E-vehicles made in Wuxi enjoy brisk sales overseas


The export growth rate of Wuxi-based electric vehicle manufacturer Xinri Electrics Bicycle Co reached 30 percent in 2015, based on more than ten new markets such as Iran, Turkey and Vietnam, reported gmw.cn.

To go global, Xinri changed its strategy in 2010 from a focus on brand expansion to product quality. It also added a new product line for exported e-vehicles, leading to a surge in sales.

A new electric bicycle model was rolled out in Vietnam last year, quickly gaining sales of some 90,000 units on account of its reliable quality.

Besides quality control, Xinri did market research into the preferences and income levels of overseas users and adjusted products' style and color accordingly.

Innovation is also crucial to Xinri. In addition to domestic research institutions, Xinri involved a Japanese team to take charge of quality control and joined with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop e-vehicles.

"To invest in technologies is to invest in the future," said Chen Kai, director of the company's president's office, adding: "Xinri allocates over 50 million yuan ($7.68 million) to research and development every year."

It strives for ever more intelligent products with the goal of controlling e-vehicles by phone.

Chen told reporters that a new plant is scheduled to be set up in Southeast Asia this year as a move to raise exports to $100 billion within the following three years.

Source:China Daily

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