Global and China Automotive Aluminum Wheel Industry Report, 2009-2010
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2009 is a harsh year for most of automotive aluminum manufacturers, especially those targeting at North American market. At first, Hayes Lemmerz, the largest automotive wheel manufacturer in North America declared bankruptcy on May 11, 2009. Hayes Lemmerz had been suffering losses from FY2005 to FY2009, and the economic crisis became the last straw that forced it to file for bankruptcy protection on May 11, 2009. The total assets of Hayes Lemmerz valued US$1.34 billion, the liabilities amounted to US$1.41 billion, the sales value declined by almost 50% in 2009. Superior, the largest automotive aluminum wheel manufacturer in North America, also had a very difficult time, and its sales value fell by 45% in 2009.
Also in May 2009, Metaldyne, an aluminum wheel manufacturer headquartered in Michigan, declared bankruptcy. It was acquired by Asahi Tec, a Japanese manufacturer, with US$215 million in 2006. Metaldyne's bankruptcy protection made Asahi Tec lost JPY31.97 billion as investment write-down, but did not affect the cash flow. As a result, the sales of Asahi Tec slumped by 74% in FY2009.
Some Chinese manufacturers also fell victim to the crisis, and Huatai Aluminum Wheel is among the most heavily hit. Totally engaged in the export to the United States, its Tai’an branch suffered sharp revenue decline in 2009. Moreover, it had accumulated huge debts during the high-speed expansion in the early stage. Eventually, it had to declare bankruptcy liquidation in March 2010. Most Chinese manufacturers of aluminum wheels provide products to the clients in China, Japan and EU, while small factories mainly export products to America.
China's automobile market developed rapidly in 2009, driving Chinese aluminum wheel manufacturers, especially large ones, to grow despite the market downturn. CITIC Dicastal increased its shipment by 22% to 14.38 million, securing its first place status by widening the gap with the runner-up. Singapore-listed Lizhong Wheel increased its revenue by 9% against the market trends. Lioho Machine Works, Taiwan's largest aluminum wheel manufacturer, achieved growth in income, shipment and gross profit margin.
In the EU, all aluminum wheel manufacturers are private enterprises, and they rarely publish their operation status to the public. RONAL and UNIWHEEL focus on the after-sales markets in Asia-Pacific, North America and the European Union, so they suffered bigger losses. BORBET aims at OEM market, with solid customer base, such as BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and Ford that have excellent performance, so it suffered less. Japanese manufacturers have shifted most of their production bases to Mainland China and Southeast Asia, so the cost disadvantages are not prominent. In 2009, the sales volume of Japanese manufacturers was considerable, particularly in China, so Japanese aluminum wheels manufacturers did better than North American and EU manufacturers.
In 2010, aluminum wheel manufacturers got explosive growth. The shipment of Superior reached 2.36 million in Q1 2010, up 69% compared with Q1 2009; its revenue grew even faster by 84%; it is expected that the growth rate in 2010 will be much higher than that in 2009. In December 2009, Hayes Lemmerz announced that it did not need bankruptcy protection any more. China's Lizhong Wheel had even more outstanding performance in Q1 2010; its revenue in Q1 2010 was 114% more than that in Q1 2009; its profit in Q1 2010 surpassed all of its profit in 2009.
China has strong advantages in the production of aluminum wheels. First, the labor costs are lower than that of private enterprises in European Union. Second, China is the world's largest alumina supplier, and has obvious advantages in alumina prices. Some wheel manufacturers set up factories in the vicinity of alumina manufacturers, such as Sanmenxia Dicastal; or alumina suppliers set up their own aluminum wheel factories, such as Chiping Xinfa. Third, China is the world's largest automobile market and vehicle production base, and most aluminum wheel manufacturers are near automobile production bases or ports to save logistics costs.
The EU’s anti-dumping for aluminum wheels will not have much impact on China, because the EU market only accounts for 10% of the total aluminum wheel export of China, and the key market for Chinese manufacturers is North America. If the United States imposes anti-dumping measures, Chinese small and medium manufacturers of aluminum wheels will be struck heavily. In the long term, the United States will implement anti-dumping for aluminum wheels sooner or later, so relevant manufacturers should actively explore other markets to respond to potential risks.
Shipment of Global Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers, 2008-2009 (Unit: 1,000)

1. Global Automobile Industry and Market
2. China Automobile Industry and Market
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Brands
2.3 Sales Volume
2.4 Export
2.5 Financial Status of Major Automotive Groups in China
3. Overview of Aluminum Automotive Wheel Technology
3.1 Manufacturing Methods
3.1.1 Welding
3.1.2 Casting
3.1.3 Forging
3.2 Magnesium-alloy Wheel
3.3 Advantages of Aluminum-alloy Wheel
3.4 Quality System and Certification for Aluminum-alloy Wheel
4. Aluminum Automotive Wheel Industry & Market
4.1 Global Aluminum Automotive Wheel Market
4.2 Global Aluminum Automotive Wheel Industry
4.3 Relationship between Global Aluminum Automotive Wheel Manufacturers and Automobile Manufacturers
4.4 China Aluminum Automotive Wheel Industry & Market
4.5 China Steel Wheel Industry
4.6 Anti-dumping for aluminum wheel
5. Major Aluminum Automotive Wheel Manufacturers
5.1 CITIC Dicastal
5.1.1 Qinhuangdao Dicastal Xinglong
5.1.2 Sanmenxia Dicastal
5.2 Lizhong Wheel
5.2.1 Tianjin Lizhong / Dicastal
5.2.2 Qinhuangdao Dicamry Wheel
5.3 Zhengxing Wheel
5.4 Jinfei
5.5 Huatai
5.5.1 Dongfeng Huatai (Tianmen)
5.5.2 Huatai (Jiangmen)
5.6 Lioho Machinery
5.6.1 Kunshan Liufeng Machinery
5.6.2 Lioho Light Alloy (Kunshan)
5.7 Nanhai Zhongnan Aluminum Wheel
5.7.1 FAW Zhongnan Baishan Aluminum Wheel (Hengju Aluminum)
5.8 Tianyang Aluminum Alloy
5.9 Wanfeng Auto Wheel
5.10 Durui Wheel
5.11 Shanghai Jinheli
5.12 Nanjing Huashun Aluminium Wheels
5.13 Surperior
5.14 Hayes Lemmerz
5.15 Enkei
5.16 UBE
5.19 RONAL
5.20 Dongfeng Wheel
5.21 Jiangsu Yuantong
5.22 Youfa Group
5.23 BBS
5.24 Daya Wheel
5.25 Fuhai Group
5.26 Mingqi
5.27 CMW
5.28 TOPY
5.29 ALCOA
5.30 Jingyuan Heavy Duty Machinery
5.31 Yongle Aluminum Wheel
5.32 Wuxi Zhenfa
5.33 Xiamen Minxing & Shanghai Guoxing
5.34 Wonder Kosei
5.35 FAWAY
5.36 Xingmin Wheel
5.37 Dongling Group
Output of Global Light Vehicles and Penetration Rate of Aluminum Wheels, 2006-2012
Shipment of Global Aluminum Alloy Wheels, 2006-2012E
Global Aluminum Wheel Market Scale, 2006-2012
Geographical Distribution of Automotive Aluminum Wheel After-sale Market, 2008-2010
Shipment of Global Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers by Region, 2008-2009
Market Shares of Global Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers (by Shipment), 2008
Market Shares of Global Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers (by Revenue), 2008
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Toyota, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Honda, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Nissan, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of General Motors, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Ford, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Volkswagen, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of BMW, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Mercedes-Benz, 2008-2009
Automotive Aluminum Wheel Suppliers of Hyundai, 2009
Market Shares of Chinese Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers (by Revenue), 2008-2009
Market Shares of Chinese Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers (by Shipment), 2008-2009
Market Shares of Steel Wheel Industry, 2008
Revenue & Operating Profit Margin of Lizhong Wheel, 2003-2010
Subsidiaries of Lizhong Group
Products of Lizhong Wheel, 2006-2009
Revenue of Lizhong Wheel by Region, 2006-2009
Production Capacity & Capacity Utilization of Lizhong Wheel, 2004-2010
Share Structure of Wanfeng Auto Wheel
Revenue & Operating Profit of Surperior Industries International, 2004-2008
Shipment of SII, Q1 2006-Q1 2010
Revenue & Gross Profit Margin of SII, Q1 2008-Q1 2010
Revenue & Operating Profit Margin of Hayes Lemmerz, FY2005-FY2010
Revenue of Hayes Lemmerz by Country
Operating Profit & Operating Profit Margin of UBE, FY2001-FY2009
Revenue of UBE by Region, FY2004-FY2008
Revenue of UBE by Product, FY2007-FY2009
Operating Profit of UBE by Product, FY2007-FY2009
Revenue & Operating Profit of UBE’s Aluminum Wheels, FY2006-FY2009
Global Distribution of BORBET
Shipment of BORBET, 1996-2008
Revenue of BORBET, 2001-2008
Client Structure of BORBET
Revenue & Operating Profit of Youfa Group, 2004-2009
Revenue of Youfa from Distribution and Manufacturing Businesses, 2004-2009
Revenue Distribution of YHI by Region, 2005-2009
Revenue & Operating Profit of TOPY, FY2004-FY2009
Revenue of TOPY by Product, FY2008
Revenue & Gross Profit Margin of FAWAY, 2005-2011
Revenue & Gross Profit Margin of FAWAY, Q1 2009 –Q1 2010
Stake Structure of Xingmin Wheel before IPO
Revenue & Net Profit of Xingmin Wheel, 2006-2009
Production Capacity of Xingmin Wheel by Downstream Application, 2006-2009
Downstream Revenue Distribution of Xingmin Wheel, 2006-2009
Production Capacity of Xingmin Wheel, 2007-2011
Gross Profit Margin of Xingmin Wheel by Product, 2006-2009
Revenue of Xingmin Wheel by AM/OEM, 2006-2009
Gross Profit of Xingmin Wheel by Product, 2006-2009
Product Prices of Xingmin Wheel, 2006-2009
Cost Structure of Xingmin Wheel, 2009
Top 16 Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers in the World by Shipment, 2008
Top 16 Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers in the World by Revenue, 2008
Clients of Chinese Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers
Ranking of 45 Chinese Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers by Income, 2008
Financial Data of CITIC Dicastal, 2004-2009
Financial Data of Qinhuangdao Dicastal Xinglong, 2004-2009
Financial Data of Sanmenxia Dicastal, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Qinhuangdao Dicamry, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Zhengxing Wheel Group, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Zhengxing Wheel (Chengdu), 2004-2007
Financial Data of Zhengxing Wheel (Benxi), 2004-2007
Financial Data of Jinfei Machinery, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Dongfeng Huatai (Tianmen), 2004-2007
Financial Status of Dongfeng Huatai (Tianmen), 2007
Financial Data of Huatai (Jiangmen), 2004-2007
Financial Data of Kunshan Liufeng Machinery, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Lioho Light Alloy (Kunshan), 2004-2007
Financial Data of Changfeng Lioho, 2006-2007
Financial Data of Nanhai Zhongnan Aluminum Wheel, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Hengju Aluminum, 2002-2004, 2007
Members of Wanfeng Auto
Financial Data of Wanfeng Auto, 2004-2007
Revenue, Cost & Operating Profit Margin of Wanfeng Auto Wheel by Product, 2007-2008
Cost Structure of Wanfeng Auto Wheel, 2007-2008
Cost Structure of Wanfeng Auto Wheel, 2008-2009
Revenue & Operating Profit of Weihai Wanfeng Auto, 2006-2008
Revenue & Net Profit of Ningbo Orwell, 2006-2008
Financial Data of Shenyang Durui, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Shenyang Sanhua Durui, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Shanghai Jinheli, 2004-2007
Shipment of Superior Industries International Attributable to 3 Large American Automakers, 2006-2008
Automobile Models Supported by Superior Industries International
Global Presence of Hayes Lemmerz
Financial Data of Enkei Aluminium Industry (China), 2004-2008
Financial Data of Dongfeng Suizhou Wheel Factory, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Jiangsu Yuantong, 2004-2007
Financial Data of Guangzhou Zhongjing, 2006-200
Revenue and Operating Profit in Automobile, Motorcycle and Construction Machinery Parts Sectors, FY2004-FY2009
Global Wheel Production Bases of TOPY
Financial Data of Dicastal Asahi Aluminum, 2005-2009
Revenue and Operating Profit Margin of Dicastal Asahi Aluminum, FY2004-FY2009
Revenue and Operating Profit of Dicastal Asahi Aluminum by Division, FY2008-FY2009
Revenue of Dicastal Asahi Aluminum by Region, FY2008-FY2009
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