Global and China Automotive Fuel Tank Industry Report, 2017-2021
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Global automotive fuel tank market size was about 93.50 million sets in 2016, up 3.8% year on year. Under the twin impact of steady growth in the automobile market and a rapid rise in new energy vehicle, the world’s automotive fuel tank market will grow at an average rate of around 3.2% between 2017 and 2021, reaching 110 million sets in 2021.

China, a big producer of automobiles and the largest consumer of fuel tanks worldwide, had an automotive fuel tank market size of approximately 28.05 million sets in 2016, 30.0% of the world’s total. The figures are expected to attain 35.76 million sets and about 32.6% in 2021.
Because of high safety, light weight, anti-corrosion and easy forming and the country’s policies on auto environmental friendliness and light-weight, plastic fuel tank now takes the lion’s share, up to roughly 80% worldwide and 71% in China in 2016. The share will continue to rise, expected to reach 88% globally and 81% domestically in 2021.
Against the backdrop of carmakers’ stringent criteria on selection of fuel tank suppliers and strict requirements on product quality, global fuel tank market is highly concentrated, particularly in plastic fuel tank market. Top 5 global automotive fuel tank suppliers (INERGY, Kautex, YAPP, TI and YACHIYO) seized a combined 75.8% market share in 2016, of which INERGY held the largest share, about 26.7%.
The Chinese plastic fuel tank market presents a competitive landscape with YAAP as a leader and private and foreign-funded enterprises (Kautex, INERGY, TI, Jiangsu Suguang Automotive Parts and YACHIYO) co-existing. YAPP held a 40.2% market share in 2016 with total capacity of 13.60 million sets/a (by the end of Jun 2016). YAPP still makes investment and expands capacity in order to improve competitiveness. It put Yantai-based fuel tank plant into production in Aug 2017 and would expand and retrofit Chongqing-based 300,000 sets/a passenger-car plastic fuel tank lines in Sept.
Besides, foreign companies are accelerating to expand production capacity in China. In June 2016, the 900,000 sets/a plastic fuel tank project of TI Automotive (Baoding) was put into production. In March 2017, Kautex (Wuhan) put into production the fuel tank projects applying the world’s cutting-edge NGFS technology, and in the meantime Kautex (Changchun) Plastics Technology Co., Ltd invested RMB300 million for capacity expansion through transformation, and till 2020 lifting its production scale from the current 430,000 sets/a to 750,000 sets/a.
As new energy vehicle becomes the development trend of automobile industry in the future, the fuel tank manufacturers have to enhance their R&D of technologies in the long run, conduct upgrades and renovation so as to be adaptive to the market and seize the initiative. For instance, Yachiyo is pacing up its layout in the development of fuel tanks for PHEV; Faurecia acquired the exclusive use of intellectual property rights about composite hydrogen tank of STELIA Aerospace Composites in May 2017 and is probably to realize the design, production and commercialization of high-pressure hydrogen tank using fuel cell vehicle-used carbon fiber.
Global and China Automotive Fuel Tank Industry Report, 2017-2021 highlights the followings:
Global and China automotive fuel tank (development history, market size, competitive landscape, supply relation and development tendency);
Global and China plastic fuel tank (market size, competitive landscape, supply relation and production costs);
Global and China metal fuel tank (market size, competitive landscape and supply relation);
The ten global and ten Chinese automotive fuel tank manufacturers (operation, fuel tank capacity, production & sales, development strategies, etc.
1 Overview of Automotive Fuel Tank Industry
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Development Course
1.3 Business Model
1.3.1 Production Mode
1.3.2 Purchase Mode
1.4 Policies
2 Automotive Fuel Tank Market
2.1 Global Market
2.1.1 Market Size
2.1.2 Competitive Landscape
2.1.3 Supply Relationship
2.2 Chinese Market
2.2.1 Market Size
2.2.2 Competitive Landscape
2.2.3 Supply Relationship
3 Plastic Fuel Tank Market
3.1 Product Features
3.2 Global Market
3.2.1 Market Size
3.2.2 Competitive Landscape
3.3 Chinese Market
3.3.1 Market Size
3.3.2 Competitive Landscape
3.4 Production Cost
4 Metal Fuel Tank Market
4.1 Product Features
4.2 Global Market
4.2.1 Market Size
4.2.2 Competitive Landscape
4.3 Chinese Market
4.3.1 Market Size
4.3.2 Competitive Landscape
5 Global Key Companies
5.1 Kautex
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Major Customers
5.1.4 Business in China
5.2 Yachiyo Industry Co., Ltd.
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Fuel Tank Business
5.2.4 Major Customers
5.2.5 Business in China
5.3 Tokyo Radiator Mfg. Co., Ltd.
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.4 Hwashin Co., Ltd.
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Revenue Structure
5.4.4 Fuel Tank Business
5.4.5 Business in China
5.5 Inergy Automotive Systems
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Major Customers
5.5.4 Business in China
5.6 TI Automotive
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Fuel Tank Business
5.6.3 Business in China
5.7 Magna Steyr
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Fuel Tank Business
5.7.3 Business in China
5.8 Futaba Industrial
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 Business in China
5.9 FTS
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Fuel Tank Business
5.10 Donghee
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Fuel Tank Business
6 Key Chinese Companies
6.1 YAPP Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Production Bases and Customers
6.1.4 Proposed Projects
6.2 Wuhu ShunrongSanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd. (previously named as Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd.)
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Fuel Tank Business
6.3 WanxiangQianchao Co., Ltd.
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Fuel Tank Business
6.4 Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Major Customers
6.5 Jiangsu Suguang Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Major Customers
6.6 Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industrial Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Fuel Tank Business
6.7 Luzhou North Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Fuel Tank Business
6.8 Hebei Shichang Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Fuel Tank Business
6.9 Nanchang JianglingHuaxiang Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Fuel Tank Business
6.10 Hebei Feida Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Fuel Tank Business
7 Conclusions and Forecast
7.1 Market
7.2 Enterprise
Classification of Automotive Fuel Tanks
Comparison between Metal Fuel Tank and Plastic Fuel Tank
Development History of Automotive Fuel Tank in the World
Development History of Automotive Fuel Tank in China
Policies about Automotive Fuel Tank in China
Global Fuel Tank Market Size, 2009-2021E
Global Fuel Tank Market Structure (by Product Type), 2009-2021E
Global Fuel Tank Consumption Structure (by Country), 2009-2017
Competitive Landscape of Global Automotive Fuel Tanks, 2016
Supply Relationship between World’s Major Fuel Tank Manufacturers and Automobile Manufacturers
Chinese Automotive Fuel Tank Market Size, 2009-2021E
Structure of Automotive Fuel Tank Market in China, 2009-2021E
Major Fuel Tank Enterprises and Their Products in China
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Automotive Fuel Tanks, 2016
Major Fuel Tank Construction Projects in China, 2017
Supporting of Fuel Tanks for Major Automobile Manufacturers in China
Multi-layered Plastic Fuel Tank Structure
Production Process for Plastic Fuel Tank
Global Plastic Fuel Tank Market Size, 2009-2021E
Competitive Landscape of Global Plastic Fuel Tank Market, 2016
Major Manufacturers of Plastic Fuel Tanks for Automobile
Size of Chinese Plastic Fuel Tank Market, 2009-2021E
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Plastic Fuel Tank Market, 2016
Production Cost of Plastic Fuel Tank in China
Cost Structure of China-made and Foreign Fuel Tanks
Global Metal Fuel Tank Market Size, 2009-2021E
Competitive Landscape of Global Metal Fuel Tank Market, 2016
Size of Chinese Metal Fuel Tank Market, 2009-2021E
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Metal Fuel Tank Market, 2016
Revenue and Growth Rate of Kautex, 2010-2017
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Kautex, 2013-2016
Auto Models Supported by Kautex’ Fuel Tanks
Kautex’ Production Base in China, 2017
Customer Structure (%) of Kautex in China, 2017
Financial Indicators of Yachiyo, FY2013-FY2017
Revenue Breakdown (by Product) of Yachiyo, FY2014-FY2017
Revenue Breakdown (by Business) of Yachiyo, FY2018H1
Revenue from Fuel Tank of Yachiyo, FY2014-FY2018
Output of Fuel Tank of Yachiyo by Country/Region, FY2014-FY2018
Global Presence of Yachiyo
Development Trend of Yachiyo Fuel Tank
Application of mass Production for New Technologies in Plastic Fuel Tanks
Development of Tanks for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)
Revenue from Major Customers of Yachiyo, FY2015-FY2017
Auto Models Supported by Yachiyo’ Fuel Tanks
Fuel Tank Plants of Yachiyo in China, 2017
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of Yachiyo in China, 2016
Equity Structure of Tokyo Radiator (Mar.31, 2017)
Selected Financial Indicators of Tokyo Radiator, FY2013-FY2016
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Tokyo Radiator, FY2014-FY2016
Fuel Tank Technology Cooperation of Tokyo Radiator Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Selected Financial Indicators of Hwashin Co., Ltd., 2012-2016
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Hwashin Co., Ltd., 2014-2015
Revenue Breakdown (by Product) of Hwashin Co., Ltd., 2013-2016
Customers Supported by Fuel Tanks of Hwashin Co., Ltd.
Fuel Tank Output and Capacity of Hwashin Co., Ltd., 2011-2016
Companies of Hwashin Co., Ltd in China
Revenue Breakdown (by Business) of Plastic Omnium, 2014-2017
Global Presence of Plastic Omnium, 2017
Automotive Client Structure (by Revenue) of Plastic Omnium, 2016 vs. 2017
Economic Revenue of Plastic Omnium by Region, 2015-2016
Fuel Tank Plants Put into Production 2017 of Inergy Automotive Systems and Its Future Plan
Customers Supported by Fuel Tank Related Products of Inergy Automotive Systems
Plastic Omnium’s Automotive Business Revenue from China, 2014-2017
Revenue and Net Income of Inergy Automotive Systems, 2014-2016
Revenue and EBIT of TI Automotive, 2014-2017
Customers of TI Automotive
Customers Supported by TI Automotive’s Fuel Tanks
Fuel Tank Plants of TI Automotive in China, 2017
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of TI Automotive in China, 2015
Fuel Tank Plants of Magna Steyr in China
Financial Indicators of Futaba Industrial, FY2013-FY2016
Quarterly Revenue of Futaba Industrial,FY2015-FY2017
Revenue and Operating Income of Futaba Industrial (by Region), FY2013-FY2016
Revenue Breakdown (by Customer) of Futaba Industrial, FY2014-FY2017
Revenue Structure (by Business) of Futaba Industrial, FY2016-FY2017H1
Fuel Tank Production Base of Futaba Industrial in China
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of Futaba Industrial in China, 2016
Distribution of FTS’ Production Bases
Customers Supported by FTS’ Fuel Tanks
Donghee’s Fuel Tanks
Donghee’s Fuel Tank Manufacturing Bases Worldwide
Donghee’s Plants in China
YAPP’s Revenue and Operating Income, 2011-2016
YAPP’s Output and Sales Volume of Fuel Tanks, 2011-2017
YAPP’s Domestic Production Bases and Customers Supported
YAPP’s Overseas Production Bases
Customers Supported by YAPP’s Fuel Tanks
YAPP’s Grand CAPEX Plan, 2014-2017
Revenue Breakdown (by Business) of Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, 2014-2017
Fuel Tank Sales Volume of Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, 2013-2017
Selected Financial Indicators of WanxiangQianchao, 2011-2017
Revenue of WanxiangQianchao by Business and By Region, 2015-2017
WanxiangQianchao’s Subsidiaries Involved in Fuel Tank
Fuel Tank Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of WanxiangQianchao, 2012-2017
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of WanxiangQianchao, 2016
Selected Financial Indicators of Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology, 2014-2017
Revenue and Gross Margin (by Business) of Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology, 2014-2017
Revenue Breakdown (by Region) of Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology, 2014-2016
Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2014-2016
Revenue (by Sales Mode) as a Percentage of the Total of Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology, 2014-2016
Top 5 Customers (to which Yangzhou Long Tank Trucks Manufacturing Co., Ltd does sales) of Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology, 2014-2016
Customer Structure of Yangzhou Changyun Plastics Technology, 2015
Major Customers for Fuel Tanks of Jiangsu Suguang Auto Parts Co., Ltd
Fuel Tank Sales Volume of Jiangsu Suguang Auto Parts Co., Ltd., 2013-2017
Revenue and Total Profits of Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industrial, 2013-2017
Fuel Tank Manufacturing Base of Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industrial
Fuel Tank Output and Sales Volume of Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industrial, 2010-2017
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of Chengdu Lingchuan Special Industrial, 2016
Fuel Tank Plants of Luzhou North Chemical Machinery Manufacturing
Sales Volume of Automotive Fuel Tanks of Luzhou North Chemical Machinery Manufacturing, 2012-2017
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of Luzhou North Chemical Machinery Manufacturing, 2016
Fuel Tank Plants of Hebei Shichang Auto Parts
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of Hebei Shichang Auto Parts, 2016
Selected Economic Indicators of Nanchang JianglingHuaxiang Auto Parts, 2013-2017
Fuel Tank Output and Sales Volume of Nanchang JianglingHuaxiang Auto Parts, 2009-2017
Fuel Tank Customer Structure (%) of Nanchang JianglingHuaxiang Auto Parts, 2016
Global and Chinese Plastic Fuel Tank Market Size and Proportions, 2021E
Market Shares of the Top 3 Automotive Fuel Tank Manufacturers in China and the World, 2016
Distribution of Major Automotive Fuel Tank Manufacturers’ Bases in China
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