Global and China Automotive Lighting Industry Report, 2013-2014
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Global and China Automotive Lighting Industry Report, 2013-2014 covers the followings:
1. Global automotive industry and market
2. China automotive industry and market
3. Automotive lighting technology trends and LED industry
4. Automotive lighting market and industry
5.18 automotive lighting companies
The global automotive lighting market size hits approximately USD26 billion (including USD21.2 billion generated by OEM) in 2014, representing an increase of 8.8% over 2013. The growth of the OEM market is mainly driven by two factors:
First, the automobile shipment in China and the United States surges, especially the Chinese market has still maintained the growth rate of about 10% after the high-speed growth in 2013. Second, the extensive use of xenon lamps and LED raises the unit price.
By 2015, China’s economy will slow down further, so that the automotive market can not continue to grow at 10%, whilst the American market will also decelerate. The global automotive lighting market is estimated to be USD27.6 billion in 2015, up 6.2%.
The most important automotive lighting parts ------ headlights are commonly divided into the following categories.
First, halogen high and low beams equipped with reflecting bowls for most low-end automobile models.
Second, halogen high beams combined with reflecting bowls as well as xenon low beams installed with single projector lens adopted by Japanese and US-based mid-range cars due to low costs.
Third, xenon high and low beams equipped with bi-xenon projectors used by German mid-range cars extensively.
Fourth, LED lights suitable for a small amount of top cars (such as Audi R8 and Mercedes-Benz S series) and a few mid-range cars.
Fifth, halogen high and low beams, but high beams combined with projector lens.
In the global market, the second and third categories will seize 10% share each, while the fourth category 7% in 2016. However, unique Chinese consumers are keen on new technology and the luxury car sales volume growth rate is much higher than low-end models under the context of exacerbated wealth disparity, so the proportion of xenon lamps in China exceeds the global average level. The second category is expected to occupy about 13% share and the third category 14% in 2016.
The fast-growing Chinese market has stimulated producers to conduct massive capacity expansion. Hella’s Jiaxing Plant went into production in April 2014 and is expected to realize the design capacity (3 million headlights and 1.8 million taillights annually, including halogen, xenon and LED lights) in 2016, which doubles the current capacity.
The world's largest automotive lighting company Koito invested in building its third base in Xiaogan of Hubei Province in September 2014, following the ones in Shanghai and Guangzhou. The new base is expected to be put into operation in July 2016.
Valeo's Shenyang Plant will begin to run in December 2014, with the investment of USD100 million.
In early 2014, Magneti Marelli and CSGC Hubei Huazhong Photoelectric Science and Technology Co., Ltd, signed a a 50/50 joint venture agreement for the production of headlamps and rear lamps in Xiaogan, Hubei for motor vehicles in China. According to the planning, the production will commence in Q1 2015.
Koito develops soundly as the largest lighting supplier of Toyota and GM; meanwhile, its shipment to Volkswagen increases year after year. Unlike Koito who is good at lens design and manufacturing, Hella specializes in electronic manufacturing and mainly serves customers in Europe. The rising star ------ ZKW is one of main suppliers of Mercedes-Benz and Audi. TYC and DEPO target at the maintenance market and develop smoothly.
Small companies also embrace Wipac, India-based Fiem, Turkey-located Farba, Brazil-based Arteb, Magna in Canada, Grote in USA and Schefenacker of Germany.

1. Global and Chinese Automotive Market and Industry
1.1 Global Automotive Industry
1.2 Global Automotive Market
2. Chinese Automotive Market
2.1 Overview
2.2 Industry Analysis
2.3 Status Quo
3 Automotive Lighting Technology Trends
3.1 Profile of HID Xenon Lamps
3.2 New Headlight Technology
3.3 Typical Automotive Headlight Design
3.4 Headlight Design Trends
3.5 Laser Automotive Lighting
4 LED Automotive Lighting Industry
4.1 LED Automotive Lighting Market
4.2 Automotive Interior LED Lighting
4.3 Automotive Exterior LED Lighting
4.4 LED Industry Chain
4.5 Geographical Distribution of LED Industry
4.6 Ranking of Global Top 30 LED Companies by Revenue, 2012-2014
4.7 Taiwan LED Industry
4.8 Summary of LED Industry in Mainland China, 2013
4.9 Forecast for China LED Industry, 2014
4.10 White LED Patent
5. Automotive Lighting Industry and Market
5.1 Automotive Lighting Market Size
5.2 Global Automotive Lighting Industry
5.3 Global Automotive Lighting OEM System
5.4 China Automotive Lighting Industry
5.5 China's Automotive Lighting OEM System
6. Automotive Lighting Companies
6.1 Hella
6.1.1 Changchun Hella
6.2 Koito
6.2.1 Shanghai Koito
6.2.2 Guangzhou Koito
6.3 Ichikoh
6.4 Stanley
6.4.1 Guangzhou Stanley
6.4.2 Tianjin Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.
6.5 Valeo
6.6.1 Changzhou Damao Visteon
6.7 Automotive Lighting (Magneti Marelli)
6.8 TYC
6.10 Ta Yih Industrial
6.11 Changzhou Xingyu
6.12 Jiangsu Tongming
6.13 ZKW
6.14 Liaowang Automotive Lamp
6.15 SL
6.16 Zhejiang Tianchong
6.17 Laster Tech
6.18 FIEM
7. Automotive Lighting LED Companies
7.1 Nichia Chemical
7.2 Toyoda Gosei
7.3 Philips
Sales Volume of Major Global Automobile Brands, 2010-2013
Production of Light Vehicles, 2011-2014
Production of Heavy Vehicles, 2011-2014
China's Automobile Output YoY Growth Rate by Type, 2008-2013
Sales Volume of Major Chinese Automobile Companies, 2013
Sales Volume of Independent Brand Automobile Companies, 2013
Monthly Sales Volume of Passenger Cars in China, Jan 2005-Aug 2014
Audi A6 3.5 FSI Headlamp
BMW 730Li Headlamp
Mercedes-Benz S320L Headlamp
Honda 9-generation Accord Headlamp
Peugeot 508 Headlamp
Global Sedan Headlamp Light Source Distribution, 2009-2016E
China’s Sedan Headlamp Light Source Distribution, 2009-2016E
Global LED Automotive Lighting Market Size, 2010-2016E
Geographical Distribution of Global LED Output Value, 2013-2014
Operating Margin of Taiwan LED Companies, 2012-2014
Global Automotive Lighting Market Size, 2010-2016E
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of Toyota, 2013
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of Honda, 2013
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of Nissan Renault, 2013
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of GM, 2013
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of Ford, 2013
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of VW, 2013
Automotive Lighting System Supply Structure of Hyundai, 2013
Market Share of Major Sedan Lighting Companies in China, 2013
Top 20 Automotive Light Companies in China by Sales, 2013
Koito’s Client Distribution, 2014
Major clients of Chinese Automotive Light Companies
Hella’s Milestone, 1899-2014
Hella’s Revenue and EBIT, FY2007-2014
Hella’s Organizational Structure
Hella’s Revenue by Division, FY2010-FY2014
Hella’s Revenue by Region, FY2007- FY 2012
Hella’s Revenue by Region, FY2013- FY 2014
Global Distribution of Hella's Staff
Hella’s Regional Market Coverage by End Customers, FY2013-2014
Koito’s Revenue and Operating Margin, FY2006- FY 2015
Koito’s Revenue by Region, FY2008- FY 2013
Major Vehicle Models Supported by Koito
Shanghai Koito’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2004-2013
Ichikoh’s Revenue and Operating Margin, FY2006- FY 2014
Ichikoh’s Revenue by Region, FY2007- FY 2014
Ichikoh's Distribution in the World
Ichikoh's Distribution in Japan
Major Vehicle Models Supported by Ichikoh
Stanley’s Main Products
Stanley’s Revenue and Operating Margin, FY2006- FY 2015
Stanley’s Assets and Liabilities, FY2010- FY 2014
Stanley’s Automotive Lighting Revenue and Operating Margin, FY2006- FY 2014
Stanley’s Revenue by Region, FY2008- FY 2014
Guangzhou Stanley’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2004-2013
Valeo’s Revenue and Gross Margin, 2005-2014
Valeo’s Revenue by Division, 2009-H1 2014
Valeo’s EBITDA by Division, 2012-H1 2014
Valeo’s Clients by Region, 2007-H1 2014
Valeo’s Revenue in Asia by Country, H1 2013
Varroc’s Revenue by Product, FY2013
Revenue of Visteon’s Automotive Lighting Division, 2008-2010
Revenue of Visteon’s Automotive Lighting Division by Client, 2008-2010
Revenue of Visteon’s Automotive Lighting Division by Region, 2008-2010
Global Distribution of Technical Centers of Visteon’s Automotive Lighting Division
Global Distribution of Production Bases of Visteon’s Automotive Lighting Division
Major Vehicle Models Supported by Visteon’s Automotive Lighting Division
Global Distribution of Magneti Marelli
Revenue of Magneti Marelli by Product, 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Magneti Marelli, 2006-2013
Automobiles Equipped with Automotive Lighting
Lights Used by Mercedes-Benz S
Lights Used by BMW 4 Series
TYC’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2005-2014
TYC’s Monthly Revenue and Growth Rate, Aug 2012-Aug 2014
Financial Status of TYC's Subsidiary in Mainland China, 2010
Financial Status of TYC's Subsidiary in Mainland China, 2011
Financial Status of TYC's Subsidiary in Mainland China, 2012
Financial Status of TYC's Subsidiary in Mainland China, 2013
DEPO’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2006-2014
DEPO’s Monthly Revenue, Aug 2012-Aug 2014
DEPO’s Revenue by Region, 2009-2012
Financial Data of DEPO’s Subsidiary in Mainland China, 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of Ta Yih Industrial, 2003-2014
Monthly Revenue and Growth Rate of Ta Yih Industrial, Aug 2012-Aug 2014
Distribution of Ta Yih Industrial
Industrial Products of Ta Yih Industrial
Clients of Ta Yih Industrial
Equity Structure of Changzhou Xingyu
Output of Changzhou Xingyu, 2012-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Changzhou Xingyu, 2007-2014
Client Structure of Changzhou Xingyu, 2007-2012
Distribution of Staff Positions of Changzhou Xingyu, 2012
Major Clients of Jiangsu Tongming
ZKW's Organizational Structure
Geographical Distribution of ZKW's Staff, 2014
SL’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2008-2014
SL’s Revenue by Product, 2010-2014
Structure of Laster Tech
Revenue and Gross Margin of Laster Tech, 2008-2014
Monthly Revenue of Laster Tech, Aug 2012-Aug 2014
Revenue of Laster Tech by Business, 2011-2013
Products of Laster Tech
Fiem’s Revenue and Profit, FY2011-FY2014
Revenue Structure of Fiem by Product, FY2014
Fiem’s Manufacturing Unit
Fiem’s Major Clients
Revenue and Operating Margin of Nichia Chemical, 2003-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Toyoda Gosei, FY2006-2014
Revenue of Toyoda Gosei by Product, FY2006-2013
Revenue of Toyoda Gosei by Region, FY2006-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Toyoda Gosei in Asia-Pacific, FY2006-2013
Equipment Investment and Depreciation of Toyoda Gosei, FY2009-2014
% of R & D Expenditures of Toyoda Gosei, FY2009-2014
Lighting Revenue and EBITDA of Philips, Q4 2011-Q4 2013
Lighting Revenue of Philips by Application, H1 2014
Product Distribution of Lumileds
Distribution of Philips in China
Market Position of Philips in China
OSRAM’S Quarterly Revenue and EBITA Margin, Q1 2012-Q2 2014
Osram’s Revenue by Division, 20012-2014
Osram’s EBITA by Division, 20012-2014
Osram’s Revenue by Region, 20012-2014
Osram’s SP Revenue and EBIT, Q2 2012-Q2 2014
Osram’s OS Revenue and EBIT, Q2 2012-Q2 2014
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