Jiading gets first free electric car charging station

A free new energy charging station opened to the public in Jiading district, Shanghai on May 14, the first of its kind in the city, local media reported.
The station is located at the Wanfo (ten thousand buddhas) Temple, a renowned Buddhist tourist site in Jiading. It covers an area of 200 square meters and consists of 11 charging posts and a fast charging device that can fully charge an electric car in half an hour.
The station's charge is partly generated through solar, a clean and renewable energy, which provides power to the posts.
The electric charging station is a joint effort of the Jiading Buddhist Association and the Shanghai Anyue Charging Technology Co, a subsidiary of SAIC Motor, in a response to the nation's call for energy conservation and emission reduction.
Master Huichan, head of the Jiading Buddhist Association, explained that this move is also in line with the association's efforts to promote environmental protection among locals.
The master added that they will continue this free charging station project by adding more charging posts to the station at Wanfo Temple and building new stations at six other temples in Jiading.

Source:China Daily

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