Global and China Micromotor Industry Report, 2016-2020
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Global micromotor output stood at 17.5 billion units in 2015, a year-on-year increase of 4.8%. Thanks to campaigns to modernize the industry and equipment, the output is expected to rise to 18.4 billion units in 2016 and approach 23 billion units in 2020.
China, the world’s largest manufacturer of micromotors, produced 12.4 billion units in 2015, up 6.0% from a year ago, and accounting for 70.9% of the global total. The country’s micromotor output is predicted to be close to 17 billion units in 2020 at a CAGR of around 7.0% during 2016-2020.
Keymicromotor manufacturers in China includeJohnson Electric, Welling Holding Limited, Zhongshan Broad-Ocean Motor Co., Ltd., and Wolong Electric Group Co., Ltd. Johnson Electric, as the largest micromotor manufacturer in China, achieves annual revenue of over USD1 billion, with a global market share of 4.3% in 2015.

In China, micromotor finds its application primarily in traditional fields, such as audio products, household appliances, and automobile, which held a combined proportion of 52.4% in 2015. As traditional application markets gradually grow saturated, main drivers of micromotor growth will be emerging sectors like new energy vehicle, wearable device, robot, UAV, and smart home.
Information Industry: China’s shipments of VCM for mobile terminals were 542kk in 2015, up 12.9% year on year, occupying 45.9% of the world’s total, largely driven by smartphones and tablet PCs. With gradual saturation of the markets for traditional consumer electronics like smartphone and tablet PC, wearable devices will become a new growth area, further boosting demand for micromotor. The Chinese wearable device market is predicted to expand at annual growth rate of over 25%.
Automobile: In 2015, China’s demand for automotive micromotor was 1.02 billion units (24.9% of the global total, expected to rise to 1.62 billion units in 2020), less than 3% coming from new energy vehicle. New energy vehicle sales grew at a compound annual rate of 152.1% during 2011-2015 in China and, with the support of national and local policies, will maintain the strong growth momentum over the next couple of years. It is estimated that the market of micromotors for new energy vehicle will keep going up by over 40% annually during 2016-2020 with the demand exceeding 150 million units in 2020.
Robot: 248,000 industrial robots and 6.41 million service robots were sold globally in 2015, up 8.3% and 35.7% from a year earlier, respectively, together creating a demand of about 66.6 million micromotors (an estimate of more than 300 million units in 2020). In 2015, China accounted for 22.9% of the world’s industrial robot sales and only about 5.0% of service robot sales, indicating a huge space for growth.
Consumer-grade UAV: In 2015, global consumer-grade UAV sales exceeded 200,000 units, compared with only less than 20,000 units in China. As low-altitude airspace is gradually opened, the Chinese UAV market will usher in a period of rapid growth at a rate of over 50%.
In addition, the new markets for 3D printing, smart home, medical equipment, and automation laboratory supported by policies will also kick into high gear, further driving the demand for micromotors.
Global and China Micromotor Industry Report, 2016-2020 highlights the followings:
Global micromotor industry (development history, market size, market structure, competitive landscape, etc.);
Micromotor industry in China (status quo, market size, market structure, competitive landscape, imports & exports, etc.);
Main upstream industries (magnetic materials, bearing, etc.), involving market size, market structure, development trends, etc.;
Downstream industries (information, automobile, household appliance, robot, UAV, 3D printing, smart home, medical equipment, etc.), involving application and market;
11 Global and 10 Chinese micromotor manufacturers (operation, micromotor business, development in China, etc.).
1 Industry Overview
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Industrial Chain
1.4 Problems
1.5 Technology Trends
2 Global Micromotor Market
2.1 Development History
2.2 Market Size
2.2.1 Micromotor
2.2.2 VCM
2.3 Market Structure
2.3.1 Micromotor
2.3.2 VCM
2.4 Competitive Landscape
2.4.1 Micromotor
2.4.2 VCM
3 Chinese Micromotor Market
3.1 Status Quo
3.2 Market Size
3.2.1 Micromotor
3.2.2 VCM
3.3 Market Structure
3.4 Import & Export
3.4.1 Import
3.4.2 Export
3.5 Competitive Landscape
3.5.1 Micromotor
3.5.2 VCM
4 Main Upstream Industries of Micromotor
4.1 Magnetic Materials
4.1.1 Market Size
4.1.2 Market Pattern
4.1.3 Development Trends
4.2 Bearing
4.2.1 Global
4.2.2 China
5 Applications of Micromotor
5.1 Information Industry
5.1.1 Application of Micromotor in Information Industry
5.1.2 Status Quo
5.2 Automobile
5.2.1 Application of Micromotor in Automobile
5.2.2 Status Quo
5.3 Household Appliance
5.3.1 Application of Micromotor in Household Appliance
5.3.2 Status Quo
5.4 Robot
5.4.1 Application of Micromotor in Robot
5.4.2 Status Quo
5.5 UAV
5.5.1 Application of Micromotor in UAV
5.5.2 Status Quo
5.6 Others
5.6.1 3D Printing
5.6.2 Smart Home
5.6.3 Medical Equipment
5.6.4 Automation Laboratory
6 Major Foreign Micromotor Manufacturers
6.1 Nidec
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Micromotor Business
6.1.4 Presence in China
6.2 Minebea
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.6.3 Micromotor Business
6.2.4 Development in China
6.3 Mabuchi
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Micromotor Business
6.3.4 Presence in China
6.4 LG Innotek
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.4 Micromotor Business
6.5 Others
6.5.1 Tokyo Par
6.5.2 Mitsumi Electric
6.5.3 TDK
6.5.4 Hysonic
6.5.5 Jahwa
6.5.6 Brose
6.5.7 SEMCO
7 Major Chinese Micromotor Manufacturers
7.1 Johnson Electric
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Micromotor Business
7.2 Welling Holding Limited
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Micromotor Business
7.3 Zhongshan Broad-Ocean Motor Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Micromotor Business
7.4 Zhejiang Founder Motor Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Micromotor Business
7.5 Wolong Electric Group Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Micromotor Business
7.5.4 Development Strategy
7.6 Jinlong Machinery and Electronics Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Micromotor Business
7.7 Others
7.7.1 Ningbo Vistart Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
7.7.2 F.G.L.S. Electric Co., Ltd.
7.7.3 Panasonic Appliances Motor (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.
7.7.4 Guangzhou Mitsuba Motor Co., Ltd.
Structure of Micro Motor
Classification of Micro Motor (by Function)
Classification of Micro Motor (by Structure)
Micro Motor Industry Chain
Regional Characteristics of Micro Motors
Development Trends of Micro Motors
Development History of Global Micro Motors
Global Market Size of Micro Motors, 2014-2020E
Global Output of Micro Motors, 2013-2020E
Global VCM Shipments, 2014-2020E
Sales Volume of Major Global VCM Manufacturers, 2015
Global Demand Structure of Micro Motors by Application, 2015/2020E
Global VCM Shipment Structure, 2015-2016
Competitive Landscape of Global Micro Motor Market, 2015
Competitive Landscape of Global VCM Market, 2015
Number of Micro Motor Manufacturers in China, 2003-2015
Gross Margin of Micro Motor Industry in China, 2004-2015
Asset-liability Ratio of Micro Motor Industry in China, 2003-2015
China’s Micro Motor Market Size, 2014-2020E
China’s Micro Motor Output, 2013-2020E
Apparent Consumption of Micro Motors in China, 2014-2020E
Average Micro Motor Ownership of Chinese Households, 2015
China’s VCM Shipments, 2014-2020E
China’s VCM Market Size, 2014-2020E
China’s MEMS Market Size, 2014-2020E
Demand Structure of Micro Motors in China by Application, 2015
Import Volume and Value of Micro Motors in China, 2014-2016
Import Volume Structure of Micro Motors in China by Region, 2015
Export Volume and Value of Micro Motors in China, 2014-2016
Export Volume Structure of Micro Motors in China by Region, 2015
Capacity and Revenue of Major Micro Motor Manufacturers in China, 2015
Major VCM Manufacturers in China, 2015
Global Output of Ferrite Magnetic Material, 2011-2016
Output of Ferrite Magnetic Material in China, 2011-2016
Output of Rare-earth Permanent Magnetic Material in China, 2010-2020E
Porter's Five Forces Analysis of Magnetic Material Industry in China
Major Magnetic Material Manufacturers in China
Development Tends of Magnetic Material Market in China
Global Bearing Output, 2010-2020E
Global Bearing Sales, 2008-2020E
Global Top10 Bearing Manufacturers, (FY) 2015
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Bearing Industry in China, 2011-2020E
China’s Bearing Output, 2007-2020E
Output and Growth Rate of Rolling Bearing in China, 2007-2020E
Top 5 Domestic Companies by Bearing Revenue in China, 2015
Global Demand for Micro Motor from Computers, 2014-2020E
Global Tablet PC Shipments, 2014-2020E
Global PC Shipments, 2010-2020E
Global Smartphone Shipments, 2014-2016
China’s Smartphone Shipments, 2014-2016
Global Shipments of Main Wearable Devices, 2014-2019E
Main Applications of Micro Motor in Automobile
Global Demand for Micro Motor in Automobiles, 2015-2020E
Demand for Micro Motor in Automobiles in China, 2015-2020E
Structure of Automobile that Adopts Wheel Hub Motors
Sales Volume of Passenger Cars Worldwide, 2010-2020E
Sales Volume of Commercial Vehicles Worldwide, 2010-2020E
Automobile Sales in Major Countries Worldwide, 2015
Automobile Sales in China, 2011-2016
VIA (Vehicle Inventory Alert Index) of Car Dealers in China, 2014-2016
Sales Structure of Passenger Cars (by Country) in China, 2015
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Automobile Market, 2015
Market Size of Micro Motor for Washers in China, 2010-2020E
Demand for Micro Motor for Washers in China, 2010-2020E
Competitive Landscape of Micro Motor for Washers in China, 2015
Demand for Micro Motor in Household Air Conditioners in China, 2014-2020E
Competitive Landscape of Micro Motors for Household Air Conditioner in China, 2015
Sales Volume of Household Air Conditioners in China, 2013-2015
Output and Growth Rate of Refrigerators in China, 2011-2016
Sales Volume and Growth Rate of Refrigerators in China, 2011-2016
Growth Rate for Retail Sales of Household Appliances & Audio Products in China, 2012-2015
Main Applications of Micro Motor in Robots
Global Demand for Micro Motor in Robots, 2015-2020E
Global Sales Volume of Industrial Robots, 2010-2020E
Sales Volume of Industrial Robots in China, 2013-2020E
Demand Structure of Industrial Robots in China by Application, 2015
Global Service Robot Market Size, 2014-2020E
Global Service Robot Sales Volume, 2014-2020E
Global Demand for Service Robots by Field, 2013-2018E
Market Size of Service Robots in China, 2015-2020E
Global Demand for Micro Motors in Consumer-grade UAVs, 2015-2020E
Structure and Function of UAV’s Systems
China’s UAV Market Size, 2014-2020E
Sales Volume Structure of UAVs in China by Product, 2015
Demand Structure of Civilian UAVs in China by Application, 2025E
Competitive Landscape of UAVs Worldwide
Development Trends for UAVs
Global and Chinese 3D Printing Market Size, 2012-2020E
Global Demand Structure of 3D Printing by Application, 2015
Problems in 3D Printing Sector in China
Smart Home Market Size and Penetration of Major Countries Worldwide, 2015
Smart Home Penetration in China, 2014-2020E
Global Market Size of Medical Devices, 2011-2020E
Net Sales of Nidec, FY 2006- FY 2015
Net Sales of Nidec by Product, FY 2006- FY 2015
Revenue Structure of Nidec by Region, FY 2013- FY 2015
Nidec’s Major Production Bases of Micro Motors
Nidec’s Micro Motor Business Structure
Nidec’sTrade Companies in China
Nidec’s Major Micro Motor Production Bases in China
Number of Employees of Minebea, FY2009-FY2016
Net Sales and Net Income of Minebea, FY2009-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Minebea by Business, FY2013-FY2016
Revenue Structure of Minebea by Region, FY2012-FY2015
Minebea’s Production Bases in China, 2015
Minebea’s Revenue in China and Growth Rate, FY2011-FY2015
Mabuchi’s Global Presence
Revenue and Operating Income of Mabuchi, 2006-2015
Development Plan of Mabuchi, 2006-2018
Revenue Structure of Mabuchi by Product, 2011-2015
Revenue Structure of Mabuchi by Region, 2011-2015
Mabuchi’s Main Micro Motor Products
Mabuchi’s Revenue Structure of Micro Motor for Automobiles, 2014-2015
Mabuchi’s Revenue Structure of Micro Motors in Consumption, 2014-2015
Mabuchi’s Sales and Growth Rate in China, 2011-2015
Mabuchi’s Major Micro Motor Production Bases in China and Their Output
Global Presence of LG Innotek
Revenue and Net Income of LG Innotek, 2012-2016
Revenue Structure of LG Innotek by Product, 2013-2015
Main New Automobiles-related Products of LG Innotek, 2015
Profile of Tokyo Par
Profile of Mitsumi Electric
Revenue of Mitsumi Electric, 2007-2016
Global Marketing Network of TDK
Revenue of TDK, FY 2006- FY 2016
Revenue Structure of TDK by Product, FY 2016
Main Products of Hysonic
Revenue and Profits of Hysonic, 2006-2015
Revenue and Profits of Jahwa, 2005-2015
Revenue and Operating Income of SEMCO, 2011-2016
Revenue of SEMCO by Business, 2010-2015
Johnson Electric’s Global Distribution of Production Bases
Revenue and Gross Profits of Johnson Electric, FY 2011- FY 2017
Revenue of Johnson Electric by Business, FY 2011- FY 2016
Revenue Structure of Johnson Electric by Region, FY 2016
Johnson Electric’s Main Micro Motors
Johnson Electric’s Production Strategy
Welling Holding’s Global Presence
Revenue and Net Income of Welling Holding, 2011-2015
Revenue Structure of Welling Holding by Region, 2014-2015
Micro Motor Sales Volume and Value of Welling Holding, 2014-2015
Headcount of Broad-Ocean Motor, 2009-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Broad-Ocean Motor, 2009-2016
Revenue Structure of Broad-Ocean Motor by Product, 2013-2016
Revenue Structure of Broad-Ocean Motor by Region, 2009-2016
Gross Margin of Broad-Ocean Motor by Product, 2009-2016
Micro Motor Revenue of Broad-Ocean Motor by Product, 2014-2016
Micro Motor Output and Sales Volume of Broad-Ocean Motor, 2014-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Founder Motor, 2011-2016
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Founder Motor by Product, 2014-2016
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Founder Motor by Region, 2014-2016
Output and Sales Volume of Sewing Machine Motors of Zhejiang Founder Motor, 2014-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Wolong Electric, 2012-2016
Revenue of Wolong Electric by Product, 2012-2016
Revenue of Wolong Electric by Region, 2012-2016
Motor Revenue Structure of Wolong Electric by Product, 2015
Micro Motor Output and Sales Volume of Wolong Electric, 2015
Revenue and Net Income of Jinlong Machinery & Electronics, 2011-2016
Revenue Structure of Jinlong Machinery & Electronics by Product, 2014-2016
Revenue Structure of Jinlong Machinery & Electronics by Region, 2014-2016
Micro Motor Revenue and Gross Margin of Jinlong Machinery & Electronics, 2011-2016
Revenue and Net Income of Ningbo Vistart Intelligent Technology, 2013-2016
Micro Motor Products and Applications of Ningbo Vistart Intelligent Technology
Micro Motor Revenue and Growth Rate of Ningbo Vistart Intelligent Technology, 2013-2016
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