China Cold Chain Logistics Industry Report, 2020-2026
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The Chinese residents see a change in food consumption and there is a growing market demand for cold chain of food alongside the accelerating urbanization in China. Chinese governments at all levels beef up investments in cold chain infrastructure, facilitating enlargement of cold chain logistics. In 2019, the Chinese cold chain logistics market was worth RMB276.37 billion, growing an annual compound rate of 10.5% between 2010 and 2019. As China’s policy and standards for cold chain becomes clear, fresh food e-commerce springs up and financial innovations are further made, the cold chain logistics industry of China will take a great leap forward and will be sized by RMB512.25 billion in 2026, showing a CAGR of 9.4% from 2019 to 2026.

Cold chain logistics is driven primarily by meat, aquatic products, quick-frozen food, fruits & vegetables, and dairy products, among which the fruit & vegetable cold chain is now the largest market segment in terms of cold chain circulation, and aquatic products have a fast-growing demand for cold chain. What’s more, medicines, particularly vaccines, blood products and diagnostic reagents will be a key growth driver for cold chain logistics.
As concerns competition in cold chain logistics:
Logistics operation: the majority of cold chain logistics operators are engaged in both cold storage and cold chain transportation, such as Xianyi Holdings, Swire Cold Chain Logistics, and ZM Logistics that boast huge cold storage capacity and strong transportation capability domestically.
Cold storage operation: the Chinese cold storage market is scattered and characterized by low concentration and distinct regionality. The top ten cold storage operators had a total of cold warehousing capacity up to 25.15 million cubic meters in 2019, an about 17.3% share of the national total, and the typical companies are Xianyi Holdings, Swire Cold Chain Logistics, and China Merchants Americold, each of which enjoys a nationwide cold storage network.
China Cold Chain Industry Report, 2020-2026 highlights the following:
Cold chain logistics (definition, classification, composition, industry chain, market features, business models, industrial policy, etc.);
Chinese cold chain logistics market (market size, demand, competitive landscape, market structure, prospects as well as the development in key areas including the
Yangtze River Delta region, the Pearl River Delta region and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region);
Cold chain logistics market segments (fruits & vegetables, meat, quick-frozen food made of wheat flour and rice, aquatic products, dairy products);
Cold storage market (overview, gross capacity, regional analysis, competitive pattern, forecasts);
Refrigerated vehicle market (overview, overall scale, regional analysis, competitive pattern, forecasts);
22 cold chain operators (profile, performance, revenue structure, cold chain business, development strategy, etc.)
1. Introduction to Cold Chain Logistics in China
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.2.1 Classification of Cold Storage
1.2.2 Classification of Refrigerated Trucks
1.3 Features
1.4 Development Overview
2. Major Industry Policies
2.1 Policy Environment
2.2 Relevant Standards for Cold Chain Industry
2.2.1 Basic Standards for Cold Chain Logistics
2.2.2 Standards for Cold Storage and Freezing Equipment
3. Development of Cold Chain
3.1 Current Situation
3.2 Overall Market Size
3.3 Market Prediction
3.4 Market Structure
4. Development of Cold Chain Logistics in Key Regions
4.1 Yangtze River Delta Region
4.1.1 Economic Operation
4.1.2 New Policy of the District
4.1.3 Development of and Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
4.2 Development of Cold Chain Logistics in Pearl River Delta Region
4.2.1 Economic Operation
4.2.2 Development of and Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
4.3 Development of Cold Chain Logistics in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
4.3.1 Economic Operation
4.3.2 Development of and Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5. Cold Chain Logistics Industry Segments
5.1 Meat Products
5.1.1 Features of Meat Products Cold Chain Logistics
5.1.2 Industry Status Quo
5.1.3 Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5.2 Aquatic Products
5.2.1 Features of Aquatic Products Cold Chain Logistics
5.2.2 Industry Status Quo
5.2.3 Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5.3 Quick-frozen Flour Food
5.3.1 Features of Quick-frozen Flour Food Cold Chain Logistics
5.3.2 Industry Status Quo
5.3.3 Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5.4 Fruits & Vegetables
5.4.1 Features of Fruit & Vegetable Cold Chain Logistics
5.4.2 Industry Status Quo
5.4.3 Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5.5 Dairy Products
5.5.1 Features of Dairy Product Cold Chain Logistics
5.5.2 Industry Status Quo
5.5.3 Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5.6 Pharmaceuticals
5.6.1 Features of Medicine Cold Chain Logistics
5.6.2 Status Quo of Medicine Cold Chain Logistics
5.6.3 Demand for Cold Chain Logistics
5.7 Demand of E-commerce for Fresh Food Cold Chain
5.7.1 Business Model
5.7.2 Market Size
6. Cold Storage Market
6.1 Overview
6.2 Capacity of Cold Storage
6.3 Analysis of Regional Markets
6.4 Competitive Landscape
6.5 Cold Storage Market Size Forecast
7. Cold Chain Operators
7.1 Xianyi Holdings
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Business
7.1.3 Henan Zhongpin Food Share Co., Ltd.
7.1.4 Henan Xianyi Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
7.1.5 Alibaba and Zhongpin Corporation Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement
7.2 ZM Logistics
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Cold Chain Business
7.3 Shandong Gaishi International Logistics Group Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Cold Chain Logistics Business
7.3.3 Gaishi’s “the 13th Five-Year” Plan (2016-2020)
7.4 Shenyang Nonstaple Food Group
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Cold Chain Logistics Business
7.5 Zhenjiang Hengwei Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Cold Chain Transportation Service
7.5.3 Cold Storage Service
7.6 Shenzhen Vanke Logistics Investment Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Main Business
7.6.3 Cold Storage Business Distribution
7.6.4 Collaborations
7.7 CMAC
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Business
7.7.3 Cold Chain Network
7.7.4 Kangxin Logistics Co., Ltd.
7.7.5 Tianjin Phase II Cold Storage Base Project Progress
7.7.6 Development Strategy
7.8 Shanghai Guangming Speed Fresh Logistics Co., Ltd.
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Network
7.8.3 Cold Storage Operation
7.9 CJ Rokin Logistics and Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Main Business
7.9.3 Operational Capabilities
7.9.4 Cold Chain Logistics Strategy
7.9.5 Ground Breaking for CJ Rokin’s Taicang-based Headquarters
7.10 Bright Real Estate Group Co., Ltd
7.10.1 Profile
7.10.2 Operation
7.10.3 Revenue Structure
7.10.4 Gross Margin
7.10.5 Shanghai Haibo Logistics Co., Ltd.
7.11 Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd
7.11.1 Profile
7.11.2 Operation
7.11.3 Revenue Structure
7.11.4 Gross Margin
7.11.5 Cold Chain Logistics Development
7.11.6 Shanghai Xintiantian Cold Logistics Co., Ltd.
7.12 Sinotrans Ltd.
7.12.1 Profile
7.12.2 Operation
7.12.3 Revenue Structure
7.12.4 Sinotrans Cold Chain Logistics
7.12.5 SinoTransPFS
7.13 Chengdu Silverplow Low-temperature Logistics
7.13.1 Profile
7.13.2 Main Business
7.13.3 Progress of Cold Chain Logistics Center
7.14 HNA Cold Chain Holdings Co., Ltd.
7.14.1 Profile
7.14.2 Operation
7.14.3 Gross Margin
7.14.4 Cold Chain Logistics Business
7.14.5 Warehousing Business
7.14.6 Main Facilities
7.15 Beijing Er Shang Group
7.15.1 Profile
7.15.2 Beijing Er-shang Group Xijiao Food Freezing Factory
7.15.3 Beijing Er Shang-Fukushima Machinery Electric
7.15.4 Beijing Sanxin Refrigeration Logistics Co., Ltd.
7.16 Hunan Hongxing Frozen Food
7.16.1 Profile
7.16.2 Cold Chain Logistics Business
7.17 Tianjin Fisheries Group
7.17.1 Profile
7.17.2 Cold Chain Logistics Business
7.18 Liaoning Dalian Ocean Fishery Group
7.18.1 Profile
7.18.2 Refrigeration Business
7.19 Hangzhou NF United Meat Co., Ltd.
7.19.1 Profile
7.19.2 Cold Chain Business
7.20 Wuhan Wanton Cold Storage Logistics Co., Ltd
7.20.1 Profile
7.20.2 Business
7.21 SF Cold Chain
7.21.1 Profile
7.21.2 Cold Chain Logistics Business
7.22 JD Cold Chain
Cold Chain Logistics
Market Size of Cold chain Logistics in China, 2010-2019
Market Size of Cold chain Logistics in China, 2016-2026E
Guangdong’s GDP, 2010-2019
Output of Meat Products in China, 2010-2019
Cold Chain Logistics Process of Frozen Aquatic Products
Output of Aquatic Products in China, 2010-2019
Cold Chain Logistics Process of Quick-frozen Flour Food
China’s Output of Quick-frozen Flour Food, 2010-2019
Cold Chain Circulation Volume of Quick-frozen Flour Food in China, 2011-2026E
Cold Chain Logistics Process of Fruits and Vegetables
Output of Fruits in China, 2010-2019
Output of Vegetables in China, 2010-2019
Circulation Diagram of Dairy Products by Type
Output of Liquid Milk in China, 2012-2019
Output of Dairy Products in China, 2010-2019
Output of Frozen Drinks in China, 2010-2019
China Biopharmaceutical Market Size, 2010-2019
Chinese Biopharmaceutical Cold Chain Market Size, 2016-2026E
Fresh Food Ecommerce Industry Chain in China
Fresh Food Ecommerce Industry Chain Map in China, 2018
Fresh Food E-commerce Industry Cycle in China
Total Transaction Size and YoY Growth in Fresh Food E-commerce Market in China, 2015-2026E
Cold Chain Circulation Rate and Refrigerated Transport Rate of Some Commodities in China
Total Capacity of Cold Storage in China, 2010-2018 (mln m3)
Cold Storage Structure (By Purpose) in China, 2018
Cold Storage Structure of Ports (by Type) in China, 2018
Cold Storage Capacity at Major Ports in China, 2018
Demand for Cold Storage in China, 2011-2018
Cold Storage Capacity Distribution in Major Provinces of China, 2018
Top 10 Regions/Cities by Per Capita Cold Storage Capacity in China, 2018
Zhongpin’s Logistics Centers in Places of Production
Zhongpin’s Logistics Centers in Places of Sales
Distribution of Zhongpin’s Major Processing and Manufacturing Bases
Business Presence of Henan Xianyi Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
Global Layout of Shanghai ZM Logistics
Last Kilometer Cold Chain Distribution Business of ZM Logistics
Main Business of Shandong Gaishi International Logistics Group
Transportation Service Network of Hengwei Supply Chain Management
Logistics Park Projects of Shenzhen Vanke Logistics Investment
Logistics Network of Shenzhen Vanke Logistics Investment
Cold Chain Network of CMAC
Distribution Network of Shanghai Guangming Speed Fresh Logistics
‘Integrated Information Solutions for Logistics Centers’ of Shanghai Guangming Speed Fresh Logistics
Milestones of CJ Rokin
Members of CJ Rokin
Principal Business of CJ Rokin
Warehousing Capability of CJ Rokin
Transportation Capability of CJ Rokin
Distribution Capability of CJ Rokin
Cold Chain Partners of CJ Rokin
Revenue and Net Income of Bright Real Estate, 2009-2019
Gross Margin of Bright Real Estate, 2015-2019
Development Strategy of Shanghai Haibo Logistics
Business Segments of Shanghai Haibo Logistics
Business Philosophy of Shanghai Haibo Logistics
Revenue and Net Income of Jinjiang International, 2009-2019
Gross Margin (%) of Jinjiang International, 2009-2018
Major Customers of Xintiantian
Global Network of Sinotrans
Revenue and Net Income of Sinotrans, 2009-2019
Distribution of SinotransPFS’ Facilities in China
Key Customers of HNA Cold Chain
Revenue and Net Income of HNA Cold Chain, 2012-2019
Gross Margin of HNA Cold Chain, 2012-2019
“Hub and Spoke” Transport Network of HNA Cold Chain
Main Warehouses of HNA Cold Chain
Main Refrigerated Trucks of HNA Cold Chain
Chilling and Freezing Showcase of Beijing Er Shang-Fukushima Machinery Electric
Main Transport Routes of Beijing Sanxin Refrigeration Logistics
Major Partners of Hunan Hongxing Frozen Food
Cold Storage of Hangzhou NF United Meat Cold Store
Revenue from Pharmaceutical Business of SF Cold Transport, 2016-2019
SF Medicine Cold Chain System
Food Suitable for Cold Chain and Optimum Temperature
Classification of Cold Storage Facilities
Classification of Refrigerated Trucks Transporting Perishable Food and Biological Products by New National Standard
Comparison between Domestic and Overseas Cold Chain Logistics Development
Representative Enterprise in Cold-chain Industry Chain in China
Industrial Policies for Cold Chain Logistics Industry in China
Related Policies for Cold Chain Logistics in Major Provinces/Cities of China
13th Five-Year Plan for Cold Chain Development in Major Provinces and Cities of China
Basic Standards for Cold Chain Logistics
Standards for Cold Storage Facilities in China
Standard for Freezing Equipment in China
Cold Chain Circulation in China, 2011-2026E
Cold Chain Circulation Market Structure in China, 2011-2026E
GDP and YoY Growth of Two Provinces and One Municipality in Yangtze River Delta Region, 2010-2019
Output of Major Cold Chain Products of Two Provinces and One Municipality in Yangtze River Delta Region, 2011-2018
Cold Chain Demand from Two Provinces and One Municipality in Yangtze River Delta Region, 2011-2018
Guangdong’s Output of Agricultural and Sideline Products, 2011-2018
Guangdong’s Demand for Cold Chain, 2011-2018
GDP and YoY Growth of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, 2010-2019
Cold Chain Demand from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, 2011-2018
Overview of Cold Chain Products
Overview of Meat Products Cold Chain Logistics
Cold Chain Circulation and Transport Volume of Meat Products in China, 2011-2026E
Cold Chain Circulation and Transport Volume of Aquatic Products in China, 2011-2026E
Cold Chain Circulation and Transport Volume of Fruits and Vegetables in China, 2011-2026E
Demand for Dairy Product Cold Chain in China, 2011-2026E
Drug Classification by Temperature and Cold Chain Drug Range
Classification of Cold Chain Drugs by Temperature and Air Conditions
Polices on Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Logistics and Their Development Courses in China
Comparison of Pharmaceuticals Cold Chain Logistics Development between China and Major Developed Countries
Fresh Food E-commerce Industry Supply Chain in China, 2018
Cold Storage Classification
Cold Storage Capacity by Region in China, 2016-2018
Top 20 Cold Storage Operators in China, 2018
Cold Storage Demand from Major Agricultural Products in China, 2015-2026F
Three Industrial Businesses of Xianyi Holdings
Business Scope of ZM Logistics
Three Logistics Bases of Shandong Gaishi International Logistics Group
Main Logistics Parks of Shenyang Nonstaple
Main Cold Storage Facilities of Shenyang Nonstaple
Main Cold Chain Dry Warehouses of Shenyang Nonstaple
Main Wholesale Market Facilities of Shenyang Nonstaple
Main Cold Storage Facilities of Hengwei Supply Chain Management
Shenzhen Vanke Logistics Investment’s Main Existing and Ongoing Cold Storage Capacity and Investment Situation
Main Cold Storage Facilities of CMAC
Operation Network of Kangxin Logistics Co., Ltd.
Key Financial Indicators of Shanghai Guangming Speed Fresh Logistics, 2018
Main Cold Storage Facilities of Shanghai Guangming Speed Fresh Logistics
Revenue structure of Bright Real Estate by Product, 2015-2019
Revenue structure of Bright Real Estate by Region, 2015-2019
Operation of Shanghai Haibo Logistics, 2014-2019
Shanghai Haibo Logistics’ Projects in Operation
Vision of Shanghai Haibo Logistics
Revenue Structure of Jinjiang International Industrial Investment by Sector, 2009-2018
Operating Revenue, Costs and Gross Margin of Low Temperature Logistics Business of Jinjiang International Industrial Investment, 2007-2019
Major Cold Chain Equipment Matching of Xintiantian
Cold Chain Logistics Routes of Xintiantian
Revenue Structure of Sinotrans by Product, 2018-2019
Operation Statistics of Sinotrans by Business Segments, 2017-2019
Shanghai Cold Chain Logistics Center of Sinotrans
SinotransPFS’ Facilities in China
Main Cold Storage Facilities of Beijing Er-shang Group Xijiao Food Freezing Factory
Ships of Liaoning Dalian Ocean Fishery Group
Operating Business of Wuhan Wanton Cold Storage Logistics Co., Ltd.
Advantages and Disadvantages of SF Medicine Cold Chain
Major Pharmaceutical Logistics Solutions of JD Logistics
Analysis of Jingdong Medicine Cold Chain Advantages
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