Global and China Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Intelligent Cockpit Business Research Report, 2020 (I)
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Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Cockpit Business Research Report: Eight Development Trends of Intelligent Cockpit

Abstract: in the next two or three years, a range of new intelligent cockpit technologies will be in place and mounted on vehicles, according to the Global and China Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Intelligent Cockpit Business Research Report.

High automation faces technical and regulation challenges and it takes a long period of time to build 5G network and roadside infrastructure. In this context, much enthusiasm for intelligent cockpit is being aroused before automated driving technology becomes mature enough. Intelligent cockpits featuring new design concept draw more attention from consumers than automated driving technology does.

Globally, OEMs and Tier1 suppliers are racing to explore how to launch new intelligent cockpit technologies. We expect that numerous intelligent cockpit products will be launched successively in the upcoming two years or three. Based on the picture at CES 2020, development trends for intelligent cockpit can be seen below:

(1) Cockpit domain control unit (DCU): next-generation intelligent cockpit systems are DCU-centric and enable features of cockpit electronic systems through a unified software and hardware platform, which incorporate intelligent interaction, intelligent scenarios and personalized services and serve as the foundation for human-vehicle interaction and V2X connectivity.

(2) Multi-display interaction: the cockpit design of dual-display interaction (center console, dashboard), four-display interaction (center console, dashboard, entertainment screen at the copilot’s seat, vehicle control display), or even five-display interaction (center console, dashboard, entertainment screen at the copilot’s seat, vehicle control display, rear seat entertainment display) is trending. Multi-display interaction needs complete cockpit domain architecture, and fusion of technologies, e.g., cockpit DCU, multi-chip (like TI automotive chips and Qualcomm entertainment chip), multiple operating systems (Linux, Android Automotive), Hypervisor virtualization technology, interaction logic, and HMI design. Tier1 suppliers are required to be more competent in product development and technology integration while seeking business growth amid the rising average selling price (ASP) of intelligent cockpit per vehicle.


(3) Cockpit virtualization technology (separate development of software and hardware): virtual prototyping technology makes design, R&D and test of intelligent vehicles more efficient. Virtualizer Development Kit (VDK) based on virtual prototyping technology enables virtual simulation of electronic control units (ECU), e.g., chips, circuits and components. Automakers can commence development and test of software twelve months ahead of time before the availability of hardware, upgrading physical development to intelligent development in simulation environment. Also, ECUs for virtual simulation can accelerate and extend tests, and simulate various tests in extreme conditions, which is hard to achieve in real and physical circumstances and which secures faster roll-out of safer and more reliable products into market. The virtual prototyping technology is applicable to virtual development and test of all complex electronic systems such as intelligent cockpit and ADAS.


(4) Higher value of cockpit electronics software: the more complex vehicle system software means it makes up ever more of the total cost of a vehicle. OEMs and Tier1 suppliers are expanding software developers in R&D workforce. Examples include Desay SV, an intelligent cockpit bellwether in China, which boasted about 1,300 software engineers in 2019, a 70% share of its headcount; and Bosch in possession of 30,000 software talents, or 41% of the total staff in 2019 endeavoring to recruit more software developers. Between 2019 and 2020, Bosch set up Bosch China Innovation and Software R&D Center and Bosch Digital Cabin (Shanghai) R&D Center.

(5) Cockpit “terminal-cloud” integration, T-BOX and V2X as gateway of data from inside and outside vehicle, and cockpit big data as core competitive edge of products: intelligent cockpit will be a combination of terminals and cloud, in which all kinds of service contents, timely information sharing and complex computation will be offered and done over cloud, more than acts as a stand-alone terminal. In future cockpit big data will be the core competitive edge of products, making center console and dashboard, center information display (CID) navigation, T-BOX and air-conditioner controller, integrated.

(6) Evolution of vehicle display from flat rectangular screen to large curved screen: in January 2020, Corning’s high-performance Gorilla cold-rolled glass was first available to GAC Aion LX; in early 2020, Visteon and Corning joined hands to further develop ColdForm technology which will be spawned by Corning for automotive curved display systems; in July 2020, Rightware under Thundersoft, and LG Electronics partnered to develop the industry’s first curved OLED display for 2021 Cadillac Escalade. 

(7) Glasses-free 3D display: 3D effect makes eyes capture information more quickly. Bosch, Continental and more all focus on mass production and installation of glasses-free 3D displays in the next two year or three. At CES 2020, Continental showcased its 3D Lightfield display technology which was co-developed with Leia Inc. and mass production is arranged in 2022.

(8) Driver monitoring system (DMS) or interior monitoring system (IMS): IMS based on camera and AI is the core product of Tier1 suppliers. DMS will play a crucial role in whether a new vehicle model can be rated five stars by Euro NCAP. For example, Continental plans to mass-produce DMS in 2021 and Bosch in 2022. 

The Global and China Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Cockpit Business Research Report studies in depth strategies, technologies and products of leading Tier1 suppliers of intelligent cockpit, and highlights the following: (1) strategic plan and business layout of intelligent cockpit; (2) layout of intelligent cockpit technology centers, R&D centers and production bases; (3) intelligent cockpit product line, products and technical solutions, typical customers and vehicle models, mass production schedule, etc.; (4) intelligent cockpit product roadmap and development plan; (5) suppliers of intelligent cockpit products, technology and modules.


The Global and China Leading Tier1 Suppliers’ Cockpit Business Research Report has two parts, of which:

Part 1 with 320 pages in total covers 6 Tier1 suppliers, i.e., Bosch, Continental, Denso, Valeo, Faurecia and Panasonic.

Part 2 with 350 pages in total covers 7 Tier1 suppliers, i.e., Aptiv, Visteon, LG Electronics, Hella, Samsung Harman, Desay SV and Joyson Electronics.

1. Bosch Intelligent Cockpit Business (50 Pages)
Bosch’s R&D Expenses and Business Structure
Distribution of R&D Centers of Bosch Car Multimedia and Software Business in China
Bosch Digital Cabin (Shanghai) R&D Center’s Layout of Intelligent Cockpit
Bosch China Innovation and Software R&D Center
Bosch Cockpit Electronic Product Lines
Bosch Cockpit DCU Products
Bosch Cockpit DCU Architecture
Bosch DCU Planning
Bosch Intelligent Cockpit to Fuse with Ever More ECUs
Bosch Multimedia Fusion Control Product System Architecture (I)
Bosch Multimedia Fusion Control Product System Architecture (II)
Bosch Multimedia Fusion Control Product System Architecture Roadmap
Bosch Cockpit System Security Solution
Bosch Cockpit DCU to Fuse with Automotive Central Computer in Future
Bosch Planning and Technical Routes for Cockpit DCU Products
Bosch Center Information Display (CID) and Infotainment Business (I)
Bosch Center Information Display (CID) and Infotainment Business (II)
Bosch Full LCD Cluster Business (I)
Bosch Full LCD Cluster Business (II)
Bosch Full LCD Cluster Business
Bosch Priority over Glasses-free 3D Display Technology
Bosch Digital Rearview Mirror (Mirror Cam System) Business
Bosch Vehicle Control Screen and NeoSense Haptic Feedback Technologies
Bosch Planning and Technical Routes for Display Products
Bosch Intelligent Cockpit Multi-display Interaction Business
Bosch Cockpit HMI Business Model
Bosch Cockpit HMI Business Planning
V2X Products of Bosch
Partners of Bosch V2X Products
Bosch V2X Product Testing Project of Bosch
Auto Parking Technology Roadmap of Bosch
L2 Auto Parking Solution of Bosch
L3/L4 Auto Parking Solution of Bosch
L5 Auto Parking Solution of Bosch
Bosch Current Featured AVP Solution for Parking Field
Bosch DMS Business (I)
Bosch DMS Business (II)
Bosch DMS Software Algorithm Partner (I)
Bosch DMS Software Algorithm Partner (II)
Bosch DMS Software Algorithm Partner (III)
Bosch Cloud-based Battery Management System (I)
Bosch Cloud-based Battery Management System (II)
Bosch OTA/FOTA Technology Solution (I)
Bosch OTA/FOTA Security Control Strategy (II)
Bosch Together with FAW Jiefang to Roll out First FOTA Update Solution for Commercial Vehicle in China
FOTA Technology Strategy of Bosch
Summary (I) of Bosch Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Summary (II) of Bosch Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Core Team of Bosch China
Core Team of Bosch Multimedia
Distribution of Bosch Multimedia’s Production Bases in China

2. Cockpit Business of Continental (57 Pages)
Global Operations of Continental
Key R&D Centers of Continental Automotive in Greater China
Organizational Reshuffle of Continental AG
Products and Operations of Business Divisions of Continental AG
Product Line of Continental Automotive
Cockpit Electronics Portfolio of Continental
Cockpit DCU of Continental: Body Electronics Platform IIP (1)
Cockpit DCU of Continental: Body Electronics Platform IIP (2)
DCU Partners of Continental
Continental ECU Architecture Heading toward High-performance Central Computer
Continental’s Planning and Technical Routes for Cockpit DCU Products
Multimedia System (I) of Continental
Multimedia System (II) of Continental
Strategic Collaboration between Continental and Pioneer on Infotainment System
Continental Multimedia System: Cloud Terminal
Continental Multimedia System: Speaker-free Audio System (Ac2ated Sound)
Continental Multimedia System: Intelligent Voice Assistant
HUD Products of Continental
Continental HUD Product: W-HUD (I)
Continental HUD Product: W-HUD (II)
Continental HUD Product: C-HUD
Continental HUD Product: AR-HUD
Continental HUD Product: DMD HUD
Continental HUD Product: Holographic HUD
Continental Display Solution: Automotive Cluster
Continental Display Solution: Glasses-free 3D Display
Continental Display Solution: Glasses-free 3D “Lightfield Display”
Continental Display Solution: Curved AMOLED Display
Continental Display Solution: Curved Display Technology
Continental Display Solution: Haptic Feedback Technology
Continental Display Solution: Smart Connected Cloud Cluster
Continental’s Planning and Technical Routes for IVI and Display Products
Continental Integrated Control Panel (ICP): Curved Console Panel System
Continental Integrated Control Panel (ICP): Haptic Interactive Display
Continental Integrated Control Panel (ICP): Morphing Control
Advanced Intelligent T-Box (I) of Continental
Advanced Intelligent T-Box (II) of Continental
Continental Partners with China Unicom to Set up UCIT, Continental Provides T-Box and China Unicom Offers TSP Platform
Intelligent Antennas of Continental
DSRC-based One Box of Continental
Continental T-Box Integrated with 5G-Mixed-V2X Solution
Continental’s Planning and Technical Routes for T-Box and V2X Products
Continental AVP System: EB joint development with Baidu Apollo for Faster Commercialization of AVP
Multi-vision Fusion Solution of Continental
Continental DMS: Interior Camera with Recognition Algorithms
Continental’s Planning and Technical Routes for Multi-vision Fusion and DMS Products
Continental’s Other Cockpit Module: OTA
Continental’s Other Cockpit Module: Automotive Cybersecurity Solution
Continental’s Cockpit Control Unit: Onboard Intelligent Gateway
Vitesco Technologies (the Powertrain Company of Continental AG) to Development and Produce Battery Management System
48V Battery Management System of Continental
Summary (I) of Continental’s Products, Suppliers and Customers
Summary (II) of Continental’s Products, Suppliers and Customers
Strategic Investments and Collaborations of Continental
Connectivity and Mobility Ecosystems of Continental
Board of Directors of New Organization Structure of Continental AG
Core Staffers of Continental’s Cockpit Electronics (Body Electronics Business Segment)
Continental’s Core Team in Greater China
Continental’s Cockpit Electronics (Body Electronics Business Segment) Manufacturing Bases in China

3. Denso Cockpit Business (48 Pages)
Denso Global R & D System
Denso Organizational Structure and R&D Expenses
Denso’s R&D Centers in China
Denso Automotive Electronic Product System (I) 
Denso Automotive Electronic Product System (II)
Denso Cockpit Electronic Product Lines 
Denso CASE Strategic Layout 
Denso CASE Core Technology 
Denso Intelligent Cockpit Technology Roadmap
Denso ADAS/AD Technology Frame
Denso Cockpit DCU 
Denso Cockpit System - Harmony CoreTM (I)
Denso Cockpit System - Harmony CoreTM (II)
Denso New Integrated Vehicle Platform
Denso Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) 
Denso G-BOOK Infotainment System
Denso Vehicle Navigation Products
Denso Console Display Business
Denso OLED Display Technology Layout
Denso HUD Business (I)
Denso HUD Business (II)
Denso Instrument Business 
Next-generation Digital Instrument Co-developed by Denso and Wuhan Kotei Informatics
Denso Driver Monitoring System (I)
Denso Driver Monitoring System (II)
Commercial Vehicle DMS Co-developed by Denso and FotoNation
Denso Vehicle Air-conditioner Controller (I)
Denso Vehicle Air-conditioner Controller (II)
Coordination between Air-conditioner Controller and Human Machine Interface (HMI)
Denso DCM (T-BOX) Business
Denso V2X Business 
Denso Automatic Parking Business
Denso to Launch AVP in 2020
Denso Selects eSOL Basic Platform to Develop Surround View Systems
Denso OTA Solution
Denso Telematics Security Solution 
Denso’s Other Cockpit Modules (I)
Denso’s Other Cockpit Modules (II)
Denso Battery Management System Business
Denso NiMH Battery Management System
Denso Lithium Battery Management System
Denso PHEV Battery Management System (I)
Denso PHEV Battery Management System (II)
Denso PHEV Battery Management System (III)
Summary (I) of Denso Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Summary (II) of Denso Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Denso CASE Industry Alliance Layout
Core Team of Denso China
Denso Production Layout in China

4. Valeo Cockpit Business (53 Pages) 
Valeo’s Technical Centers and Organizational Structure
Valeo Automotive Business Architecture and Product Solutions
Development of Valeo’s Divisions in 2019 (I) 
Development of Valeo’s Divisions in 2019 (II)
Valeo Future Development Plan
Future Development Plan of Valeo CDA Division
R&D Center (China) of Valeo CDA Division
Valeo Production and R&D Layout (China) 
Valeo Cockpit Electronic Product Lines 
Valeo Integrated Center Console 
Valeo Dashboard and Multi-display Integration 
Valeo HUD Products
Valeo L1-L4 HMI Systems
Valeo Integrated Control and Air-conditioner Controller Panels (I)
Valeo Integrated Control and Air-conditioner Controller Panels (II)
Valeo Cockpit Temperature Management and Smart Cocoon Products
Valeo TCU (TBOX) & C-V2X Business (I)
Valeo TCU (TBOX) & C-V2X Business (II)
Development History of Valeo Automated Parking Business
Valeo Automated Parking Business in China (I) 
Valeo Automated Parking Business in China (II)
Valeo Park4U? Sensor Upgrade Roadmap
Valeo Valet Park4U: Entry into AVP System for Parking Field with Cisco
Valeo Upgrade from Park4U? Automated Parking to Cruise4U/Drive4U
Valeo Park4U/Cruise4U Requires Strong Capability of Software Algorithm Development
Valeo Cockpit Monitoring System
Valeo DMS (I)
Valeo DMS (II)
Valeo DMS (III) 
Valeo DMS (IV)
Valeo IMS (I)
Valeo IMS (II)
Valeo IMS (III)
Valeo IMS (IV)
Valeo IMS (V)
Valeo IMS (VI) 
Valeo IMS (VII)
Valeo Battery Thermal Management System (I) 
Valeo Battery Thermal Management System (II)
Valeo Battery Thermal Management System (III)
Schematic Diagram of Valeo Battery Thermal Management System (Electric Bus) 
Valeo Battery Thermal Management System (Electric Bus)
Valeo Cockpit Environmental Management System - Smart Cocoon
Valeo In-Cabin Air Solution
Valeo Cockpit Virtual Perception Technology: VoyageXR & CallXR (I) 
Valeo Cockpit Virtual Perception Technology: VoyageXR & CallXR (II)
Summary (I) of Valeo Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Summary (II) of Valeo Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Summary of Valeo Module Suppliers and Partners
Valeo Global Management Team (I) 
Valeo Global Management Team (II)
Core Team of Valeo in China
Core Team of Valeo in China
Production Bases (China) of Valeo CDA Division

5. Faurecia Cockpit Business (63 Pages)
Faurecia’s Profile and R&D Expenses
Faurecia’s Technical Centers and Organizational Structure
Distribution of Faurecia R&D Centers in China
Faurecia R&D Innovation Process: from Ideas to Products to Automotive Application
Faurecia Focuses on Two Technology Strategies: “Cockpit of the Future” and “Sustainable Mobility” (I)
Faurecia Focuses on Two Technology Strategies: “Cockpit of the Future” and “Sustainable Mobility” (II)
Business Development of Faurecia Clarion Electronics
Development Plan 2025 of Faurecia Clarion Electronics
Development Plan 2025 of Faurecia Clarion Electronics: Cockpit Entertainment Controller
Development Plan 2025 of Faurecia Clarion Electronics: Display Technology
Development Plan 2025 of Faurecia Clarion Electronics: Haptic and Sensory Experience Solutions 
Development Plan 2025 of Faurecia Clarion Electronics: Driver Assistance System
R&D Outsourcing and Layoff Plan of Faurecia Clarion Electronics
Efficient Organizational Structure of Faurecia Clarion Electronics
Faurecia Cockpit Electronic Product Lines
Faurecia Cockpit Intelligence Platform (CIP): Single-processor Multi-screen Integrated System
Faurecia Cockpit DCU Business: Multi-screen Integrated Cockpit System 
Goals of Faurecia Cockpit DCU Plan 
DCU Chip: Renesas R-Car H3
DCU Chip: Chip T7 of Allwinner Technology
DCU Chip: Horizon Robotics Journey? 2 Chip
Faurecia IVI System
Faurecia Vehicle Navigation System
IVI System Co-developed by Faurecia and Phoenix Auto Intelligence for Changan C75 Plus
Faurecia’s Customizable Vehicle Display Business
Faurecia’s Customizable Vehicle Display Business Planning
Large Liftable Display Jointly Released by Faurecia and JDI
Faurecia Electronic Rearview Mirror
Faurecia 12.3-inch Cold-rolled Display for Aion LX of GAC NE
Faurecia Android App for Automotive Market
Faurecia’s Instrument, Center Console and Other Cockpit Products for GAC Trumpchi GS5
Faurecia’s Instrument, Center Console and Other Interiors for Tesla Model 3 in North America
Faurecia Future Cockpit Product Lines
Faurecia Future Cockpit
Faurecia Immersive Sound System
Faurecia HMI Solution
Faurecia Seamless Connectivity and Infotainment Solutions
Faurecia Cockpit Cooperation Ecosystem
Summary (I) of Faurecia Intelligent Cockpit Product Planning and Technology Roadmap
Summary (II) of Faurecia Intelligent Cockpit Product Planning and Technology Roadmap
Faurecia FIRST INCH Smart Control Unit
Summary of Faurecia Integrated Control Panel Planning and Technology Roadmap 
Faurecia V2X Solution
Faurecia Automated Parking Solution
Faurecia Autonomous Pick-up Solution
Faurecia Surround View System Solution
Summary of Faurecia Automated Parking Product Planning and Technology Roadmap
Faurecia Driver Monitoring System (Interior Monitoring System) with Haptic Feedback
Summary of Faurecia DMS Product Planning and Technology Roadmap
Faurecia Cloud Connectivity Solution
Faurecia OTA Solution
Faurecia Investment in Guardknox for Layout of Vehicle Cyber Security Solution
Faurecia Cockpit Interior Lighting - Ambient Lamp
Faurecia Seat Business
Faurecia Active Wellness 2.0 Seat and Rotating Seat
Faurecia New Intelligent Seat Patent in China
Faurecia Interiors for BAIC BJEV ARCFOX α-T Intelligent Cockpit
Faurecia Zero Emission System Division
Faurecia Zero Emission System Division
Faurecia Cooperation Ecosystem
Summary (I) of Faurecia'Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Summary (I) of Faurecia Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Global Core Team of Faurecia
Core Team of Faurecia in China
Production Base Layout of Faurecia Clarion Electronics in China

6. Panasonic Cockpit Business (48 Pages)
Panasonic Business Structure and R&D
Panasonic Key R&D Bases in China
Distribution of Main R&D Bases of Panasonic Automotive Electronics Business
Panasonic Automotive Electronics Business Structure and Product Lines
Main Business of Panasonic Automotive Systems Development Tianjin Co., Ltd. 
Panasonic Cockpit Electronic Product Lines 
Panasonic SPYDR Cockpit DCU Business 
Panasonic Cockpit DCU Solution: SPYDR 2.0/SPYDR 3.0 (I) 
Panasonic Cockpit DCU Solution: SPYDR 2.0/SPYDR 3.0 (II)
Panasonic Cockpit Electronics Layout
Panasonic Cockpit Electronics Computing Architecture
Panasonic Cockpit System Software Architecture
DCU Chip: Qualcomm SA6155P/SA8155P Processor
Panasonic IVI Operating System - Skip Gen
Panasonic IVI System - PIVI Pro for New Land Rover Defender
Panasonic IVI System Business (I) 
Panasonic IVI System Business (II)
Panasonic IVI System Business (III) 
Panasonic IVI System Business (IV) 
Panasonic New Multi-display Interaction Products 
Panasonic Dual-display Interaction Products for Range Rover Velar
Panasonic HUD for Nissan SKYLINE
Panasonic Develops AR-HUD
Panasonic AR-HUD Applied to Toyota Concept Car
Panasonic Intelligent Cockpit Products 
Panasonic Contactless Intelligent Cockpit 
Panasonic Intelligent Cockpit for Autonomous Vehicles
Summary of Panasonic Intelligent Cockpit Development Planning and Technology Roadmap
Panasonic FICOSA T-BOX Business (I) 
Panasonic FICOSA T-BOX Business (II)
Panasonic FICOSA V2X Technology Roadmap 
Features of Panasonic FICOSA V2X Technology -- DSRC V2V/V2I) 
Features of Panasonic FICOSA V2X Technology -- DSRC V2P
Features of Panasonic FICOSA V2X Technology -- Integration of Radar and DSRC Technology 
Panasonic FICOSA C-V2X Products (I)
Panasonic FICOSA C-V2X Products (II)
Application of Panasonic FICOSA C-V2X Technology  
Panasonic AVP Business 
Technical Features of Panasonic AVP Products 
Panasonic Automated Parking Product Planning and Technology Roadmap 
Panasonic DMS Business (I)
Panasonic DMS Business (II)
Summary of Panasonic DMS Product Planning and Technology Roadmap 
Panasonic BMS Business
Panasonic New Battery Management Technology Which May Be Applied to Vehicles in Future
Summary (I) of Panasonic Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers 
Summary (II) of Panasonic Cockpit Products, Suppliers and Customers
Core Team of Panasonic 
Distribution of Main Production Bases of Panasonic Automotive Electronics Business

Chinese OEMs (Passenger Car) Going Overseas Report, 2024--Germany

Keywords of Chinese OEMs going to Germany: electric vehicles, cost performance, intelligence, ecological construction, localization The European Union's temporary tariffs on electric vehicles in Chi...

Analysis on DJI Automotive’s Autonomous Driving Business, 2024

Research on DJI Automotive: lead the NOA market by virtue of unique technology route. In 2016, DJI Automotive’s internal technicians installed a set of stereo sensors + vision fusion positioning syst...

BYD’s Layout in Electrification, Connectivity, Intelligence and Sharing and Strategy Analysis Report, 2023-2024

Insight: BYD deploys vehicle-mounted drones, and the autonomous driving charging robot market is expected to boom. BYD and Dongfeng M-Hero make cross-border layout of drones.  In recent years,...

Great Wall Motor’s Layout in Electrification, Connectivity, Intelligence and Sharing and Strategy Analysis Report, 2023-2024

Great Wall Motor (GWM) benchmarks IT giants and accelerates “Process and Digital Transformation”. In 2022, Great Wall Motor (GWM) hoped to use Haval H6's huge user base to achieve new energy transfo...

Cockpit AI Agent Research Report, 2024

Cockpit AI Agent: Autonomous scenario creation becomes the first step to personalize cockpits In AI Foundation Models’ Impacts on Vehicle Intelligent Design and Development Research Report, 2024, Res...

Leading Chinese Intelligent Cockpit Tier 1 Supplier Research Report, 2024

Cockpit Tier1 Research: Comprehensively build a cockpit product matrix centered on users' hearing, speaking, seeing, writing and feeling. ResearchInChina released Leading Chinese Intelligent Cockpit ...

Global and China Automotive Wireless Communication Module Market Report, 2024

Communication module and 5G research: 5G module installation rate reaches new high, 5G-A promotes vehicle application acceleration 5G automotive communication market has exploded, and 5G FWA is evolv...

ADAS and Autonomous Driving Tier 1 Suppliers Research Report, 2024 – Chinese Companies

ADAS Tier1s Research: Suppliers enter intense competition while exploring new businesses such as robotics In China's intelligent driving market, L2 era is dominated by foreign suppliers. Entering era...

Automotive Gateway Industry Report, 2024

Automotive gateway research: 10BASE-T1S and CAN-XL will bring more flexible gateway deployment solutions ResearchInChina released "Automotive Gateway Industry Report, 2024", analyzing and researching...

Global and China Electronic Rearview Mirror Industry Report, 2024

Research on electronic rearview mirrors: electronic internal rearview mirrors are growing rapidly, and electronic external rearview mirrors are facing growing pains ResearchInChina released "Global a...

Next-generation Zonal Communication Network Topology and Chip Industry Research Report, 2024

The in-vehicle communication architecture plays a connecting role in automotive E/E architecture. With the evolution of automotive E/E architecture, in-vehicle communication technology is also develop...

Autonomous Delivery Industry Research Report, 2024

Autonomous Delivery Research: Foundation Models Promote the Normal Application of Autonomous Delivery in Multiple Scenarios Autonomous Delivery Industry Research Report, 2024 released by ResearchInCh...

Global Autonomous Driving Policies & Regulations and Automotive Market Access Research Report, 2024

Intelligent driving regulations and vehicles going overseas: research on regional markets around the world and access strategies.    "Going out”: discussion about regional markets aroun...

China Passenger Car HUD Industry Report, 2024

HUD research: AR-HUD accounted for 21.1%; LBS and optical waveguide solutions are about to be mass-produced.  The automotive head-up display system (HUD) uses the principle of optics to display s...

Ecological Domain and Automotive Hardware Expansion Research Report, 2024

Automotive Ecological Domain Research: How Will OEM Ecology and Peripheral Hardware Develop? Ecological Domain and Automotive Hardware Expansion Research Report, 2024 released by ResearchInChina ...

C-V2X and CVIS Industry Research Report, 2024

C-V2X and CVIS Research: In 2023, the OEM scale will exceed 270,000 units, and large-scale verification will start.The pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration” commenced, and C-V2X entere...

Automotive Intelligent Cockpit Platform Configuration Strategy and Industry Research Report, 2024

According to the evolution trends and functions, the cockpit platform has gradually evolved into technical paths such as cockpit-only, cockpit integrated with other domains, cockpit-parking integratio...

Analysis on Huawei's Electrification, Connectivity, Intelligence and Sharing,2023-2024

Analysis on Huawei's Electrification, Connectivity, Intelligence and Sharing: Comprehensive layout in eight major fields and upgrade of Huawei Smart Selection The “Huawei Intelligent Driving Business...

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