Global and China Tire Industry Report, 2014-2015
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The report highlights:
1. Global Automobile Industry and Market;
2. China Automobile Industry and Market;
3. Global Tire Industry and Market;
4. Tire Industry and Market in China and the United States;
5. 26 Typical Tire Vendors.
2014 marked a bumper year for the tire industry. The declining price of natural rubber helped substantial cost reduction of tire vendors; the tire price performed more stably than the costs although it dropped as well. Despite the shrunk revenue in 2014, almost all tire producers saw higher profit margins. This situation continues in 2015, reflected in the falling price of natural rubber and the slight decline in the tire price.
What comes to the momentous event in the tire industry in 2015 is that the state-owned Sinochem is probable to acquire the shares of the world's fifth largest tire company -- Pirelli to demonstrate the strength of China in the capital field, which is a blockbuster in the tire industry. For a long time, Chinese tire makers have not found a way into the field of sedan OE Tires, so they primarily target RT and truck tire markets. Pirelli is the most important tire supplier for BMW, and the second largest supplier for Mercedes-Benz, also one of Ford's main suppliers. Through the acquisition of Pirelli, Chinese vendors have begun to supply OE Tires for luxury cars.
In future, Chinese companies may make more acquisitions to expand the market, obtain technologies and avoid the anti-dumping investigation of the United States. Finland-based Nokian, America-based Titan and CTP, Russia-based Nizhnekamskshina and OJSC, as well as Belarus-based JSC Belshina Belarus are likely to be potentially taken over. If Chinese companies take over Nokian, they will seize the excellent winter tire technology.
Chinese tire enterprises, especially private ones, have a high debt ratio and high financial leverage, which are vulnerable to be in bankruptcy in case of a slight decline in the market. For example, Deruibao Tire earned the revenue of close to USD1 billion with the 35th ranking worldwide in 2013, but it suddenly announced bankruptcy in February 2015.
China tire industry, especially the truck tire field, is facing serious overcapacity. Along with the decline in China's fixed investments and real estate, the demand for trucks contracts sharply, the highly competitive highway logistics industry sees low profits and minimizes the changes of tires. The US’s anti-dumping investigation is almost a fatal blow on Chinese tire companies, but China still releases more truck tire capacity. In 2015, the new tire capacity hits up to 120 million and the overcapacity rate is 20%-25%.
In Chinese OE tire market, the market share of South Korean giants Hankook and Kumho Tire slumped because of consecutive quality problems. By contrast, the market share of Japan-based Dunlop and the US-based Goodyear soared, particularly Dunlop’s market share almost doubled in 2014. China-based Triangle Tire and Giti Tire also witnessed significant growth.

1 Global Automobile Market and Industry
1.1 Global Automobile Market
1.2 Automobile Market in the United States
1.3 Automobile Market in Japan and Brazil
1.4 Automobile Market in Britain, France and Germany
1.5 Automobile Market in South Korea and Italy
2 Chinese Automobile Market and Industry
2.1 Overview
2.2 Developments
2.3 Analysis
3. Global Tire Market
3.1 Market Size
3.2 Ranking
3.3 American Tire Market
3.3.1 Market Size
3.3.2 Ranking of Tire Dealers
3.3.3 Market Share of Major Tire Vendors
3.3.4 Market Share of Major OTR Vendors
3.3.5 OE Tire Market Analysis
3.3.6 North American Automotive Tire Industry
3.4 Chinese Tire Market
3.5 China Tire Industry
3.6 China's Tire Export
3.7 China Steel Radial Tire Industry
3.8 Market Share of Major Tire Vendors in China
3.9 Top 10 Tire Vendors in China
3.10 Tire Anti-dumping in China and the United States
4 Leading Tire Vendors Worldwide
4.1 Michelin
4.2 Bridgestone
4.3 Goodyear
4.4 Continental
4.5 Sumitomo Rubber Group
4.6 Pirelli
4.7 Yokohama Rubber
4.8 Hankook
4.9 Cooper
4.10 Kumho Tire
4.11 Toyo Tire & Rubber
4.12 Apollo Tires
4.13 MRF
4.14 Nokian
4.15 Cheng Shin Tire
4.16 Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber
4.17 Triangle Tire
4.18 Linglong Tire
4.19 Aeolus Tire
4.20 Double Coin
4.21 Guizhou Tire
4.22 Qingdao Double Star
4.23 Xingyuan
4.24 Sailun Group
4.25 Giti Tire
4.26 Shengtai
Global Automobile Sales Volume, 2010-2015
Global Light Vehicle Output by Region, 2003-2015
Automobile Sales Volume in China, 2005-2015
YoY Growth Rate of Automobile Output in China by Type, 2008-2015
Monthly Sales Volume of Passenger Car in China, 2011-2014
Monthly Sales Volume of Commercial Vehicle in China, 2011-2014
Passenger Car Sales Volume in China, 2006-2014
Commercial Vehicle Sales Volume in China, 2006-2014
Global Tire Market Size, 2013-2017E
Automobile Tire Market Size, 2011-2017E
Global Tire Shipment by Region, 2017E
Revenue of Top 30 Tire Companies Worldwide, 2010-2014
Operating Margin of Major Tire Companies Worldwide, 2011-2014
Tire Sales Channels in USA, 2011
Passenger Car OE and Replacement Tire Shipment in USA, 2004-2014
Light-Truck OE and Replacement Tire Shipment in USA, 2004-2014
Medium / Heavy-Truck OE and Replacement Tire Shipment in USA, 2004-2014
Replacement Tire Market Size by Application in USA, 2014
Market Share of Consumer Tire Distribution Channels in USA, 2008-2014
Market Share of Replacement Consumer Tire Brands in USA, 2014
Market Share of Replacement Consumer Tire Brands in USA, 2013
Market Share of Replacement Medium/Heavy Truck Tire Brands in USA, 2014
Market Share of Replacement Medium/Heavy Truck Tire Brands in USA, 2013
Average Tire Price in USA, 2014
Replacement Farm Tire Market Share in USA, 2013
Market Share of Chrysler/Fiat’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of BMW’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of Nissan’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of Ford’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of GM’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of Toyota’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of Honda’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of Mercedes-Benz’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Market Share of VW’s OE Tire Suppliers, 2014
Ranking of Automobile Tire Vendors by Revenue in North America, 2013-2014
Output of Tire Vendors in North America, 2014
Automobile Tire Market Size in China, 2010-2017E
Automobile Tire OEM and Replacement Market Size in China, 2009-2015
Automobile Tire Output in China, 2007-2014
Top 10 Passenger Car Radial Tire Vendors by Capacity, 2014
Top 10 Truck and Bus Radial Tire Vendors by Capacity, 2014
Tire Output in China by Region, 2014
Distribution of Tire Vendors in China
Capacity of First-Class Tire Suppliers in China
Capacity of Second-Class Tire Suppliers in China
Automobile Tire Export Volume in China, 2008-2014
Tire Import Value in USA by Country, 2014
Steel Radial Tire Output in China, 2005-2014
Output of Top 10 Steel Tire Enterprises in China, 2008-2014
Market Share of Major Sedan Tire OE Tire Vendors in China, 2014
Market Share of Major Cross-type Passenger Car Tire Vendors in China, 2014
Market Share of Major Truck Tire Vendors in China, 2014
Revenue of Top 10 Tire Vendors in China, 2013-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Michelin, 2004-2014
Net Sales of Michelin, 2013-2014
Operating Income of Michelin, 2013-2014
Tire Shipment of Michelin by Size, 2013
Average Tire Weight Produced by Each Worker of Michelin, 2006-2013
Capital Expenditure and Depreciation of Michelin, 2011-2017E
Quarterly Output of Michelin, Q1 2013-Q4 2014
Revenue of Michelin by Division, 2009-2014
Operating Margin of Michelin by Division, 2009-2014
Business Model of TIREPLUS
Co-partners of TIREPLUS
Number of TIREPLUS Stores Worldwide, 2014
Number of TIREPLUS Stores in China, 2003-2014
Revenue of Michelin China by Region
Distribution of Michelin in China
Distribution of Michelin’s Dealers in China
Cumulative Investment of Shenyang Michelin, 2009-2019E
Ramp-up of Shenyang Michelin, 2009-2019E
Revenue and Operating Margin of Bridgestone, 2007-2015
Revenue of Bridgestone by Region, 2004-2014
Operating Income of Bridgestone, 2013
Operating Income of Bridgestone, 2014
Operating Income of Bridgestone, 2015
Distribution of Global Factories of Bridgestone, 2011
Distribution of Global Factories of Bridgestone, Apr 2014
Distribution of Bridgestone in China
Revenue and Operating Margin of Goodyear, 2004-2014
Sales Volume of Goodyear, 2007-2014
Sales Volume of Goodyear by Application, 2016-2014
Revenue of Goodyear by Business, 2014
Revenue of Goodyear by Region, 2008-2014
Operating Margin of Goodyear by Region, 2008-2014
Sales Ratio of Replacement Tires of Goodyear by Region, 2006-2013
Sales Volume of Goodyear by Region, 2006-2014
Raw Material Cost Structure of Goodyear, 2014
Raw Materials Modeling Assumptions of Goodyear, 2014
Debt of Goodyear, 2013-2014
Revenue of Continental by Region and Business, 2010-2014
Operating Data of Continental Tire Business, 2012-2014
Tire Brands of Continental
Tire Revenue of Continental by Region, 2011 2014
Additional PLT Tire Capacity of Continental by Region, 2018E
PLT Tire Capacity of Continental by Region (excluding Europe), 2013
PLT Tire Capacity of Continental by Region (excluding Europe), 2014
PLT Tire Capacity of Continental in Europe by Region, 2013
PLT Tire Capacity of Continental in Europe by Region, 2014
CV Tire Capacity of Continental by Region, 2013
CV Tire Capacity of Continental by Region, 2014
PLT Tire Sales Volume of Continental, 2009-2014
CV Tire Sales Volume of Continental, 2009-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Sumitomo Rubber, 2004-2014
Operating Income of Sumitomo Rubber, 2013-2014
Operating Income of Sumitomo Rubber, 2014-2015
Revenue of Sumitomo Rubber by Region, 2007-2014
Revenue of Sumitomo Rubber by Product, 2007-2014
Operating Income of Sumitomo Rubber by Product, 2007-2014
Sales Volume of Sumitomo Rubber outside Japan by Region, 2010-2015
Tire Output and Capacity Utilization of Sumitomo Rubber, 2009-2015
Output and Capacity Utilization of Sumitomo Rubber, 2006-2015
Revenue and Operating Margin of Pirelli, 2006-2014
EBIT Bridge of Pirelli, 2012-2013
EBIT Bridge of Pirelli, 2013-2014
Revenue of Pirelli by Business, 2006-2014
Raw Material Costs of Pirelli, 2013
Raw Material Costs of Pirelli, 2014
Revenue of Pirelli by Product, 2013
Revenue of Pirelli by Product, 2014
Revenue of Pirelli by Region, 2012
Revenue of Pirelli by Region, 2013
Revenue of Pirelli by Region, 2014
Headcount of Pirelli by Region, 2014
Global Presence of Pirelli
Revenue and Operating Margin of Yokohama Rubber, 2006-2014
Tire Revenue of Yokohama Rubber by Region, 2006-2013
Capacity of Global Factories of Yokohama Rubber, 2011-2014
Global Distribution of Yokohama Rubber
Expansion Plan of Yokohama Rubber, 2014-2020E
Revenue and Operating Margin of Hankook, 2003-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Hankook, Q1 2012-Q4 2014
Revenue of Hankook by Region, Q4 2013-Q4 2014
Output of Hankook by Region, 2005-2014
Prices of Natural Rubber and Synthetic Rubber, Q4 2012-Q4 2014
Quarterly Revenue and Gross Margin of Hankook China, 2014
Balance Sheet of Hankook China, 2013-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Cooper, 2004-2014
Revenue of Cooper by Region, 2006-2014
Revenue of Cooper by Product, 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of Kumho Tire, 2005-2014
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Income of Kumho Tire, Q2 2013-Q3 2014
Capacity Distribution of Kumho Tire
Revenue of Kumho Tire by Region, Q3 2014
Shipment and ASP of Kumho Tire, 2009-2013
Capacity Utilization of Kumho Tire by Factory, Q1 2012-Q3 2014
Output of Kumho Tire by Region, 2012-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Kumho Tire China, Q2 2013-Q4 2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Toyo Tire & Rubber, 2007-2015
Operating Income of Toyo Tire & Rubber, 2013-2014
Revenue of Toyo Tire & Rubber by Region, 2007-2014
Output of Toyo Tire & Rubber by Region, 2011-2015
Sales Volume of Toyo Tire & Rubber by Region, 2011-2015
Capital Investment and Depreciation of Toyo Tire & Rubber, 2011-2015
Revenue and Net Profit Margin of Apollo Tires, FY 2007-FY2014
Revenue of Apollo Tires by Product, FY2012
Revenue and Capacity of Apollo Tires by Region, FY2012
Revenue of Apollo Tires by Region
Operating Income of Apollo Tires by Region
Revenue and Profit of MRF, FY 2005-FY2014
Distribution of Factories of MRF
Revenue and Operating Margin of Nokian, 2004-2014
Revenue of Nokian by Region, 2013-2014
Revenue of Nokian by Business, 2012-2014
EBIT Margin of Nokian by Division, 2013-2014
Cost of Nokian, 2012-2013
Cash Flow of Nokian, 2010-2014
Revenue of Nokia in Russia and CIS, 2005-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Cheng Shin Tire, 2003-2015
Rubber Capacity of Cheng Shin Tire, 2014
Global Distribution of Factories of Cheng Shin Tire
Introduction to Factories of Cheng Shin Tire
Revenue of Cheng Shin Tire by Region, 2011-2013
Revenue of Cheng Shin Tire by Product, 2012-2014
Revenue of Cheng Shin Tire by Subsidiary, H1 2014
Revenue of Cheng Shin Tire by Region, 2014
Revenue of CST by Subsidiary, 2013
Revenue of CST by OE & RE Customer, H1 2014
Application Vehicle Models of Cheng Shin Tire in China
Revenue and Operating Margin of Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber, 2007-2012
Revenue and Output of Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber, 2007-2011
Organizational Structure of Zhongce
Revenue and Operating Margin of Triangle Tire, 2007-2012
Revenue and Output of Triangle Tire, 2007-2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of Linglong Tire, 2007-2011
Revenue and Output of Linglong Tire, 2007-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of Aeolus Tire, 2006-2014
Organizational Structure of Aeolus Tire
Shareholder Structure of Aeolus Tire
Revenue and Operating Margin of Double Coin, 2005-2013
Organizational Structure of Shanghai Tire Group
Revenue and Operating Margin of Guizhou Tire, 2006-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Qingdao Double Star, 2004-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Xingyuan, 2007-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Sailun Group, 2009-2014
Cost Structure of Sailun Group, 2012-2013
Revenue of Sailun Group by Product, 2009-2014
Gross Profit of Sailun Group by Product, 2009-2014
Revenue and Operating Income of Giti Tire, 2006-2013
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