China Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling and Transmission Steel Pipe Market Report, 2013-2016
May 2014
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Along with the sustained and stable development of China's economy as well as the accelerated industrialization, China’s demand for oil and natural gas has kept rising rapidly in recent years. In 2013, China's oil and natural gas consumption reached 498 million tons and 167.6 billion cubic meters respectively, up 4.5% and 14.6 % year-on-year.
Amid the jumping demand for oil and natural gas, China has enhanced the construction of oil and gas pipeline networks. In 2013, Chinese oil and gas pipeline network pattern initially formed with the total mileage of 106,200 kilometers. In accordance with "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the total length will be about 150,000 km by 2015, which will boost the development of oil and gas transmission steel pipes and other related materials to a certain extent.
Welded pipes and seamless steel pipes, especailly SSAW (Spirally Submerged Arc Welding) and LSAW (Longitudinally Submerged Arc Welding), are required in the construction of oil and gas transmission pipeline networks. As of the end of 2013, China had been building and proposed to set up six trunk oil and gas transmission pipelines; CNPC and CNOOC had been establishing and planned 10 gas pipelines which will be completed successively in 2014-2016. The above 16 pipelines need about 11.19 million tons of SSAW (70%) and LSAW (30 %).
In China, major SSAW and LSAW manufacturers consist of Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe, PCK, Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe and so on. PCK is China's largest longitudinal welded pipe manufacturer. At the end of 2013, PCK’s four production bases were equipped with six longitudinal welded pipe production lines with the annual capacity of 1.9 million tons, two spiral welded pipe machine production lines and a high-frequency ERW (electirc resistance welding) pipe production line with the combined annual capacity of 810,000 tons.
Oil well pipes are mainly used in oil and gas exploration and exploitation, devived into tubings, casings and drill pipes. In 2013, China produced about 5.8 million tons of oil well pipes, and the apparent consumption approximated 4.5 million tons.
At present, the competition pattern in Chinese oil well pipe market remains stable in a relative sense, and main players like Baosteel, Changbao Steeltube, WUXI SEAMLESS OIL PIPE, Anhui Tianda and Hengyang Valin Steel Tube occupy more than 80% market share. Moreover, to adapt themselves to the new situation that oil exploration heads toward deep and ultra deep wells as well as geological environments become increasingly complex, some manufacturers represented by Changbao Steeltube are adjusting their product mix.
By the end of 2013, Changbao Steeltube had accomplished 80 % of its high-end oil well pipe processing line project invovled with the total investment of RMB159 million. The project is to upgrade products on the basis of the original equipment, including one 85,000-ton non-API tubing heat treatment production line and one 40,000-ton finished pipe thread line.

The report highlights the followings:
Overview of global and Chinese petroleum and natural gas market, including supply and demand analysis;
Overview of China seamless steel pipe industry, covering supply, import & export, demand and price analysis;
Overview of China welded steel pipe industry, covering supply, import, export, demand and consumption structure;
Overview of Chinese oil and gas-use pipe market, including market size and competition pattern;
Operation and oil & gas pipe business of 15 major Chinese steel pipe manufacturers such as Baosteel, Valin Steel, Changbao Steeltube, and Kingland Pipeline.
1 Overview of Global Petroleum and Natural Gas Market
1.1 Petroleum Market
1.1.1 Supply
1.1.2 Demand
1.2 Natural Gas Market
1.2.1 Supply
1.2.2 Demand
2 Overview of Chinese Petroleum and Natural Gas Market
2.1 Petroleum Market
2.1.1 Supply
2.1.2 Demand
2.2 Natural Gas Market
2.2.1 Supply
2.2.2 Demand
3 Overview of China Seamless Steel Pipe Industry
3.1 Definition
3.2 Supply
3.3 Import and Export
3.3.1 Export
3.3.2 Import
3.4 Demand
3.5 Price
4 Overview of China Welded Steel Pipe Industry
4.1 Definition
4.2 Supply
4.3 Import and Export
4.3.1 Export
4.3.2 Import
4.4 Demand
5 Overview of Chinese Oil and Gas-use Pipe Market
5.1 Transmission Pipes
5.1.1 Market Scale
5.1.2 Market Competition
5.2 Oil Well Pipes
5.2.1 Market Scale
5.2.2 Market Competition
6 Major Chinese Oil and Gas Pipe Manufacturers
6.1 Baosteel
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Revenue Structure
6.1.4 Gross Margin
6.1.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.1.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.2 Valin Steel
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Revenue Structure
6.2.4 Gross Margin
6.2.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.2.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.3 Changbao Steeltube
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Revenue Structure
6.3.4 Gross Margin
6.3.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.3.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.4 Kingland Pipeline
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Revenue Structure
6.4.4 Gross Margin
6.4.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.4.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.5 Yulong Steel Pipe
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Revenue Structure
6.5.4 Gross Margin
6.5.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.5.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.6 Shandong Molong
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Revenue Structure
6.6.4 Gross Margin
6.6.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.6.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.7 Tianda Oil Pipe
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Gross Margin
6.7.4 Steel Pipe Business
6.7.5 Forecast and Outlook
6.8 Tianjin Pipe
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Revenue Structure
6.8.4 Gross Margin
6.8.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.8.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.9 Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Operation
6.9.3 Revenue Structure
6.9.4 Gross Margin
6.9.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.9.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.10 PCK
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Operation
6.10.3 Revenue Structure
6.10.4 Gross Margin
6.10.5 Steel Pipe Business
6.10.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.11 Pangang Group Chengdu Steel & Vanadium
6.11.1 Profile
6.11.2 Operation
6.12 Chengde Steel Pipe
6.12.1 Profile
6.12.2 Operation
6.12.3 Yangzhou Chengde
6.13 Wuxi Seamless Oil Pipe
6.13.1 Profile
6.13.2 Operation
6.13.3 Gross Margin
6.14 Zhenda Steel
6.15 Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe
6.15.1 Profile
6.15.2 Operation
7 Summary and Forecast
7.1 Summary
7.2 Forecast
Distribution of Global Proved Oil Reserves, 2012
Global Oil Reserves / Production Ratio (by Region), 2012
Global Oil Output, 2006-2013
Global Oil Consumption, 2006-2013
OPEC Reference Basket, 2011-2013
Distribution of Global Proved Gas Reserves, 2012
Global Natural Gas Reserves / Production Ratio (by Region), 2012
Global l Natural Gas Output, 2006-2013
Global l Natural Gas Consumption, 2006-2013
China's Oil Output, 2006-2013
China's Oil Consumption, 2006-2013
China's Crude Oil Import and Export Volume, 2006-2013
China's l Natural Gas Output, 2006-2013
China's l Natural Gas Consumption, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Output, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Output (by Region), 2013
Number of Various Seamless Steel Pipe Production Lines and Capacity Distribution in China, 2012
Output Share of 8 Large State-owned Seamless Steel Pipe Enterprises (by Variety) in China, 2012
Export Share of 8 Large State-owned Seamless Steel Pipe Enterprises in China, 2012
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Export Volume, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Export Value, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Import Volume, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Import Value, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Apparent Consumption, 2006-2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Sales Structure (by Region), 2013
Seamless Steel Pipe Sales Structure of Key Enterprises in China, 2013
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Spot Price, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Output, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Export Volume, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Export Value, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Import Volume, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Import Value, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Apparent Consumption, 2006-2013
China's Welded Pipe Sales Structure (by Region), 2013
Welded Pipe Sales Structure of Key Enterprises in China, 2013
China’s Length of Oil and Gas Transmission Pipeline, 2006-2015E
China’s Demand for Steel Pipes Used in Trunk Oil and Gas Transmission Pipeline Networks, 2012-2015E
Demand of Gas Fields of CNPC and CNOOC for Steel Used in Supporting Pipeline Networks, 2011-2015E
Capacity of Major SSAW and LSAW Producers in China, 2013
Some Completed, Ongoing and Planned Pipelines of Sinopec and CNOOC, 2011-2015E
Structure of China’s Demand for Oil and Gas Pipelines, 2013
Global Oil Well Pipe Demand, 2010-2015E
Exploration & Exploitation Scale and Growth Rate of CNPC and Sinopec, 2006-2013
China's Oil Well Pipe Demand, 2009-2013
China's Oil Well Pipe Output and Apparent Consumption, 2000-2015E
Baosteel's Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2013
Baosteel's Revenue Breakdown and Percentage (by Product), 2011-2013
Baosteel's Gross Margin (by Region), 2008-2013
Baosteel's Main Steel Pipe Subsidiaries, 2013
Baosteel's Steel Pipe Sales Volume, 2008-2013
Baosteel's Steel Pipe Revenue and Gross Margin, 2009-2013
Baosteel's Revenue and Net Income, 2010-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Valin Steel, 2008-2013
Revenue Structure of Valin Steel (by Product), 2010-2013
Gross Margin of Valin Steel, 2011-2013
Steel Pipe Revenue and Gross Margin of Valin Steel, 2008-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Valin Steel, 2012-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Changbao Steeltube, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Changbao Steeltube (by Product), 2011-2013
Operating Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Changbao Steeltube (by Region), 2011-2013
Gross Margin of Changbao Steeltube (by Product), 2010-2013
Main Production Lines and Capacity of Changbao Steeltube, 2013
Revenue and Net Income of Changbao Steeltube, 2010-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Kingland Pipeline, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Kingland Pipeline (by Product), 2011-2013
Operating Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Kingland Pipeline (by Region), 2011-2013
Gross Margin of Kingland Pipeline (by Product), 2008-2013
Output of Kingland Pipeline (by Product), 2011-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Kingland Pipeline, 2010-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Yulong Steel Pipe, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Yulong Steel Pipe (by Product), 2011-2013
Operating Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Yulong Steel Pipe (by Region), 2011-2013
Gross Margin of Yulong Steel Pipe (by Product), 2010-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Yulong Steel Pipe, 2010-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Shandong Molong, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Shandong Molong (by Product), 2011-2013
Operating Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Shandong Molong (by Region), 2011-2013
Gross Margin of Shandong Molong (by Product), 2010-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Shandong Molong, 2010-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Tianda Oil Pipe, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Tianda Oil Pipe, 2008-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Tianda Oil Pipe, 2010-2016E
Main Product Series of Tianjin Pipe
Revenue and Net Income of Tianjin Pipe, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Tianjin Pipe (by Product), 2011-2013
Gross Margin of Tianjin Pipe (by Product), 2010-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Tianjin Pipe, 2010-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe, 2008-2013
Revenue Breakdown and Percentage of Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe (by Product), 2012-2013
Sales Gross Margin of Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe, 2008-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Shengli Oil & Gas Pipe, 2010-2016E
PCK's Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2013
PCK's Revenue Breakdown and Percentage (by Region), 2011-2013
PCK's Gross Margin, 2008-2013
PCK's Revenue and Net Income of, 2010-2016E
Key Financial Indicators of Pangang Group Chengdu Steel & Vanadium, 2009-2011
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Chengde Steel Pipe, 2007-2009
Revenue and Pre-tax Profit of Yangzhou Chengde, 2007-2009
WUXI SEAMLESS OIL PIPE's Revenue and Net Income, 2008-2013
WUXI SEAMLESS OIL PIPE's Gross Margin, 2006-2013
Revenue of Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe, 2008-2020E
China's Seamless Steel Pipe Apparent Consumption, 2006-2016E
China's Welded Pipe Apparent Consumption, 2006-2016E
China's Oil Well Pipe Demand, 2009-2016E
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