Global and China Automotive Seating Industry Report, 2018-2023
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In 2018, global automotive seating market size remained at around USD77.9 billion, of which the Chinese market was worth RMB113.2 billion (approximately USD16.45 billion by USD to RMB 1:6.8779). As automotive market is saturated, global and Chinese automotive seating markets will level out, with market size expectedly growing at a respective annual average of 3.6% and 1.9% between 2018 and 2023. Safe intelligent seating will be a major driver for the market growth.
In global market, the top10 automotive seating giants like Adient, Lear, Toyota Boshoku and Faurecia currently grab a combined share of over 90%. Among them, Adient, the biggest player, forges long-term partnerships with automakers by establishing joint ventures with them, with a large client base almost covering all OEMs; Lear has four major clients, i.e., Ford, GM, BMW and FCA for targeting North American and European markets.
In China, Adient and Lear are the two suppliers of seating systems for American and German automobiles; for Japanese auto brands, TS is the only supplier of Honda and Toyota Boshoku supplies most seating products for Toyota while Nissan has more suppliers. Most Chinese auto brands also use products of joint venture manufacturers, for example, Great Wall Motor, BYD, Chery and Geely produce some themselves but also purchase from suppliers. Co-funded auto brands have their upsides in price and performance, boasting scale effects and complete supply chain; homegrown automakers set up their own seating divisions just for a say in market and a more flexible supply chain.
Automotive seats trend to be safe, intelligent, personalized, lightweight, green and comfortable in the era of “intelligent, electrified, connected and shared” vehicles. Many a seating manufacturer like Lear, Adient and Faurecia already makes layout of intelligent seating which will be deeply integrated into connected vehicles, providing passengers with intelligent, safe and comfortable driving experience.

In addition to technological upgrades, seating companies’ complete seating solutions will be the megatrend of the industry, leading to frequent M&As among seating vendors.
Global and China Automotive Seating Industry Report, 2018-2023 highlights the following:
Automotive seating (overview, composition, functions, classification, industry chain, etc.);
Global automotive seating industry (market size, competitive pattern, supply pattern of major automakers, development trends, etc.);
China automotive seating industry (market size, competitive pattern, supply pattern of major automakers, development trends, etc.);
Major global and Chinese automotive seating companies (operation, seating business, development tendencies, etc.).
1 Brief Introduction to Automotive Seating
1.1 Structure
1.2 Classification
1.3 Industry Chain
2 Global Automotive Seating Market
2.1 Market Size
2.2 Top10 Automotive Seating Companies
2.3 Regional Structure
2.4 Automotive Seating Suppliers for OEMs
2.5 Development Trend
3 China Automotive Seating Market
3.1 Market Size
3.2 Competitive Landscape
3.3 Automotive Seating Suppliers for OEMs
4. Global and China Automotive Market
4.1 Global
4.1.1 Output
4.1.2 Sales
4.2 China
4.2.1 Market Size
4.2.2 Structure
5. Automotive Seating Companies
5.1 Adient
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Seating Business
5.1.4 Development in China
5.1.5 Yanfeng Adient
5.1.6 Changchun Faway Adient Automotive System Co., Ltd. (CFAA)
5.2 Lear
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Seating Business
5.2.4 Development in China
5.2.5 Development Trend
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Development in China
5.3.4 Tianjin Intex Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
5.3.5 Development Planning
5.4 Faurecia
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Seating Business
5.4.4 Development in China
5.5 TS Tech
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Development in China
5.5.4 Guangzhou TS Automotive Interior Systems Co., Ltd.
5.5.5 Wuhan TS-GSK Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
5.5.6 Development Planning
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Development in China
5.7 Magna
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Seating Business
5.7.4 Development in China
5.8 Brose
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 Seating Business
5.8.4 Development in China
5.9 NHK Spring
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.9.3 Seating Business
5.9.4 Development in China
5.11 Wuhan Xinyunhe Automotive Seating Co., Ltd.
5.12 GSK
5.13 DAS
5.13.1 Profile
5.13.2 Operation
5.13.3 Development in China
5.14.1 Profile
5.14.2 Operation
5.14.3 Seating Business
5.14.4 Development in China
5.15 DYMOS
5.15.1 Profile
5.15.2 Operation
5.15.3 Seating Business
5.15.4 Development in China
5.15.5 Beijing Lear Dymos Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Composition of Automotive Seating
Cushion Frame
Back Frame
Head Restraint
Lever Control
Covering ASSY
Pad Foam ASSY
Recliner ASSY
Lumbar Support ASSY
Automotive Seat Regulating System and Motors Utilized
Classification of Automotive Seating
Major Players in Automotive Seating Industry Chain
Automotive Seating Industry Chain
Global Automotive Seating Market Size, 2013-2023E
Ranking of Global Top 10 Automotive Seating Manufacturers by Revenue 2014-2018
Market Share of Major Seating Manufacturers for Passenger Car in North America, 2017
Market Share of Major Seating Manufacturers for Passenger Car in Europe, 2017
Market Share of Major Seating Manufacturers for Passenger Car in Japan, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for TOYOTA, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for HONDA, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for NISSAN, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for VW, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for BMW, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for BENZ, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for GM, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for FORD, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for HYUNDAI, 2018
Development Direction of Automotive Seating
Intelligent Layout of Global Major Seating Companies
Intelligent Seating Layout of Lear
China Automotive Seating Market Size, 2015-2023E
Market Share of Major Manufacturers in Chinese Passenger Car Seating Market, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for SAIC, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for FAW, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for CHANGAN, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for Dongfeng, 2018
Share of Automotive Seating Suppliers for BAIC, 2018
Global Automobile Output, 2013-2023E
Global Automobile Output Structure, 2010-2017
Global Automobile Output by Region, 2012-2017
Top 20 Countries by Automotive Output, 2017
Global Automobile Sales Volume, 2013-2023E
Global Automobile Sales Volume by Region, 2012-2017
Top 10 Countries by Automobile Sales, 2012-2017
China Automobile Sales Volume, 2013-2023E
China Passenger Car Sales Volume, 2010-2018
China Commercial Vehicle Sales Volume, 2010-2018
Sales Volume Structure of SUVs in China (by Price), 2016-2017
Sales Volume Structure of Sedans in China (by Price), 2016-2017
Top10 Passenger Car Makers by Sales Volume, 2017
Sales Volume of Top10 Passenger Car Brands by Model in China, 2017
Sales Volume of Top10 Passenger Car Brands by Model in China, 2018(Jan.-Oct.)
Sales Structure of Passenger Car (by Country) in China, 2017
Global Footprint of Adient
Global Presence of ADIENT Production Bases, FY2018
Operation of Adient, FY2017-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Adient by Region/Customer, FY2017
Revenue Structure of Adient by Region, FY2017
Market Share of Adient
Seating Business Orders of Adient, FY2018-FY2020
Market Share of Adient Seating Business among Each OEM Group
Market Share of Adient Seating by Automotive Brand, FY2017& FY2021
Adient's Purchase of Futuris in 2017
Footprint of Adient in China, 2018
Operation of Adient in China, 2013-2017
Adient Seating China
Adient Joint Venture Structure
Adient China’s Current Seating Market Share
Company Overview of Yanfeng Automotive Interiors
Distribution of Production Bases and Subsidiaries of Yanfeng Adient
Operation of Yanfeng Adient, 2017
Major Clients of Yanfeng Adient
Major Subsidiaries of Adient
Global Footprints of Lear, 2018
Net Sales and Gross Margin of Lear, 2012-2018
Key Financials of Lear, 2018Q3
Net Sales of Lear by Customer, 2017
Net Sales of Lear by Business, 2014-2017
Operation of Lear by Segment, 2018Q3
Revenue of Lear by Business, 2012-2022E
Sales Backlog of Lear, 2018-2020E
Seating Component Capabilities of Lear, 2018
Key Seating Launches of Lear, 2018-2019
Automotive Seating Operations of Lear Worldwide, 2018
Revenue Structure of Lear Seating Business by Region, 2017
Revenue Structure of Lear Seating Business by Product, 2017
Revenue Structure of Lear Seating Business by Customer, 2017
Market Share of Lear Seating Business by Region, 2018
Seating Business Quarter Sales and Margin Drivers, 201Q3
Global Engineering Development of Lear Seating Business
Development Trend of Lear Seating Products
Sales and Operating Margins of Lear, 2023E
Net Sales and Operating Margin of TOYOTA BOSHKOU, FY2010-FY2019
Net Sales of TOYOTA BOSHKOU by Region, FY2010-FY2019
Shipment of TOYOTA BOSHKOU by Region, FY2011-FY2019
Shipment of TOYOTA BOSHKOU Seat Assembly by Region, FY2019H1
Operating Profit of TOYOTA BOSHKOU by Region, FY2011-FY2019
Seat Shipment of TOYOTA BOSHKOU, FY2011-FY2019
Subsidiaries of TOYOTA BOSHKOU in China
Development Layout of TOYOTA BOSHKOU in China, 2020E
New Technologies and New Products of TOYOTA BOSHKOU, 2030E
Integration of Seating Industry Chain of TOYOTA BOSHKOU, 2020E
Seating Business Capacity Expansion Plan of TOYOTA BOSHKOU, 2019-2022E
Revenue and Operating Margin of Faurecia, 2008-2017
Revenue of Faurecia by Business, 2015-2018
Revenue Structure of Faurecia by Business, 2017
Revenue Breakdown of Faurecia by Country/Region, 2015-2017
Revenue Structure of Faurecia by Customer, 2017
Revenue Structure of Faurecia by Customer, 2015-2017
Seating Supporting of Faurecia, 2018-2021E
Sales Offices Newly Established by TS Tech in 2018
Net Sales and Operating Margin of TS Tech, FY2009-FY2019
Revenue Breakdown of TS Tech by Business, FY2016-FY2018
Revenue Breakdown of TS Tech by Region, FY2010-FY2019
Operating Profit of TS Tech by Region, FY2010-FY2019
Automotive Seating Sales Volume of TS Tech, FY2017-FY2018
Motorcycle Seat Production of TS Tech, FY2017-FY2018
Key Models Supported by TS Tech Seat, 2018-2019
Development of TS Tech in China, FY2019H1
Sales of TS Tech in China, FY2017-FY2019Q2
Development Planning of TS Tech
Seating Development Orientation of TS Tech
Global Footprint of TACHI-S
R&D Centers of TACHI-S Worldwide, 2020
Net Sales and Operating Margin of TACHI-S, FY2009-FY2019
Net Sales of TACHI-S by Country/Region, FY2016-FY2019
Operating Profit of TACHI-S by Country/Region, FY2016-FY2019
Revenue of TACHI-S by Customer, FY2016-FY2019
Seat Sales Volume of TACHI-S, FY2014-FY2018
Vehicle Models Supported by Seats of TACHI-S, 2018
TACHI-S Strengthens Competitiveness of Components/Monozukuri (Frame), 2020
TACHI-S Strengthens Competitiveness of Components/Monozukuri (Sewing), 2020
TACHI-S as a Provider of Seats for Geely EV450
Honda Motor N-VAN
Vehicle Models Supports by Seats of TACHI-S, 2018-2019
Presence of TACHI-S’ Subsidiaries in China, 2018
Presence of TACHI-S in China, 2020
Global Footprint of Magna
Sales and Operating Margin of Magna, 2015-2018E
Sales of Magna by Region, 2016-2017
Sales of Magna by Customer, 2015-2017
Seating Systems of Magna
Magna Development of Seating Systems, 2017-2020E
Seating Business (by Vehicle Model) Market Share of Magna, 2017
Seating Development History of Magna
New Clients for Magna’s Seating Business
Continued Vertical Integration of Magna Seating Segment
Revenue and Investment of Brose, 2009-2018E
Revenue of Brose by Business, 2014-2017
Major Customers of Brose
Seat Supply of Brose, 2018
Presence of Brose’s Subsidiaries in China
Business Distribution of NHK Spring
Net Sales and Operating Margin of NHK Spring, FY2009-FY2019
Sales of NHK Spring by Business, FY2009-FY2019
Operating Profit of NHK Spring by Business, FY2009-FY2019
Sales of NHK Spring by Region, FY2009-FY2019
Sales Structure of NHK Spring by Customer, FY2016-FY2018
Automotive Seating Sales of NHK Spring, FY2015-FY2019
Seating Investment Projects of NHK Spring, 2018
Subsidiaries of NHK Spring in China
Major Customers of GSK
Major Clients of DAS
Revenue of DAS, 2013-2016
Vehicle Models Supported by Seating-related Products of DAS, 2018
Profile of DAEWON
Operations of DAEWON
Key Auto Parts of DAEWON
DAEWON’s Components for High-speed Trains
Major Clients of DAEWON
Presence of DAEWON in China
Global Network of DYMOS
DYMOS Fact Figure
Profile of DYMOS
Revenue of DYMOS, 2013-2017
Net Income of DYMOS, 2013-2017
Seat Sales of DYMOS, 2012-2020
Seating Operations of DYMOS Worldwide
Major Customers of DYMOS
Presence of DYMOS in China
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