Global and China Tire Mold Industry Report, 2020-2026
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A total of 1,754 million semi-steel and all-steel radial tires were shipped worldwide in 2019, down 2.8% from a year ago. After two years of slowdown, the global tire industry will remain bearish amid the devastating COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and will make slow headway, which undoubtedly have implications for tire mold industry. The world’s demand for tire mold reached 120,800 sets and edged up 0.33% year on year in 2019, and the figure is projected to register 131,100 sets in 2026 alongside the tire mold market expanding at a CAGR of 1.2% between 2019 and 2026.

Radial tires are used for both passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Semi-steel radial tires mainly find application in passenger cars and light-duty commercial vehicle, while all-steel ones get used in large commercial vehicle like bus and truck and are produced with different molds. In 2019, all-steel tire mold commanded 12.7% of the global market size, and semi-steel tire mold 87.3%.
Tire mold market is ruled by Asian competitors including Himile Mechanical Science & Technology (32.75%), S.Korean Saehwa (7.28%) and Shandong Wantong Mould (6.25%). Among them, Himile Mechanical Science & Technology is committed to producing and selling radial tire segmented mold, with products covering passenger car tire (PCR) mold, truck & bus tire (TBR) mold, off-the-road tire (OTR) mold, giant OTR mold, and with professional tire makers as key clients. Himile has established branches and factories in the United States, Thailand, Europe and India; 80% of Saehwa’s products are exported, with production facilities in China encompassing Tianjin Shinhan, Tianjin Saehan, and Nanjing Saehan; Shandong Wantong produces such products as all-steel and semi-steel radial tire segmented molds applicable to the production of tires for trucks, buses and sedans, possessing annual capacity of over 3,000 sets.
Global and China Tire Mold Industry Report, 2020-2026 highlights the following:
Global tire mold industry (status quo, competition and tendencies);
China’s tire mold industry (policy climate, development course, major producers’ capacities and profits, industry sales, and competitive pattern);
Tire mold demand in China (domestic sales, exports, tire mold upgrading & replacement);
4 global companies (tire mold business, profitability, development in China);
12 Chinese companies (tire mold business, operation, gross margin, revenue structure, key projects, development strategies, etc.)
1. Tire Mold
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Industry Chain
1.4 Production Process
1.5 Features
2. Global Tire Mold Industry
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Market Situation
2.2.1 Market Size
2.2.2 Market Structure
2.3 Competition Pattern
2.4 Development Trend
3. China Tire Mold Industry
3.1 Development History
3.2 Industry Policy
3.3 Status Quo
3.3.1 Sales
3.3.2 Output
3.3.3 Demand
3.4 Corporate Competition
3.5 Development Trend
4. Development of Tire Industry
4.1 Global
4.1.1 Market Size
4.1.2 Key Manufacturers
4.1.3 USA
4.1.4 Europe
4.2 China
4.2.1 Industrial Size and Characteristics
4.2.2 Output and Structure
4.2.3 Export
4.2.4 Trade Friction and “Going Global”Strategy
4.2.5 Competitive Landscape
5. Development of Automobile Industry
5.1 Global
5.2 China
6. Key Global Companies
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Business Distribution
6.1.3 Operation
6.1.4 Development History
6.1.5 Tire Mold Products
6.1.6 Development in China
6.1.7 Development Planning
6.2 HERBERT Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Tire Mold Products
6.3 Quality Mold, Inc.
6.4 A-Z Formen- und Maschinenbau GmbH
7. Key Chinese Enterprises
7.1 Himile Mechanical Science & Technology (Shandong) Co., Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Development History
7.1.3 Operation
7.1.4 Tire Mold Business
7.1.5 R&D and Projects
7.1.6 Competitive Edge
7.2 Greatoo Intelligent Equipment Inc.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Major Customers
7.2.4 R & D Investment and Main Projects
7.2.5 Tire Mold Business
7.3 Shandong Wantong Mould Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.4 Tianyang Mold Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.5 Anhui Wide Way Mould Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.6 Others
7.6.1 DongyingJintai Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd
7.6.2 Qingdao Yuantong Machinery Co., Ltd.
7.6.3 Shandong Hongji Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd.
7.6.4 Rongcheng Hongchang Mold Co., Ltd.
7.6.5 Anhui Varon Mould Co., Ltd.
7.6.6 Zhejiang Laifu Mould Co., Ltd.
7.6.7 MESNAC Precise Processing Industry Co., Ltd.
7.6.8 Shandong Hengyi Mould Co., Ltd.
Classification of Tire Mold
Classification of Radial Tire Segmented Mold
Upstream and Downstream of Tire Mold Industry
Comparison of Tire Mold Pattern Processing Technologies in China
Ranking of Rubber Machinery Manufacturers Worldwide, 2014-2019
Global Tire Mold Market Size, 2017-2026E
Global Demand for Tire Mold, 2017-2026E
Structure of Global Tire Mold Demand (by Product), 2019
Business Model of Major Tire Mold Manufacturers in the World
Competitive Pattern of Global Tire Mold Market, 2019
Comparison of Products between World’s Major Tire Mold Manufacturers
Development Course of China Tire Mold Industry
Policies and Laws & Regulations about China Tire Mold Industry
Sales Revenue of China Tire Mold Industry, 2015-2026E
Tire Mold Output in China, 2016-2026E
Factors Influencing Tire Mold Demand in China
Tire Mold Demand in China, 2017-2026E
Tire Mold Market Share in China, 2019
Capacity of Major Chinese Tire Mold Manufacturers in China, 2019
China’s Tire Meridianization Rate, 2008-2026E
Laws & Regulations on Environment-friendly Tire in Major Countries Worldwide
Global Tire Market Size, 2016-2026E
Regional Distribution of Global Tire Replacement Market, 2019
Regional Distribution of Global Tire OEM Market, 2019
Car Tire Market Size, 2016-2026E
Geographical Distribution of Global Tire Shipment, 2017-2019
Global Top Tire Manufacturers by Revenue, 2018-2019
Tier Distribution of Global Tire Manufacturers
Passenger Car OE and Replacement Tire Shipment in the U.S., 2013-2019
Light Truck OE and Replacement Tire Shipment in the U.S., 2013-2019
Medium/Heavy Truck OE and Replacement Tire Shipment in the U.S., 2013-2019
Passenger Car Tire Imports in US, 2018-2019
Commercial Vehicle Tire Imports in US, 2018-2019
Truck Tire Imports in US, 2018-2019
Replacement Consumer Tire Sales in Europe (ETRMA members), 2016-2019
Replacement Truck and Bus Tire Sales in Europe (ETRMA members), 2016-2019
Replacement Agricultural Tire Sales in Europe (ETRMA members), 2016-2019
China’s Automobile Tire Market Size, 2016-2026E
China’s Automobile Tire OE and Replacement Market Size, 2016-2026E
Tire Matching and Replacement Amount by Type
China’s Automobile Tire Output, 2016-2026E
China’s Automobile Tire Sales Volume, 2016-2026E
China Tire Output Structure (by Product Type), 2019
Capacity Planning of Major Tire Manufacturers in China, 2019
Output of Major Tire Manufacturers in China, 2016-2019
China’s Automotive Tire Export Volume, 2012-2019
China’s Tire Export Structure, 2019
Top 10 Export Destinations of Automobile/Light Truck Tire, 2019
Volume of Tires Exported from China to the United States, 2011-2019
Volume of Exported Tires from China to ‘One Belt, One Road’ Countries, 2011-2019
Volume of Exported Tires from China to Regions except Europe and America, 2011-2019
China’s Tire Trade Frictions with the U.S. and EU over Recent Years
Overseas Presence of Chinese Tire Manufacturers over Recent Years
Revenue from Tire of Major Tire Manufacturers in China, 2017-2019
Net Income of Major Tire Manufacturers in China, 2018-2019
Competitive Pattern of China Tire Market, 2019
Global Automobile Output, 2013-2019
Global Automotive Sales Volume by Region, 2003-2019
Automobile Output in China, 2010-2026E
Automobile Sales Volume and Growth in China, 2012-2026E
Passenger Car Production and Sales by Type in China, 2018-2019
Passenger Car Sales Volume in China, 2010-2019
Commercial Vehicle Sales Volume in China, 2010-2019
YoY Growth Rate of China’s Annual Automobile Sales Volume, 2012-2019
China’s Automobile Sales Volume and Market Share (by Series), 2012-2019
Global Business Distribution of SAEHWA IMC
Major Production Bases of SAEHWA IMC in South Korea
Global Production Bases of SAEHWA IMC (Excluding South Korea)
Operation of SAEHWA IMC, 2017-2019
Revenue Breakdown of SAEHWA IMC (by Product), 2016-2018
Product Development History of SAEHWA IMC
Development Course of SAEHWA IMC
Main Tire Mold Products of SAEHWA IMC
Profile of Major Tire Mold Companies of SAEHWA IMC in China
Medium and Long-term Business Strategies of SAEHWA IMC
Main Production Bases of HERBERT in the World
Revenue of HERBERT, 2015-2018
Main Tire Mold Products of HERBERT
Tire Mold Production Bases of Quality Mold Inc.
Major Pattern Types of Tire Mold of Quality Mold Inc
Main Tire Mold Products of A-Z
Customers of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology
Development Course of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology
Revenue and Net Income of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2013-2020
Revenue Structure (by Business) of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2016-2019
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2016-2019
Gross Margin of Major Products of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2016-2019
Major Tire Mold Products of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology
Main Customers of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology
Tire Mold Capacity of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2013-2019
Tire Mold Sales Volume of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2013-2018
Tire Mold Sales Volume Structure (by Product) of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2018
Operation of Mold Subsidiaries of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2019
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology, 2013-2019
Global Service System of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology
Tire Mold Customers of Himile Mechanical Science & Technology
Revenue and Net Income of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2013-2020
Revenue Structure (by Business) of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2016-2019
Revenue Structure (by Region) of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2013-2019
Gross Margin of Major Products of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2013-2019
Distribution of Global Customers of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment
Key Domestic and Overseas Customers of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2012-2019
Key Construction Projects of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2018
Major Tire Mold Products of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Major Products of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2016-2019
Tire Mold Output and Sales Volume of Greatoo Intelligent Equipment, 2016-2018
Tire Mold Products of Shandong Wantong Mould
Main Customers of Shandong Wantong Mould
Revenue of Shandong Wantong Mould, 2013-2018
Major Tire Mold Products of Tianyang Mold
Major Customers of Tianyang Mold
Revenue of Tianyang Mold, 2013-2018
Global Footprint of Anhui Wide Way Mould
Key Partners of Anhui Wide Way Mould Worldwide
Products of Anhui Wide Way Mould
Revenue of Anhui Wide Way Mould, 2013-2018
Major Products of Qingdao Yuantong Machinery
Major Customers of Qingdao Yuantong Machinery
Revenue of Qingdao Yuantong Machinery, 2013-2018
Revenue of Shandong Hongji Mechanical Technology, 2013-2018
Main Products of Rongcheng Hongchang Mold
Global Presence of Anhui Varon Mould
Main Products of Anhui Varon Mould
Revenue of Anhui Mcgill Mould, 2013-2018
Development Course of Zhejiang Laifu Mould
Marketing Network of Zhejiang Laifu Mould
Partners of Zhejiang Laifu Mould
Main Mold Products of Zhejiang Laifu Mould
Key Financials of MESNAC Precise Processing Industry, 2013-2018
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