China Commercial Vehicle Exhaust Emission System Industry Report, 2015
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Since 2014, the output and sales volume of commercial vehicles in China have continued to decline, with the output and sales volume for Jan.-Jul. 2015 totaling 1.9837 million units and 1.9891 million units, respectively, down 14.62% and 13.89% year-on-year. That was mainly because economic downturn led to a fall in demand for commercial vehicles. On the other hand, the emission standards for diesel vehicles are so unprecedentedly strict that the industry is contracting to achieve industrial upgrading.
At present, China's mainstream line for National IV emission standard has been identified as follows: Heavy and medium-duty commercial vehicles adopt SCR system while light-duty commercial vehicles use EGR+DOC/POC system.
From the perspective of the development of SCR industry, China’s SCR industry is in the early stage of growth. Although there are much more newcomers, yet the number of excellent enterprises is still small. The autonomous enterprises include Weifu Lida, Kailong High Technology, and ZHEJIANG YINLUN MACHINERY, and the foreign-funded enterprises mainly involve Commins and TENNECO.
Among them, Weifu Lida boasts prominent SCR technical capacity. In the whole industry chain, all core parts are produced independently except carrier that is outsourced from outside. In H1 2015, the company recorded revenue of RMB1.326 billion and net income of RMB141 million, up 53.71% and 60.93%, respectively, on a year-on-year basis.
ZHEJIANG YINLUN MACHINERY specializes SCR system assembly and catalytic converters that are applicable to heavy and medium-duty diesel-powered vehicles. As one of the major SCR converter suppliers of Weichai, the company has advantages in the field of packaging. In H1 2015, the company reported revenue of RMB1.421 billion, up 18.31% year-on-year; net income of RMB104 million, up 27.79% year-on-year.
The autonomous EGR manufactures in China primarily include ZHEJIANG YINLUN MACHINERY, WUXI LONGSHENG TECHNOLOGY, and YIBIN TIANRUIDA AUTO PARTS while foreign-funded enterprises consist of Kunshan Pierburg, Ningbo BORGWARNER. Among them, WUXI LONGSHENG and YIBIN TIANRUIDA specialize in EGR valve and EGR system; ZHEJIANG YINLUN principally operates EGR cooler, which registers an around 9% market share in China. In the field of light-duty trucks, YINLUN occupies nearly a 50% share of total EGR cooler market, and thus its capacity for market penetration is increasing year by year.

The report mainly deals with the following:
Development background, industry standards and policies, as well as technology roadmap of commercial vehicle exhaust emission system industry;
Development of SCR system and EGR system industries, including their system structure, market pattern, market size, and main supported vehicle manufacturers;
Development of downstream market, including commercial vehicle production and sales, bus and truck production and sales, as well as the prediction of production and sales volume for 2015-2018;
10 major SCR system manufacturers, 5 EGR system manufacturers, and 5 POC/DOC catalyst manufacturers in China, including their operation, related product business, latest developments, development in China (mainly foreign enterprises), and relevant product supporting manufacturers, etc.
1. Overview of Commercial Vehicle Exhaust Emission System Industry
1.1 Development Background
1.2 Standard and Policy
1.3 Technical Routes
1.3.1 Introduction
1.3.2 Technical Routes Contrast
1.3.3 Technical Routes in Major Countries
2. Development of SCR System and EGR System Industries
2.1 SCR System
2.1.1 System Composition
2.1.2 Market Pattern
2.1.3Market Size
2.1.4 Supporting Enterprises
2.2 EGR System
2.2.1 System Composition
2.2.2 Market Pattern
2.2.3 Market Size
2.2.4 Supporting Enterprises
3. Downstream Market
3.1 Overall Development
3.1.1 Definition and Classification
3.1.2 Output and Sales Volume
3.2 Truck and Incomplete Truck
3.3 Passenger Car and Incomplete Car
3.4 Forecast
4. POC and DOC Enterprises
4.1 BASF
4.1.1 Profile
4.1.2 Catalyst Products
4.1.3 Catalyst Business Revenue
4.1.4 Catalyst Business in China
4.2.1 Profile
4.2.2 Operation
4.2.3 Catalyst Business
4.2.4 Catalyst Business in China
4.2.5 Supporting Enterprises
4.3.1 Profile
4.3.2 Supporting Enterprises
4.4.1 Profile
4.4.2 Operation
4.4.3 Business Structure
4.4.4 Catalyst Business
4.4.5 Supporting Enterprises
4.4.6 Performance Forecast
4.5.1 Profile
4.5.2 Supporting Enterprises
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Supporting Enterprises
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Supporting Enterprises
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 EGR Products
5.4.3 Operation
5.4.4 Development in China
5.4.5 Supporting Enterprises
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 EGR Products
5.5.3 Operation
5.5.4 Development in China
5.5.5 BorgWarner expands production in China for advanced emissions technologies
5.5.6 Supporting Enterprises
6. SCR System Enterprises
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Development Course
6.1.3 Exhaust Emission System
6.1.4 Operation
6.1.5 Revenue Structure
6.1.6 Gross Margin
6.1.7 R & D and Investment
6.1.8 Supporting Enterprises
6.1.9 Performance Forecast
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Development Course
6.2.3 Introduction of SCR Products and EGR Products
6.2.4 Operation
6.2.5 Revenue Structure
6.2.6 Gross Margin
6.2.7 Main Clients
6.2.8 R & D and Investment
6.2.9 Supporting Enterprises
6.2.10 SAIC Capital Takes Shares
6.2.11 Performance Forecast
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Main Clients
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Main Products
6.4.3 Supporting Enterprises
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Analysis of Strength and Weakness
6.7.4 Development Plan
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Supporting Enterprises
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Operation
6.9.3 Development in China
6.9.4 Supporting Enterprises
6.10.1 Profile of Cummins
6.10.2 Cummins Emission Solutions
6.10.3 Supporting Enterprises
Main Air Pollution Accidents in the Global History
Share Ratio of Pollution Emission of Automobile in China (by Fuel), 2013
Exhaust Emission Standard and Execution Plan of Heavy Vehicle in the World
Emission Regulation Upgrading Process of Heavy Vehicle in China
Related Policies on Commercial Vehicle Exhaust Emission System Industry in China
Main Environmental Measures during “12th Five-Year Plan”
Sketch Map of EGR and SCR Routes
Contrast Between SCR and EGR Routes
Development Course of Exhaust Emission Routes in Western Countries
Exhaust Emission Routes of Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers in Europe after European IV Standard Implementing
Exhaust Emission Routes in China after National IV Standard Phase
SCR System Composition
Cost Structure and Main Enterprises of Parts of SCR System
Major SCR System Enterprises and Capacities in China
SCR System Market Shares in China, 2013
Market Size of SCR System in China, 2014-2018E
SCR Catalytic Converter Suppliers of Major Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (National IV Standard)
SCR Catalytic Converter Suppliers of Major Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (National V Standard)
EGR System Composition
Contrast among DOC, POC and DPF Routes
Major EGR Enterprises and Output in China
Major POC and DOC Enterprises in China
POC and DOC Market Shares in China, 2013
Market Size of EGR System in China, 2014-2018E
EGR Products Suppliers of Major Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (National IV Standard)
DOC Suppliers of Major Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (National IV Standard)
DOC Suppliers of Major Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (National V Standard)
Classification of Commercial Vehicle in China
Output and YoY Change of Commercial Vehicle in China, 2005-2015
Sales Volume and YoY Change of Commercial Vehicle in China, 2005-2015
Output of Commercial Vehicle in China (by Types), 2005-2015
Sales Volume of Commercial Vehicle in China (by Types), 2005-2015
Output and YoY Change of Truck in China, 2005-2015
Sales Volume and YoY Change of Truck in China, 2005-2015
Output of Truck in China (by Types), 2005-2015
Output of Incomplete Truck in China (by Types), 2005-2015
Output and YoY Change of Passenger Car in China, 2005-2015
Sales Volume and YoY Change of Passenger Car in China, 2005-2015
Output of Passenger Car in China (by Types), 2005-2015
Output of Incomplete Passenger Car in China (by Types), 2005-2015
Output and YoY Change of Commercial Vehicle in China, 2015E-2018E
Output and YoY Change of Passenger Car in China, 2015E-2018E
Output of Passenger Car in China (by Types), 2015E-2018E
Output of Incomplete Passenger Car in China (by Types), 2015E-2018E
Output and YoY Change of Truck in China, 2015E-2018E
Output of Truck in China (by Types), 2015E-2018E
Output of Incomplete Truck in China (by Types), 2015E-2018E
Main Financials of BASF, 2014-2015
Financial Data of Functional Materials & Solutions Segment of BASF
Catalysts Revenue of BASF, 2011-2015
Revenue Structure of BASF (by Regions), 2014
Catalyst Capacity Expansion of BASF, 2011-2014
Organization Structure of Umicore
Global Business Distribution of Umicore
Main Financials of Umicore, 2010-2015
Revenue Structure of Umicore (by Business Units), H1 2015
Global Automobile Catalyst Business Distribution of Umicore
Main Financials of Catalysis Business of Umicore, 2010-2015
Development of Umicore in China
Basic Information of UmicoreAutocat (China) Co., Ltd
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of UmicoreAutocat (China) Co., Ltd
Basic Information of Nanjing ECOCAT Auto Catalyst Co., Ltd
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of Nanjing ECOCAT Auto Catalyst Co., Ltd
Revenue and YoY Change of Sino-Platinum Metals, 2010-2015
Net Income and YoY Change of Sino-Platinum Metals, 2010-2015
Main Products and Application of Sino-Platinum Metals
Revenue and Gross Margin of Sino-Platinum Metals (by Business Units), 2010-2015
Basic Information of SPMC
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of SPMC
Revenue and Net Income of Sino-Platinum Metals, 2015E-2017E
Some Supporting Enterprises of POC and DOC of Act Blue
Some Supporting Enterprises of EGR Products of Wuxi Longsheng Technology
Some Supporting Enterprises of EGR Products of YibinTianruida Auto Parts
Development Course of Zhejiang Jooloong
Sales Network of Zhejiang Jooloong
EGR Valve of Pierburg
Basic Information of Pierburg Shanghai Nonferrous Components Co., Ltd
Some Supporting Enterprises of EGR Products of Pierburg Automotive Components (Kunshan) Co., Ltd
Operating Indicators of BorgWarner
EGR Products of BorgWarner
Development Course of BorgWarner Emissions Systems
Main Financials of BorgWarner, 2014-2015
Revenue Breakdown of BorgWarner (by Business Units), 2012-2015
Ningbo Plant of BorgWarner
Basic Information of BorgWarner Auto Parts and Components (Ningbo) Co., Ltd
Some Supporting Enterprises of EGR Products of BorgWarner Automotive Components (Ningbo) Co., Ltd
Development Course of Weifu High-technology
Exhaust Emission Business of Weifu High-technology
Main Operating Indicators of WeifuLida Catalytic Converter, 2011-2015
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Exhaust Emission System of Weifu High-technology, 2011-2014
Revenue and YoY Change of Weifu High-technology, 2010-2015
Net Income and YoY Change of Weifu High-technology, 2010-2015
Revenue Breakdown of Weifu High-technology (by Business Unit), 2009-2015
Revenue Structure of Weifu High-technology (by Regions), 2009-2015
Gross Margin of Weifu High-technology, 2011-2015
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Weifu High-technology, 2012-2014
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of WeifuLida Catalytic Converter Co., Ltd (National IV Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of WeifuLida Catalytic Converter Co., Ltd (National V Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of WeifuLida Catalytic Converter Co., Ltd
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of Wuxi Weifu Environmental Catalysts Co., Ltd
Revenue and Net Income of Weifu High-technology, 2015E-2017E
Development Course of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery
Market Strategy of EGR Business of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery
EGR Products of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery
Revenue and YoY Change of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery, 2010-2015
Net Income and YoY Change of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery, 2010-2015
Output and Sales Volume of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery, 2013
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery (by Products), 2010-2015
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery (by Regions), 2010-2015
Gross Margin of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery (by Products), 2010-2015
Main Clients of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery, 2010-2015
Fund-raising Projects of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery
Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Yinlun Machinery, 2015E-2017E
Main Clients of Kailong High Technology
Development Course of Power Greeen
Main Products of Power Greeen
Main Clients of Power Greeen
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of Power Greeen
Main Clients of SCR System of Beijing Greentec Environmental Protection Equipment
Operating Indicators of Beijing Greentec Environmental Protection Equipment, 2011-2015
Revenue Structure of Beijing Greentec Environmental Protection Equipment (by Business Units), 2011-2015
Revenue from Top Five Clients of Beijing Greentec Environmental Protection Equipment and % of Total Revenue, H1 2015
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of Guangxi Sunlight Technology (National IV Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of Guangxi Sunlight Technology (National V Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of EGR Products of Guangxi Sunlight Technology (National V Standard)
Introduction of Tenneco
Global Business Distribution of Tenneco
Main Financials of Tenneco, 2014-2015
Revenue Structure of Tenneco, 2014
Main Financials of Tenneco, 2009-2014
Revenue Structure of Tenneco, 2013-2014
Basic Information of Tenneco (China) Co., Ltd
Basic Information of Shanghai Tenneco Exhaust System Co., Ltd
Basic Information of Tenneco (Dalian) Exhaust System Co., Ltd
Basic Information of Tenneco Auto Industry (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of Tenneco (China) (National IV Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of Tenneco (China) (National IV Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of DPF of Tenneco (China) (National IV Standard)
Some Supporting Enterprises of DOC of Tenneco (China) (National V Standard)
Four Business Divisions of Cummins
Emission Standard of Cummins Emission Solutions
Some Supporting Enterprises of SCR Catalytic Converter of Cummins Emission Solutions (China)
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