Global and China Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Industry Report, 2020-2026
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Lithium battery is comprised of cathode material, anode material, separator and electrolyte, of which anode material as a key raw material makes up 5%-15% of lithium battery cost. In 2019, China shipped 265,000 tons of anode materials, a year-on-year upsurge of 38.0%. By one estimate, the robust demand for new energy vehicles will drive up anode materials output to 597,000 tons in 2026, showing CAGR of 12.3% between 2019 and 2026.

Anode materials fall into three types: carbon materials (graphite-based), metallic oxide materials and alloy materials. In 2019, China shipped 208,000 tons of artificial graphite, or roughly 78.5% of its total anode materials shipment, up 9.2 percentage points versus 2018; the shipment of natural graphite was 49,000 tons, occupying 18.5% or so; other materials were 8,000 tons, with an around 3.0% share.
China and Japan are the key players in global lithium battery anode materials industry, together selling over 95% of the global total anode materials. Japan leads in technology, while China that abounds in graphite mineral resources has a marked cost advantage. Japanese anode material suppliers are typically Hitachi Chemical, JFE, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nippon Carbon and Nippon Steel, among which Hitachi Chemical primarily provides artificial graphite, JFE focuses on mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB) and Mitsubishi Chemical and Nippon Carbon are natural graphite suppliers. In China, suppliers are led by Shenzhen BTR, Ningbo Shanshan, Jiangxi Zichen, Guangdong Kaijin and Shenzhen Xiangfenghua, of which Shenzhen BTR mainly operates natural graphite, with a sideline of artificial graphite, and Jiangxi Zichen, Guangdong Kaijin and Ningbo Shanshan all basically produce artificial graphite. In 2019, the world’s top five anode material producers were Shenzhen BTR, Jiangxi Zichen, Ningbo Shanshan, Guangdong Kaijin and Hitachi Chemical, with a combined 69.65% share in the global market.
The report highlights:
Lithium-ion battery anode materials (definition, classification, industry chain, etc.);
Global lithium-ion battery anode material industry (market size & forecast, competitive landscape, development of new anode materials, etc.);
China lithium-ion battery anode material industry (policies, market size & forecast, competition pattern, price trend, etc.);
Upstream raw materials like graphite, silicon carbide, lithium titanate, graphene, etc. for anode material (market size, competition pattern, import & export, price trend, etc.);
Global and China lithium battery market (size, competition, the demand for anode materials and forecasts);
15 global and Chinese anode material manufacturers (profile, operation, anode material business, etc.);
3 global and Chinese lithium titanate manufacturers (profile, operation, lithium titanate business, etc.)
1. Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material
1.1 Definition
1.2 Industry Chain
1.3 Silicon-based Anode Material
2. Global Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials Market
2.1 Market Size
2.2 Competitive Landscape
2.3 New Anode Materials
2.3.1 Lithium Titanate
2.3.2 Hard Carbon/Soft Carbon
2.3.3 Silicon-based Composites
2.3.4 Graphene
3. Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials Market
3.1 Industrial Policy
3.2 Market Size
3.3 Competitive Landscape
3.4 Price Trend
4. Upstream Raw Materials Market
4.1 Graphite
4.1.1 Global Market
4.1.2 Chinese Market Natural Graphite Artificial Graphite
4.2 Silicon Carbide
4.2.1 Global Market
4.2.2 Chinese Market Supply & Demand Competitive Pattern Import & Export Price Trend
4.3 Lithium Titanate
4.3.1 Global Market
4.3.2 Chinese Market
4.4 Graphene
4.5 Hard Carbon/Soft Carbon
4.6 Mesocarbon Microbead (MCMB)
5. Downstream Lithium-ion Battery Market
5.1 Market Size
5.1.1 Global
5.1.2 China
5.2 Market Structure
5.3 Competitive Landscape
5.3.1 Global
5.3.2 China
5.4 Demand Analysis
5.4.1 Consumer Electronics (3C) Global China
5.4.2 Electric Vehicle Global China
5.4.3 Industrial Energy Storage Global China
6. World Famous Anode Material Companies
6.1 Hitachi Chemical
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Development History and Outlook
6.1.3 Production Bases
6.1.4 Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Business
6.1.5 Layout in China
6.1.6 Core Competitiveness
6.1.7 Operating Data
6.2 Mitsubishi Chemical
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Development History and Outlook
6.2.3 Production Bases
6.2.4 Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Business
6.2.5 Layout in China
6.2.6 Core Competitiveness
6.2.7 Operating Data
6.3 Nippon Carbon
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Development History
6.3.3 Production Bases
6.3.4 Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Business
6.3.5 Operating Data
6.4 JFE Chemical
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Business
6.4.3 Layout in China
6.5 Kureha
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Production Bases
6.5.3 Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Business
6.5.4 Layout in China
6.5.5 Core Competitiveness
6.5.6 Operating Data
6.6 Others
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Shin-Etsu Chemical
6.6.3 XG Sciences
6.6.4 Nexeon
6.6.5 Amprius
7. Major Chinese Anode Material Companies
7.1 Shenzhen BTR New Energy Materials Co., Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Industrial Layout
7.1.3 Development History and Outlook
7.1.4 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.1.5 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.1.6 Customer Support
7.1.7 Production and Sales
7.1.8 Core Competitiveness
7.1.9 Operating Data
7.2 Ningbo Shanshan Co., Ltd.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Affiliates
7.2.3 Development History and Outlook
7.2.4 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.2.5 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.2.6 Customer Support
7.2.7 Production and Sales
7.2.8 Core Competitiveness
7.2.9 Operating Data
7.3 Hunan Shinzoom Technology Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Development History and Outlook
7.3.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.3.4 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.3.5 Core Competitiveness
7.3.6 Customer Support
7.3.7 Operating Data
7.4 Jiangxi Zichen Technology Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Affiliates
7.4.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.4.4 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.4.5 Customer Support
7.4.6 Production and Sales
7.4.7 Core Competitiveness
7.4.8 Operating Data
7.5 Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Development History and Outlook
7.5.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.5.4 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.5.5 Customer Support
7.5.6 Supply System
7.5.7 Production and Sales
7.5.8 Operating Data
7.6 Hefei Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Affiliates
7.6.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.6.4 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.6.5 Supply System
7.6.6 Customer Support
7.6.7 Operating Data
7.7 Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Industrial Layout
7.7.3 Development History and Outlook
7.7.4 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.7.5 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.7.6 Customer Support
7.7.7 Production and Sales
7.7.8 Core Competitiveness
7.7.9 Operating Data
7.8 Dongguan Kaijin New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Industrial Layout
7.8.3 Development History and Outlook
7.8.4 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.8.5 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.8.6 Customer Support
7.8.7 Production and Sales
7.8.8 Core Competitiveness
7.8.9 Operating Data
7.9 Shenzhen Xiangfenghua Technology Co., Ltd. (XFH)
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Industrial Layout
7.9.3 Products, Technologies and Solutions
7.9.4 Silicon-based Anode Material Business
7.9.5 Customer Support
7.9.6 Production and Sales
7.9.7 Core Competitiveness
7.9.8 Operating Data
7.10 Others
7.10.1 Hunan Morgan Hairong New Materials Co., Ltd.
7.10.2 Dalian Hongguang Lithium Co., Ltd.
7.10.3 Tianjin Kimwan Carbon Technology and Development Co., Ltd.
8. Major Lithium Titanate Material Companies
8.1 Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd.
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Development History and Outlook
8.1.3 Production Bases
8.1.4 Lithium Titanate Material Business
8.1.5 Operating Data
8.2 Xing Neng New Materials Co., Ltd.
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Subsidiaries
8.2.3 Lithium Titanate Material Business
8.3 Altairnano Inc
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Development History and Outlook
8.3.3 Affiliates
8.3.4 Lithium Titanate Material Business
Cost Structure of Lithium Battery
Classification of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials
Performance Comparison of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials (by Category)
Value Chain of Lithium-ion Power Battery
Production Processes of Lithium-ion Power Battery
Development Trend of Anode Material Technology Roadmap
Classification of Silicon-based Anode Materials
Si/C Composites Capable of Achieving Complementary Advantages between Silicon and Carbon
Classification of Si/C Composites
Schematic Diagram of Si/C Composites Preparation by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Method
Four Conventional Preparation Methods of Si/C Composites
R&D and Application Route of Silicon-based Anode Materials
Global Shipments of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials, 2016-2026E
Competitive Landscape of Global Anode Materials Companies, 2019
Major Suppliers and Buyers of Anode Materials Worldwide (by Product)
Specific Capacitance Comparison of Commercial Anode Materials
Merits and Demerits of Lithium Titanate Anode Material
Major Suppliers and Applications of Hard Carbon/Soft Carbon
Performance Comparison of Si/C Anode Material Batteries
Application Examples of Si/C Anode Material
Global Power Battery Anode Materials Market Space, 2020-2030E
Policies on Lithium Battery Industry in China
Requirements on Performance Indicators of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials in China
Output of Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials in China, 2015-2026E
Output Value of Lithium Battery Anode Materials and YoY Growth in China, 2015-2026E
Sales Volume of Anode Materials in China as a Percentage of Global Total, 2015-2026E
Shipment Structure of Major Anode Materials Companies in China, 2019
Capacity Expansion of Major Anode Material Manufacturers, 2018-2021E
Si/C Anode Material Business Layout of Major Lithium Battery Materials Companies in China
Price Trend of Anode Materials in China, 2010-2020E
Production Process of Natural Graphite
Difference between Artificial Graphite and Natural Graphite
Global Graphite Basic Reserves by Country/Region, 2018
Major Crystalline Flake Graphite Producing Areas Worldwide
Major Amorphous Graphite Producing Areas Worldwide
China’s Output of Lithium Battery Anode Materials by Type, 2017-2019
Natural Graphite Shipments in China, 2014-2026E
Price Trend of Graphite in China, 2014-2019
Shipments of Main Natural Graphite Anode Manufacturers in China, 2018-2019
Artificial Anode Material Graphite Process
Artificial Graphite Shipments in China, 2014-2026E
Shipments of Main Artificial Graphite Anode Manufacturers in China, 2018-2019
Global Silicon Carbide Market Capacity, 2014-2025E
China’s Silicon Carbide Output, 2011-2019
Silicon-based Anode Material Shipments in China, 2015-2026E
Si/C Anode Material Production Progress of Chinese Anode Material Enterprises
Tariffs on Silicon Carbide Products, 2019
China’s SiC Imports (Volume/Value), 2013-2019
Top10 Sources of SiC Imports in China by Import Volume, 2019
Top10 Provinces with SiC Imports in China by Import Volume, 2019
China’s SiC Exports (Volume/Value), 2012-2019
Top10 Destinations of SiC Exports from China by Export Volume, 2019
Top10 Provinces with SiC Exports in China by Export Volume, 2019
Average Import and Export Prices of SiC in China, 2009-2019
Price Trend of Black SiC Lump (98%) in China, 2017-2020
Price Trend of Black SiC Grit Sand in China, 2017-2020
Price Trend of Black SiC Powder in China, 2017-2020
Price Trend of Green SiC Lump (98%) in China, 2017-2020
Price Trend of Green SiC Powder Subject to European Standards in China, 2017-2020
Price Trend of Green SiC Powder Subject to Japanese Standards in China, 2017-2020
Lithium Titanate Producers and Their Capacity in China
Global Graphene Demand Structure by Sector
Global Graphene Market Size, 2016-2026E
Major Graphene Producers Worldwide
Price of Graphene, 2010-2022E
Capacity Planning of Chinese Graphene Enterprises
Structure of Lithium Battery
Global Lithium Battery Shipments and YoY Growth, 2016-2026E
Global Lithium Battery Industry Scale, 2016-2026E
China’s Lithium Battery Shipments, 2014-2019
China Lithium Battery Industry Scale, 2014-2019
Lithium Battery Output Value of Major Countries, 2016-2019
Global Lithium Battery Manufacturer Echelons
Competitive Pattern of Global Lithium Power Battery Manufacturers, 2019
Competitive Pattern of Lithium Battery Market in China, 2019
Major Lithium Battery Manufacturers in China
Lithium –ion Power Battery Supply System in China
Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries
Global Demand from Consumer Electronics for Lithium-ion Battery and Growth Rate, 2016-2026E
Competitive Landscape of Global Digital Lithium Battery Enterprises, 2019
China’s Digital Lithium Battery Shipments and Growth Rate, 2017-2026E
China’s Digital Lithium Battery Market Size and Growth Rate, 2017-2026E
Global Sales Volume of Global Electric Passenger Car (EV& PHEV), 2016-2026E
Global Rankings by New Energy Vehicle Sales, 2019
New Energy Vehicle Planning of Leading Automakers Worldwide, 2020-2025E
Capacity and Endurance of Batteries of Major Electric Vehicles Worldwide
Single-vehicle Battery Capacity of Electric Passenger Cars Worldwide, 2011-2019
Demand of Lithium Battery from Global Electric Passenger Cars, 2016-2026E
Ranking of Global Automotive Power Lithium Battery Enterprises by Shipments, 2019
Production and Sales of New Energy Vehicle (by Type) in China, 2015-2019
Production and Sales of New Energy Vehicle in China, 2016-2026E
Sales Volume of Electric Passenger Cars (EV&PHEV) in China, 2017-2026E
Demand for Power Lithium-ion Battery in China, 2017-2026E
Ranking of Chinese Power Lithium Battery Manufacturers by Installations, 2019
Demand of Lithium Battery from Global Energy Storage, 2016-2026E
Global Cumulative Storage Deployments, 2018-2040E
Global Cumulative Energy Storage Deployment by Country, 2018-2030E
Demand for Energy Storage Lithium Battery in China, 2016-2026E
Demand Structure of Energy Storage Lithium Battery (by Sector) in China, 2020E
Major Chinese Manufacturers of Energy Storage Battery
Selected Chinese energy storage equipment suppliers and their value chain
Development Course of Hitachi Chemical
Presence of Hitachi Chemical’s Major Subsidiaries
Main Business Divisions and Their Business of Hitachi Chemical
Structure of Silicon-based Anode Material of Hitachi Chemical
Hitachi Chemical’s Progress in Anode Materials in FY2018 and Key Measures for FY2019
Hitachi Chemical’s Layout in China
Financial Factsheet of Hitachi Chemical, FY2010-FY2019
Global Marketing Network of Mitsubishi Chemical
Development Course of Mitsubishi Chemical
Network of Mitsubishi Chemical
Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Production Bases and Capacities of Mitsubishi Chemical, 2018-2020
Main Battery Materials of Mitsubishi Chemical
Presence of Mitsubishi Chemical in China
Financial Factsheet of Mitsubishi Chemical, FY2013-FY2019
Development Course of Nippon Carbon
Presence of Nippon Carbon’s Headquarters, Production Bases and Branches
Presence of Nippon Carbon’s Subsidiaries
Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Technologies of Nippon Carbon
Financial Factsheet of Nippon Carbon, 2011-2019
Production Bases of JFE Chemical
Battery Materials of JFE Chemical
Presence of Kureha’s Production Bases
Kureha’s Subsidiaries in China and Their Prime Business
Financial Factsheet of Kureha, FY2013-FY2019
List of Lithium Battery Material Solutions of 3M
Structure of Silicon-based Anode Material of 3M
Cycling Stability of Silicon-based Anode Material of 3M -- dQ/dV
Rate Performance of Silicon-based Anode Material of 3M
Cyclic Performance of 3M’s Silicon-based Anode Material Coupling 18650 Battery
3M’s Layout in China
Distribution of Shin-Etsu Chemical’s Headquarter, Production Bases and Branches, 2020
Global Presence of Shin-Etsu Chemical’s Operations, 2020
Performance of SiO-based Anode Material of Shin-Etsu Chemical
Manufacturing Sites of XG Sciences
Global Presence of XG Sciences
Product Lines of XG Sciences
Distribution of XG Sciences’ Customers Worldwide
Cyclic Performance of SiG-based Anode Material of XG Sciences
Properties of XG Sciences’ Anode Materials
Electron Micrograph of XG Sciences’ SiG? Li-ion Battery Anode xGnP? Graphene Nanoplatelets
Development History of Nexeon
Nexeon’s Lithium Ion Battery Anode Technology
Cross Sectional Image of Amprius Technologies’ Silicon Nanowire Anode using a Scanning Electron Microscope
Roadmap of Amprius Si Nanowire Anode Li-ion Cells
R&D/Production System of Amprius
Industrial Layout of BTR
BTR’s Key Subsidiaries and Their Capacity
Subsidiaries of BTR, 2019
Development Course of BTR
Major Anode Material Products of BTR
Anode Material Product Development of BTR
Features of BTR’s Some Natural Graphite Anode Material Products
Features of BTR’s Some Artificial Graphite Anode Material Products
Anode Material Capacity, Output and Capacity Utilization of BTR, 2017-2019
Si-based Composites of BTR -- Electron Micrograph
Si-based Composites of BTR -- Physical and Chemical Indicators
SiO-based Anode Material of BTR -- Electron Micrograph
SiO-based Anode Material of BTR -- Physical and Chemical Indicators
BTR’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers, 2017-2019
Revenue and Net Income of BTR, 2012-2019
Anode Material Affiliates of Ningbo Shanshan
Business Structure of Ningbo Shanshan, 2019
Anode Material Development Histories of Shanghai Shanshan Technology and Shanshan Corporation
Anode Material Product Series of Shanshan Technology
Anode Material Product Series of Huzhou Shanshan Power Battery Materials
Lithium Battery Material Capacity of Shanshan Technology
Anode Material Bases of Ningbo Shanshan
Global Presence of Anode Material Business of Ningbo Shanshan
Physical and Chemical Performance of Low-capacity Nano-silicon /carbon Products of Shanshan Technology
Physical and Chemical Performance of Si/C-based Composites of Shanshan Technology
Lithium Battery Anode Material Output and Sales Volume of Shanshan Technology, 2016-2019
Lithium Battery Anode Material Revenue and Gross Margin of Shanshan Technology, 2016-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Shanshan Technology, 2012-2020
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Shanshan Technology, 2012-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Huzhou Shanshan Power Battery Materials, 2012-2019 (Unit: RMB mln)
Development Course of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Anode Material Product Series of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Specifications of Artificial Graphite Products of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Specifications of Natural Graphite Products of Hunan Shinzoom Technology
Specifications of Composite Artificial Graphite
Si/C Anode Material of Hunan Shinzoom Technology -- Main Technical Indicators
Si/C Anode Material of Hunan Shinzoom Technology -- Electrochemical Performance
Revenue and Net Income of Hunan Shinzoom Technology, 2012-2019
Anode Material Affiliates of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology
Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology – GT
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 8C
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- G1
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- FT-1
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- F3-C
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- G9
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- G6
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- A-T
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- AGT
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- ET
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- RE31
Performance Indicators of Anode Materials of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- F32
Performance Indicators of Si/C Composites of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 380mAh/g
Performance Indicators of Si/C Composites of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 400mAh/g
Performance Indicators of Si/C Composites of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 420mAh/g
Performance Indicators of Si/C Composites of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 450mAh/g
Performance Indicators of Si/C Composites of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 600mAh/g
Performance Indicators of Si/C Composites of Jiangxi Zichen Technology -- 950mAh/g
Core Anode Material Customers of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology
Anode Material Capacity Layout and Planning of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology
Anode Material Production and Marketing of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology, 2016-2020
Anode Material Subcontracting of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology, 2016-2020
Anode Material Related Projects with Raised Funds via Private Placement of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology, July 2020
Forecast of Putailai’s Revenue from 50,000 t/a High-performance Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Construction Project
Forecast of Putailai’s Revenue from 50,000 t/a Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Graphitization Project
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology, 2013-2020
Revenue and Net Income of Jiangxi Zichen Technology, 2016-2019
Development Course of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology
Anode Material Product Series of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology
Si/C Anode Material of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology -- SIC450
Si/C Anode Material of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology -- SIC400
Si/C Anode Material of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology -- SIC420
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Top 5 Clients of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology, 2017
Anode Material Revenue of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology by Type, 2016-2018
Anode Material Output and Sales Volume of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology by Type, 2016-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology, 2012-2018
Affiliates of Gotion High-tech
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) of Gotion High-Tech
Lithium Titanate (LTO) of Gotion High-Tech
NCM622 (Ternary 622) of Gotion High-Tech
Battery Products of Gotion High-Tech
Seven R&D Platforms of Gotion High-Tech Worldwide
Main Technical Parameters of Silicon Oxide of Gotion High-Tech
Capacity Layout of Gotion High-Tech, 2015-2018
Production Capacity of Lithium Power Battery of Gotion High-Tech, 2017-2019
Main Projects under Construction of Gotion High-Tech as of March 2020
Operating Results of Gotion High-Tech, 2012-2020
Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Enterprises of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development
Development History of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development
Lithium Battery Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-09A
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-09D
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-10A
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-P1
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-P1C
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-P3 Fast Charge Type
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-P2A
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-1
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-106
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-4C
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-3
Technical Parameters of Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- MAG-507
Porous Si/C Composite Anode Material of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- Low-temperature Discharge Curve at -20℃
Porous Si/C Composite Anode Material of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- 1C Cycle Curve
Si/C Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development
Technical Parameters of Si/C Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- SN-SC1
Technical Parameters of Si/C Anode Materials of Shenzhen Sinuo Industrial Development -- SN-SC2
Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Enterprises of Dongguan Kaijin New Energy Technology
Development Course of Dongguan Kaijin
Anode Materials of Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology
Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2016-2018
Unit Selling Price of Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology’s Anode Materials, 2016-2018
Anode Material Capacity, Output and Sales Volume of Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology, 2016-2018
Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology’s Anode Material Revenue and % of Total Revenue, 2016-2018
Planned Capacity of Investment Projects with Raised Funds of Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology
Revenue and Net Income of Guangdong Kaijin New Energy Technology, 2012-2018
Lithium-ion Battery Anode Material Enterprises of Shenzhen XFH Technology, 2019
Anode Material System Classification of Shenzhen XFH Technology
Anode Materials of Shenzhen XFH Technology
Silicon-based Anode Material of Shenzhen XFH Technology -- SG09
Shenzhen XFH Technology’s Sales from Top 10 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2018-2019
Anode Material Output, Sales Volume and Capacity of Shenzhen XFH Technology, 2016-2019
Anode Material Sales Volume and Average Price of Shenzhen XFH Technology, 2016-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen XFH Technology, 2016-2019
Electron Micrograph of Soft Carbon Material of Hunan Morgan Hairong New Materials
MCMB Graphite of Dalian Hongguang Lithium
Natural Graphite of Dalian Hongguang Lithium
Artificial Graphite of Dalian Hongguang Lithium
Compound Graphite of Dalian Hongguang Lithium
Power Graphite of Dalian Hongguang Lithium
Lithium-ion Anode Materials of Tianjin Kimwan Carbon Technology and Development
Development Course of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha
Presence of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha’s Affiliates
Charging and Discharging Curves of Lithium Titanate of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha
Characteristics of Lithium Titanate of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha
Financial Factsheet of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, FY2011-FY2019
Presence of Xing Neng New Materials’ Affiliates
Xing Neng New Materials’ Lithium Titanate Product--XNT160
Development Course of Altairnano
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1. Robust demand from new energy vehicle spurs BMS market to boom
New energy vehicle sales have been growing rapidly worldwide over the recent years, reaching 6.5 million units with a year-on-year up...
ADAS/AD Chip Industry Research Report, 2022
Autonomous driving chip research: In addition to computing power, core IP, software stacks, AI training platforms, etc. are becoming more and more importantL2.5 and L2.9 have achieved mass production ...
Automotive Sensor Chip Industry Research Report, 2022
Sensor Chip Research: Automotive Sensors Have Entered a Technology Iteration Cycle, and Opportunities for Localization of Chips Are Coming Automotive sensor chips can obtain external environment ...
Automotive Cloud Service Platform Industry Report, 2021-2022
Research on Automotive Cloud Services: Based on 5ABCD, cloud services run through the R&D, production, sale, management and services of automakersWith the development of intelligent connectivity, ...
Global and China Cobalt Industry Report, 2021-2026
As a very rare metal and an important strategic resource for a country, cobalt gets typically utilized in battery materials, super heat-resistant alloys, tool steels, cemented carbides, and magnetic m...
Automotive Event Data Recorder (EDR) Industry Report, 2022
An event data recorder (EDR), sometimes referred to informally as an automotive black box, is a device or a system installed in vehicle to monitor, collect and record technical vehicle data and occupa...
Commercial Vehicle ADAS Industry Report, 2021
ResearchInChina has published the "Commercial Vehicle ADAS Industry Report, 2021", focusing on policy climate, ADAS installations, suppliers, etc., and with a deep dive into the prospects of Chinese c...
Automotive High-precision Positioning Research Report, 2022
High-precision Positioning Research: from L2+ to L3, high-precision integrated navigation and positioning will become the standard
With the development and progress of the autonomous driving industry...
China Around View System (AVS) Suppliers and Technology Trends Report, 2021 –Joint Venture Automakers
Research into JV automakers’ around view system: large-scale implementation of AVP is round the corner, and AVS vendors are energetically pushing ahead with parking fusion solution.
During January to...