.4.4 Business in China
9.5 Bosch Rexroth
9.5.1 Profile
9.5.2 Operation
9.5.3 Servo System Business
9.5.4 Business in China
9.6 Schneider Electric
9.6.1 Profile
9.6.2 Operation
9.6.3 Servo System Business
9.6.4 Business in China
9.7 Lenze
9.7.1 Profile
9.7.2 Operation
9.7.3 Development in China
9.8 TECO Electric and Machinery
9.8.1 Profile
9.8.2 Operation
9.8.3 Servo System Business
9.9 Shenzhen Inovance Technology
9.9.1 Profile
9.9.2 Operation
9.9.3 Servo System Business
9.9.4 Development Planning
9.10 Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd. (HNC)
9.10.1 Profile
9.10.2 Operation
9.10.3 Servo System Business
9.11 Estun Automation
9.11.1 Profile
9.11.2 Operation
9.11.3 Servo System Business
9.11.4 Projects under Construction
9.12 Shenzhen INVT Electric Co., Ltd.
9.12.1 Profile
9.12.2 Operation
9.12.3 Servo System Business
9.13 Other
9.13.1 Keb
9.13.2 B&R
9.13.3 Delta
9.13.4 GSK
9.13.5 Beijing CTB Servo Co., Ltd
9.13.6 Leadshine Technology Co., Ltd.
9.13.7 Beijing HollySys Electric Motor Co., Ltd.
9.13.8 Nanjing Suqiang Numerical Control M&E Co., Ltd.
9.13.9 Zhejiang Zhongyuan Electric Co., Ltd.
9.13.10 LTI Motion
10 Summary and Forecast
10.1 Market
10.2 Enterprise
Servo System Structure
Operating Mode of Servo System
Classification of Servo System
Classification of Servo System (by Power)
Servo System Industry Chain
Technologies about Servo System
Development History of Servo System
Development Trend of Global Servo System
Global Servo System Market Size, 2014-2020E
Global Demand for Servo System, 2014-2020E
Global Servo System Market Size (by Region), 2015
World’s Major Servo System Makers and Their Edges
Policies about Servo System Industry in China, 2011-2016
Distribution Mode of Servo System
China Servo System Market Size, 2010-2020E
China AC Servo System Market Size, 2010-2020E
China Servo System Market Size (by Power), 2015
Servo System Application Structure in China, 2015/2020E
Pattern of Servo System Brands in China, 2013-2015
Sales and Market Size of Top 10 Servo System Suppliers in China, 2014-2015
Top 10 Distributors of Servo System in China
Operating Principle of Servo Drive
Global Servo Driver and Motor Market Size, 2014-2020E
Chinese Servo Driver Market Size, 2009-2020E
Global Layout of Kollmorgen
Classification of Servo Motors
Global Demand for Servo Motors, 2009-2020E
Global Servo Motor Demand Structure (by Region), 2015
Demand for Servo Motors in the United States, 2009-2016
Output of Servo Motors in Japan, 2009-2016
Output Value of Servo Motors in Japan, 2009-2016
China Servo Motor Market Size and Growth Rate, 2009-2020E
Servo Motor Market Demand Structure (by Region) in China, 2015
Servo Encoder Structure
China Encoder Market Size, 2008-2020E
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Encoder Market
Classification of Motion Controllers
China Motion Controller Market Size, 2008-2016
Demand for Motion Controllers in China, 2006-2016
Application of Servo System in Machine Tool Field
Revenue from Servo System for Machine Tool in China, 2014-2020E
Output Value of Machine Tools Worldwide, 2012-2020E
Output Value Structure of Machine Tools (by Country) Worldwide, 2015
Machine Tool Sales in Main Consumer Countries, 2015
Major CNC Machine Tool Manufacturers in the World
Revenue from Server System for Electronic Equipment in China, 2014-2020E
China Electronic Equipment Market Size, 2006-2016
Cost Structure of Industrial Robot, 2015
Revenue from Servo System for Industrial Robot in China, 2014-2020E
Ranking of Makers of Servo System for Industrial Robot in China, 2015
Global Sales Volume of Industrial Robots, 2006-2016
Sales Volume of Industrial Robots in China, 2013-2016
Application Structure of Industrial Robots in China, 2015
Revenue from Servo System for Wind Power Equipment in China, 2014-2020E
Wind Power Installed Capacity in China, 2006-2016
Revenue from Servo System for Packaging Machinery in China, 2014-2020E
Revenue from Servo System for Textile Machinery in China, 2014-2020E
Revenue from Servo System for Food Machinery in China, 2014-2020E
Revenue from Servo System for Medical Equipment in China, 2014-2020E
China Medical Equipment Market Size, 2008-2020E
Revenue and Net Income of Panasonic, FY2011-FY2015
Revenue Plan of Panasonic, FY2016-FY2019
Revenue Breakdown (by Business) of Panasonic, FY2014-FY2015
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Panasonic, FY2011-FY2015
Operation of Panasonic’s Automotive & Industrial System, FY2014-FY2015
Key Servo System Products of Panasonic
Main Servo System Distributors of Panasonic in China
Businesses and Core Products of Yaskawa Electric
Main Production Bases of Yaskawa Electric
Development Strategy of Yaskawa Electric for 2025
Revenue and Net Income of Yaskawa Electric, FY2009-FY2015
Development Plan of Yaskawa Electric, FY2016
Revenue Breakdown (by Business) of Yaskawa Electric, 2014-2015
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Yaskawa Electric, 2014-2015
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Yaskawa Electric’s Motion Control Division, FY2013-FY2015
Measures about Servo System Business of Yaskawa Electric, FY2015
Distribution of Yaskawa Electric’s Production Bases Worldwide
Revenue of Yaskawa Electric in China, FY2011-FY2015
Key Subsidiaries of Yaskawa Electric in China
Main Servo System Distributors of Yaskawa Electric in China
Business Structure of Mitsubishi Electric
Revenue and Net Income of Mitsubishi Electric, FY2010-FY2015
Global Development Strategy of Mitsubishi Electric, FY2014-FY2020
Revenue Structure (by Business) of Mitsubishi Electric, FY2010-FY2015
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Mitsubishi Electric, FY2010-FY2015
Development Planning of Mitsubishi Electric FA Business Segment, FY2016
Application of Mitsubishi Electric’s Patents in China, 2013-2016
Main Servo System Distributors of Mitsubishi Electric in China
Revenue and Net Income of Siemens, FY2010-FY2016
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Siemens, FY2014-FY2015
Siemens’ Revenue and Growth Rate in China, FY2009-FY2015
Revenue and Growth Rate of Bosch Rexroth, 2009-2015
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Bosch Rexroth, 2014-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Bosch Rexroth, 2005-2015
Servo Motors of Bosch Rexroth
Staff Structure of Schneider Electric, 2015
Revenue and Profits of Schneider Electric, 2011-2015
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Schneider Electric, 2015
Revenue Structure (by Business) of Schneider Electric, 2015
Distribution of Schneider Electric’s Production Bases in China
Revenue and Net Income of Lenze, FY2010-FY2015
Revenue of TECO, 2012-2015
Main Servo System Products of TECO
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen Inovance Technology, 2009-2015
Revenue Breakdown and Structure (by Product) of Shenzhen Inovance Technology, 2014-2015
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Shenzhen Inovance Technology, 2010-2015
Gross Margin (by Product) of Shenzhen Inovance Technology, 2009-2015
Servo System Revenue Structure of Shenzhen Inovance Technology, 2015
Key Servo System Products of Shenzhen Inovance Technology
Revenue and Net Income of HNC, 2009-2015
Revenue Structure (by Product) of HNC, 2010-2015
Revenue Structure (by Region) of HNC, 2010-2015
Gross Margin (by Product) of HNC, 2009-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Estun Automation, 2011-2015
Revenue Structure (by Product) of Estun Automation, 2011-2015
Operating Revenue Structure (by Region) of Estun Automation, 2014-2015
Main AC Servo Motors of Estun Automation
Output and Sales Volume of Key Servo System Products of Estun Automation, 2011-2015
Projects Proposed and under Construction of Estun Automation, 2016
Main Products and Application of INVT
Revenue and Net Income of INVT, 2009-2016
Revenue Structure (by Business) of INVT, 2010-2015
Revenue Structure (by Region) of INVT, 2010-2015
Gross Margin (by Product) of INVT, 2008-2015
Servo System Revenue and Growth Rate of INVT, 2010-2015
Global Layout of Keb
Main Servo System Products and Application of Delta
Distribution of Delta’s Production Bases Worldwide
Key Servo System Distributors of Delta
Revenue and Net Income of Beijing CTB Servo, 2012-2015
Revenue Structure (by Product) of Beijing CTB Servo, 2014-2015
Servo Motor Output and Sales Volume of Leadshine Technology, 2011-2015
Growth Rates of Global and China Servo System Markets, 2014-2020E
Proportion of AC Servo System in China, 2010-2020E
Downstream Application Structure of Servo System in China, 2015-2020E
Revenue Growth Rate of World’s Servo System Makers, 2010-2015
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Servo System Market, 2015
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